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Wooyoung bounces his leg nervously in the car as Jongho drives them to Yeosang and Hongjoong's home for dinner. It'll be Juno's first time meeting Jongho, and his opinion matters to Wooyoung if he is going to be The godfather to the small boy. Juno is much like Wooyoung, he calls it like he sees it and isn't afraid to do so.

So if things don't go well today with him and Jongho, things won't go well for their future.

Jongho places his hand on Wooyoung's, "Babe, calm down you're shaking the car."

"I'm sorry, I'm just super nervous," Wooyoung sighs, taking deep breaths to calm his peaking anxiety.

"There's nothing to be nervous about," Jongho smiles, "you all made up and are friends again. It may be a little bit awkward, but try your best to just be yourself and enjoy this time with Juno."

Wooyoung smiles, "You're right."

"I always am," Jongho winks, pulling into Hongjoong and Yeosang's driveway with his cruiser and parking right behind Yeosang's car. They didn't even get out of the car before a tiny head pokes out of the window and waves at them from inside.

Wooyoung giggles, "I guess there's no surprise in this visit anymore."

They both leave the vehicle and as soon as Juno catches sight of who is walking towards his house, his scream of excitement can be heard and shortly after, the front door opens. The little boy bounces on the front porch as the couple got closer, "Youngie!! Uncle Youngie!!"

"Hi buddy," Wooyoung chuckles, leaning down and scooping the toddler in his arms, "Oh I missed you so much!"

"I missed you more," Juno whines, hugging him tight and kissing Wooyoung's cheek, "Mama said you were sick and I couldn't come see you."

Wooyoung hums, kissing the little boy's nose, "Well I'm not anymore and from now on I'll FaceTime you. How does that sound?"

"I like that idea," Juno nods, looking over Wooyoung's shoulder to see Jongho, "Who is he?"

"Juno sweetie, this is my boyfriend Jongho," Wooyoung turns, showing off the toddler to his boyfriend, "Can you say hi?"

"Hi," the small boy whispers shyly, shying away in Wooyoung's chest as he stares at Jongho.

Jongho chuckles, "Hey buddy, how are you?"

"Good," Juno was silent for a moment before he raises back up and wiggles to be put down, "I hungry!"

"Well let's go eat then," Wooyoung giggles, following the toddler and grabbing Jongho's hand, lacing their fingers together as they enter the house.

He caught sight of Yeosang in the kitchen, finishing up dinner. The older male smiles when he caught sight of the couple, "Hey guys! Woo, care to help me finish up?"

"Sure," Wooyoung smiles, looking back at Jongho, "Make yourself comfortable."

"Yes please," Yeosang gestured to the living room, "Juno has a movie on, I hope you don't mind Onward."

"Oh yeah?" Jongho looks down at Juno, who was sticking by Wooyoung's side, "I love that movie!"

"Wanna watch it with me?" Juno asks Jongho, looking up at him.

"Absolutely!" Jongho smiles, "lead the way little man."

Wooyoung smiles as he watches his boyfriend walk into the living room with the small child, chuckling before he turns to help Yeosang finish dinner. Yeosang smiles, looking up from the rice he was washing, "He seems like a good guy. Good with kids."

"Oh yeah," Wooyoung hums, "He always talks about visiting the neighborhood children on his night shifts. He always bought lemonade if they sold it, Girl Scout cookies from the girls, and one time he played a round of PIG with the basketball kids. He really is a good guy, loves kids."

Yeosang chuckles, "You think he'll be a good dad?"

Wooyoung was taken aback by the comment, Yeosang laughs loudly at his expression. The younger male rolls his eyes, "A little early for that conversation isn't it?"

Yeosang shrugs, "If he's the one for you, he would want to have a future with you. Marriage, kids, buying a house with a picket fence, all of that," he chuckles, "Okay the house thing is a little much, but someone that has a future with you and sees a future with you is the one for you."

Wooyoung takes those words into his mind, and settles on them. Eventually, dinner was ready and everyone sat at the table to eat. Dinner went by really slowly, everyone talked and laughed. Jongho really impressed Yeosang and Hongjoong, even though Hongjoong worked with the younger officer and knows how much of a good guy Jongho is.

Juno even warmed up to the officer and begged for him to stay the night. When in it was finally dark outside, the small boy passes out on the couch, and the couple decides that it was their time to take their leave. Before they leave, Yeosang catches Wooyoung as Jongho went to start the car, "Hey, so... Jongho is a really good guy. Juno really likes him and I know you like him as well."

"Well it's more than that," Wooyoung bites his lip, crossing his arms, "I... I love him Yeosang."

The older man smiles, bringing Wooyoung in for a hug before pulling away, "Me and Hongjoong are planning a date night Friday. Would you like to keep Juno that night?"

Wooyoung smiles, "Absolutely, Friday night."

"Perfect," Yeosang smiles, "We'll see you guys then."

The couple arrive home shortly after leaving Yeosang and Hongjoong's, immediately getting ready for bed. Wooyoung was in the bathroom brushing his teeth while Jongho was busy putting a load of laundry in the dryer. He didn't realize Jongho was back, until he heard the younger sigh, "Today was fun, Juno is a sweet kid."

Wooyoung smiles, "Hongjoong and Yeosang raised him well."

Jongho smiles, "Yeah, they did. Any kid that gets adopted by them will be very lucky."

Wooyoung hums, turning around to spit the toothpaste in his mouth out. When he turns around, Jongho was leaning against the doorway, "What do you see in the future with us?"

"Our future?"

"Yeah," Jongho moves closer to Wooyoung, "Do you see yourself getting married? Kids?"

Wooyoung felt a sense of deja vu, the conversation with Yeosang earlier echoed in his head as Jongho looks at him longingly. Wooyoung licks his lips, turning to his boyfriend fully to face him, "I'd love to have kids one day with my future husband. I want that life where you come home from work to one or two kids screaming at you and giving you hugs. Dinner's on the table ready. We go to bed and either make love or go to sleep in each other's arms. I know what I want, and I want that someone that I plan to have a future with know what they want too."

Jongho was silent and they stare at one another for a moment. Wooyoung sighs softly, not sure if he scared Jongho off or not, but he decides its time for bed. He goes to shut the light off and Jongho immediately gets on one knee. Wooyoung freezes, his eyes widen when he sees Jongho take out a small, black, velvet box from his sweatpants pocket.

The older covers his mouth in shock, Jongho bites his lip to contain his smile as he holds it up to Wooyoung, "I-"

"Yes!" Wooyoung nods, his eyes water, wrapping his arms around Jongho and sobbing in his shoulder, "A thousand times yes!!"

Jongho laughs, wrapping his arms around Wooyoung, "Wait! I gotta ask first let me at least do that!"

Wooyoung giggles, pulling away to wipe his tears and sniffles loudly. Jongho grabs Wooyoung's left hand, looking up into his eyes, "Wooyoung will you marry me?"

Sobbing, the older nods his head as he tried his best to smile. Jongho opens the box to reveal the prettiest ring Wooyoung has ever seen. It was on a small, dainty band. The diamond wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either with its tear shaped form. He slips the ring out of the box, and while his hands shook he managed to slip it on Wooyoung's slim finger perfectly.

Wooyoung didn't even give Jongho a chance to stand before he's wrapping his arms around Jongho again, kissing him over and over right there on their bathroom floor. Jongho chuckles, pulling away to look Wooyoung in the eyes, "My future starts and ends with you Wooyoung. You are my future."

And from that moment on, Wooyoung knew he was going to be alright.


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