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"So let me ask you something," Jongho spoke up one night as Wooyoung made dinner for them.

Jongho has been coming over mostly before he goes to work and right after Wooyoung gets home. He eats dinner there, most of the time bringing some ingredients from the store so they can cook together, and they'll eat together before Jongho heads to work. Wooyoung doesn't mind one bit, in fact, he's become accustomed and always assumes that Jongho is coming over after work only to be greeted by the cop car pulling in his driveway.

The gesture was sweet, and he became addicted to it.

"Ask away youngster," Wooyoung looks to him to catch the officer narrowing his eyes and he couldn't help but giggle, "Sorry I had to."

"You're not too much older than me so shush," Jongho chuckles, "Well... I've been kind of hesitant to ask this because every time I do you seem to avoid the question." Wooyoung tenses up and Jongho sighs, "See? Like that, you just tensed up and you don't even know what I'm going to ask yet."

"I'm sorry..."

"No, baby don't be sorry," Jongho sighs, "I'm just curious is all. I won't say anything bad and I won't criticize you. Let me just ask you because I guess it depends on the question." Wooyoung nods, turning his full attention to him and Jongho takes in a deep breath, "So... I've noticed when I come over here there is no... children."

Wooyoung tenses again and Jongho raises his arms, "You don't have to explain. I just wanted to make an observation-"

"No," Wooyoung shakes his head, "I don't have a child." Jongho nods, biting his lip as he turns to help take the rice out of the rice maker. Wooyoung sighs, "I gave him up for adoption."

Jongho waits for him to explain further and Wooyoung snorts, "I was too sad and depressed, the doctors and even my family advised me to. After he was born I took one look at him and I couldn't help but think about San. He looked so much like him... still does to this day..."

"Where is he?" Jongho asks, "He must have been adopted by someone who you know if you get to see him still?"

"Yeosang and Hongjoong adopted him," Wooyoung smiles, his eyes watering, "They have been trying for so long to have a baby of their own but the doctors deemed it impossible. His uterus is bad, his eggs are bad, and Hongjoong's sperm count is severely low. He pretty much shot blanks in other words."

"So you gave them a baby," Jongho smiles, "Youngie that was very sweet of you."

"I did it for him and me both," Wooyoung whispers, "I did it for him because I knew Hongjoong and Yeosang would give him the best life he could ever want. They would be able to focus on him and his needs... me... I did it because there was a chance I planned to kill myself after I had him..."

Jongho's eyes soften and Wooyoung holds a hand up, "Don't pity me. I didn't want to live after San's death and seeing our baby look exactly like him broke my heart. He has his dimples and everything! I had severe depression and I didn't want to take on a baby when I was planing to kill myself. I didn't want that baby going into a foster system after my selfish act... so I gave him to Yeosang."

Jongho was silent as he processed the words, taking Wooyoung's hand shortly after and looking into the older's eyes, "Did you try to kill yourself after?"

Wooyoung swallows, his silence became Jongho's answer. The cop sighs, cupping Wooyoung's face and he strokes his cheekbones, "What stopped you?"

Wooyoung giggles, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Oh really?" Jongho smirks, "I hear all kinds of stories every day Wooyoung. Whatever you say won't surprise me one bit."

Wooyoung scoffs, "It's pretty ridiculous."

"Come on," Jongho chuckles, "Tell me."

Wooyoung bites his lip, looking away embarrassed before he whispers, "I seen San."

Jongho tilts his head, "You seen him?"

"I know it sounds crazy, but the night I was going to kill myself I had a kitchen knife against my wrists. I was thinking about him, sending a prayer and an apology for what I was about to do. But before I could do it, I felt someone looking at me... and I looked up in the mirror and seen him."

Jongho didn't say anything. Instead, he leans in and kisses Wooyoung's forehead softly before bringing the smaller boy in his arms. Wooyoung melted in his touch as he breathed in the younger's faint cologne, humming in content as Jongho rubs a hand up and down his back. Wooyoung sighs, "You think I'm crazy don't you?"

"I don't think you're crazy in this aspect," Jongho chuckles, his chest lulled Wooyoung's eyed to slip close, "But I do think you're wild and crazy, but that's what I like about you."

Wooyoung smiles, looking up into Jongho's dark brown eyes and before he realizes what he's doing, he's connecting their lips. Jongho's were rough and chapped, much like Wooyoung's, but that didn't stop him from kissing the younger. When he pulls away, he blushes and looks down at the younger's chest, biting his lip.

"Can.... can I kiss you again?" Wooyoung asks shyly, looking up at Jongho through his lashes.

His eyes had a slight glint in them as he looked up at the officer, and Jongho couldn't help but connect their lips again in a much more needy kiss. This time, instead of pressing their lips together, their lips and tongues danced in each other's mouths and the motion caused both of them to moan softly.

Jongho pulls away before it could lead to something further, knowing Wooyoung wasn't that quite comfortable yet. He cups Wooyoung's cheeks in his hands and smiles softly, "From now on if you want to kiss me, just kiss me. You don't even have to ask me."

Wooyoung giggles, and for the first time in forever.... really since San has passed....

He felt happy. He felt content. He felt like he can finally move on.


*peeks around corner of door*

Heyyyyyyy guys... sorry it's been so long, I've not really had the motivation to write in this book but I figured while my day is falling apart at work why not update right? I'm going to try to end this book soon, I still have a few more points I want to cover before I do (one may possibly be Jongyoung smut 😏) but other than that I'm going to try and end it soon.

Hope you all enjoyed this one!! Again sorry it took me so long to update it 😅❤️

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