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Deja vu hit Wooyoung like a freight train as he pushes both of the ER doors open harshly and saunters over to the desk, "Choi Jongho?"

"Ah yes!" The nurse, who sounded just like the one who called him (it may have been her), smiled, "Go ahead down there."

Wooyoung nods to her, thankful she didn't put up a fight with him as he quickly walks down the hallway towards his boyfriend's room. As he neared the door, he heard voices and the sweet sound of Jongho's voice made him gasp softly and stop in his tracks.

"Where is Wooyoung?"

His heart raced, he was asking for him!

"Mr. Choi, he's on his way, now please cooperate with us for just a few more tests and by the time you're finished he will be here," a doctor pleads, and a hefty sigh followed suit.

"I. Want. Him." Jongho's voice came more strongly, slightly scratchy too from being unused for two weeks.

Wooyoung steps into the room, his eyes widen when he sees that his boyfriend is truly awake. This wasn't a dream. The moment he did, it was as if Jongho knew and snapped his eyes over to the door immediately. His gaze softens, his heart monitor sped up slightly as a smile grew on his face, "Wooyoung."

"Baby, let them run a couple more tests," Wooyoung smiles, a sob was threatening to break through his chest.

Jongho hesitated, nodding his head to give the okay to the doctors and nurses ready to check out his vitals. He does his best to listen to them as they took blood and other samples. When they were done, they finally leave to give Jongho and Wooyoung some privacy. As soon as the door shut, Wooyoung immediately walks over to the bed and wraps his arms around Jongho.

Jongho grunts quietly in pain, Wooyoung gasps before removing himself, "Oh my god! Baby, I'm so sorry-"

Jongho grabs Wooyoung by the chin, his fingers cupping around it softly as he brings Wooyoung down to him. His lips instantly connect with Wooyoung's and the older male immediately hums as he melts into the kiss. They didn't disconnect, even as the heart monitor beeped loudly throughout the room and beeped quicker.

When they finally had to pull away for air, Wooyoung giggles and places kisses all over Jongho's face, "I'm so happy you're okay!"

"Of course I'm okay," Jongho winks, "I'm always okay."

"Jongho, you were in a coma-"

"But I'm not anymore," Jongho cups Wooyoung's face in his hands and once more connects their lips. Wooyoung couldn't help but sigh in relief, moving his lips with his boyfriend's slowly. Once more, the heart monitor was beeping quickly and he pulls away, worried that something was wrong but Jongho laughs, "Sorry, it'll probably do that anytime we kiss or anytime you do something adorable."

Wooyoung blushes, "Your heart races like that after we kiss?"

"Any time I look at you my heart picks up an extra beat," Jongho smiles, "You make my heart go crazy."

Wooyoung giggles, placing his head gently on Jongho's chest and breathing in his natural smokey scent. One he missed so, so much. Jongho wraps his arm weakly around Wooyoung, holding him close as Wooyoung whispers, "I thought I lost you."

"Nah, I'm a tough nut," Jongho chuckles, "You can't get rid of me so easily."

Wooyoung giggles, lifting his head up to look at Jongho, "I quit my job today."

Jongho's eyes widen as he looks at Wooyoung, "Really? Why?"

Wooyoung smiles, "It was something I should've done a long, long time ago. But now I get to do what I really want to do and it's all thanks to this moment right here." Jongho frowns, tilting his head slightly in confusion before Wooyoung sits up to look at him, "Jongho, you don't realize it but you saved me. You were there for me during my darkest times and pulled me out of the pit of it. You made me realize that I deserve nothing but the best and my happiness matters. That job was the first to go, it's been nothing but terrible since I started when San died."

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