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Wooyoung sighs as he rolls over in his bed the fifth time within that hour. He couldn't sleep, something about today was getting to him and making it hard for him to shut his eyes. He even took his sleeping pills that usually knock him out every night, but tonight it wasn't working.

He lays in bed, staring at the ceiling until he grabs his phone and checks the time. He groans, it was only midnight. There's no way he's going to get up early tomorrow. Luckily he was off work until Monday.

Allison's words rang through his head as he laid there, he tried to push them away but they kept coming back. You can't be a widow the rest of your life. No he can't, but it feels so wrong to see someone after being with San. He was the love of Wooyoung's life. He felt as if he was almost cheating on San if he seen someone else.

He shakes his head with a frown, no. San was dead and there is nothing he can do about it. He's only twenty-three and he can't be a widow forever. He can find someone else... settle down... have another kid...

No, San was the only one.

But Allison is right. He needed to get back on the horse.

He growls, getting on the Internet and started looking at reviews for different dating sites. He's read comments about everything, good and bad, and finally downloads the one he thought was perfect. Once it downloaded, he created his profile and went through the steps of what to do and the rules before he was turned loose.

The best part about this, no profile picture was needed and you could have your name as anything you wanted. Wooyoung of course just wanted to stay original, went with Wooyoung99. Almost instantly he had men and women messaging him, asking for information and what he looked like. He would roll his eyes at the ones asking for nudes, so eventually he didn't answer any.

It was rolling around three in the morning when he decided to delete the app, going to do so but stops when he gets a notification from the app. He sees that someone sent him a message and rolling his eyes, he looks at it. He arches his eyebrow when he sees someone had sent him the following riddle. Someone by the name of StrongArms20.

What is lighter than a feather but also heavy?

Wooyoung purses his lips, thinking deeply about the question before he responds, I don't know, what is it.

The lightest thing on earth, that is also heavy, is air. How are you doing this evening?

Wooyoung was completely caught off guard with the question and rereads the message all over again, completely lost. This one is the first person tonight that has messaged him and didn't hit on him. What makes him decide to message back, and keep messaging, he'll never know.

He smiles as he kept messaging the stranger, learning new things about one another and when they realize he's still awake at almost five in the morning, the stranger makes him go to sleep. Wooyoung pouts and tries to keep talking, until the stranger told him he needed to get back to work. Wooyoung sighs, bidding the stranger good night for him.

Will you message me when you wake up?

Wooyoung smiles at his screen, laying in bed with his fuzzy blankets wrapped around him as he texts back, Of course, as long as you message me back as well.

Absolutely. Sleep well :)

Wooyoung sits his phone down on his night stand and finally feels tired enough to start dozing off. He rolls over towards the cold side of the bed and for the first time in three years, he fell asleep without crying.


Wooyoung found himself reaching for his phone around ten in the morning, pulling up the app and messaging the same stranger he was talking to last night, Hello, just woke up!

It took a moment to get a response back, which didn't bother Wooyoung. He knew the other worked and was possibly either relaxing before they go to bed or they're asleep right now. When he did get a response he quickly stopped everything and opens the message.

Good morning, sleep well?

For five hours I slept pretty good :)

That's wonderful to hear, I hate to leave you but I'm about ready to go get me some food and then head to bed myself...

I understand! I'll probably nap off and on today since I only slept for a few hours. Yet again I'm used to not sleeping very much anymore...

I'm sorry to hear that. You definitely need sleep though. But first, breakfast.

Wooyoung giggles, sitting up in bed and suddenly his stomach growls, indicating he's not ate since yesterday's birthday party for his niece and nephew. He sighs, getting out of bed and going to wash his face before heading to the kitchen.

For the first time in a long time, he made something besides toast for breakfast. He cooked bacon, eggs, toast of course, and even had a glass of milk. As he cooks, he hums and moves through the kitchen with ease. He hasn't cooked like this since the day San...

He shakes his head, going back to cooking and even missing the door opening and closing. Or even the sound of footsteps as he cooked. Not until the presence made itself known, "Do I smell bacon?"

Wooyoung screams, dropping the spatula he was using to turn bacon and turning to face the intruder, "Yunho!? What are you doing!?"

"What am I doing? What's going on in here?" Yunho smiles, walking in wearing his work uniform, "You're actually making food?!"

"I was hungry, I didn't eat after the party yesterday," Wooyoung mumbles, grabbing the spatula and washing it quickly before flipping the bacon onto a plate and turning the stove off, "What are you doing here?"

"I called you four times," Yunho arches his eyebrow, "You never answered so I flew like a bat out of hell to make sure you were okay."

Wooyoung's stomach drops, "Oh, I'm sorry I just got up and left my phone in the bedroom."

"Youngie," Yunho sighs, "I'm glad you got out of bed and you're making breakfast. I'm glad to see you even smiling, but for the love of all things please have your phone on you."

Wooyoung nods, handing the plate to Yunho, "Take some bacon as an apology."

Yunho hums, taking a couple pieces and eating them, "You know I'm never one to turn down food."


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