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Wooyoung laid in bed the rest of the night and into morning. He hardly slept and he ignored his growling stomach from not eating. He knew he needed to get up and get to work, but he was so tired and he had no will....

He snuggles deeper in the sheets, breathing in the faint smell of detergent. He needed to wash these again soon. But for now, he just wanted to slip into dream land and-

There was a series of pounding knocks on the door and he groans. The pounding continues, Wooyoung just pushes them away and stares at the plain white sheets. The pounding suddenly stops and Wooyoung sighs, closing his eyes but it doesn't last long before his front door slams open.

He buries himself more into the sheets, hearing footsteps run down the hall and skid to a stop right outside his bedroom door. The door opens suddenly and he hears someone sigh in relief, "Wooyoung thank god!!"

"Go away," Wooyoung whispers, covering his head in the duvet.

"Wooyoung, honey," Yunho spoke softly, sitting on the bed gently and tried to pull the covers back. Wooyoung groans and grips onto them, holding them in place. He feels his fingers slowly being unraveled from his tight grip and Yunho brushes his blonde hair aside, "Youngie?"

"Go away Yunho."

"I'm not going anywhere," Yunho was quiet before he spoke again, "Hey Lila its Yunho, can you tell Myers that Mingi is really sick and I'm having to take him to the hospital? Thanks love, bye," he places his phone on the table and sighs, "Wooyoung come on. Let's get you in the bath."

"I don't want to," Wooyoung whispers, his eyes watering.

"Get up or I'll drag you," Yunho threatens, not giving Wooyoung a chance to answer before he picks Wooyoung up bridal style and carries him to the bathroom. Wooyoung whimpers as his tears fall down his cheek, and Yunho sits him by the tub.

He slowly undressed Wooyoung, the younger shivers as he leans into Yunho for warms. Yunho starts filling the tub with warm water and placed Wooyoung in the hot water. He added in bath salts to the water and Wooyoung's nose instantly breathed in eucalyptus.

Yunho stayed and bathed Wooyoung, trying to get him to relax and watching as he visibly relaxed under the warm water cascading down his back when he was rinsing Wooyoung's hair. When he was done, he drains the water and helps him stand, wrapping a robe around Wooyoung and taking his hand.

Yunho continues to stay silent as he brushes Wooyoung's hair and applies moisture to his face and body. Wooyoung's eyes were empty as Yunho then takes him to the kitchen, where he seen the younger's phone discarded on the counter. He sighs, "Youngie, I believe you owe me an explanation as to why I nearly had a heart attack."

Wooyoung whimpers, siting at the table and looking away from Yunho. The older shakes his head, grabbing his phone to see he had many missed calls from Yunho and Mingi, as well as many messages from this dating app from a StrongArms person.

Yunho sighs, seeing that the person is worried and hands the phone to Wooyoung, "You have another person worried sick about you."

Wooyoung shakily takes the phone and sees the many messages sent to him from the stranger he's secretly liked for a while now. After going through and reading them all, he messages back that he's okay, that he had something happen and didn't want to talk about it. He got a response immediately and Wooyoung smiles.

"That's the first smile I've seen on your face today," Yunho comments, digging in Wooyoung's fridge and only seeing eggs and milk, and bread on the counter. French toast it is.

Wooyoung bites his lip, the conversation on his screen took his interest and Yunho begins to make French toast for his best friend. He was a little angry Wooyoung wasn't talking to him, but he knew he needed to give Wooyoung space for a little bit before he can open up.

So he cooked in silence.

And Wooyoung talked to the stranger on his phone until he had to go to bed. Wooyoung sighs heavily, standing and walking over to Yunho as he finished cooking, wrapping his arms around Yunho's waist as he leans his head on the middle of his back, "I'm sorry."

Yunho hums, and Wooyoung pouts, "Don't be mad please," he whispers, pouting.

Yunho takes in a deep breath and turns to Wooyoung with a plate of French toast in his hands, "Go eat."

"Yunho I'm sorry-"

"Wooyoung," Yunho holds a hand up, "We'll talk about it after you eat," he sees his medicine by the sink and looks back to Wooyoung, "Did you take your meds?"

"Not yet..." Wooyoung admits quietly, looking down as he took the plate.

Yunho nods, giving Wooyoung a small smile before kissing his forehead, "Go eat, I'll get them for you."

Wooyoung pouts as he makes his way back to the table and sits, Yunho grabs a glass of water and his medicine from the sink, and after getting the correct dosage, he takes them over and hands them to Wooyoung. The younger takes them immediately and then continues to eat, Yunho joining him shortly after he starts eating.

They eat in silence for a bit before Wooyoung finally puts down his fork and swallows the bread that was suddenly hard to swallow. He sighs, "Yeosang doesn't like it that I'm happy."

Yunho snaps his head up at Wooyoung and frowns, "What?"

"Last night... he butt dialed me and I heard his conversations with Hongjoong..." Wooyoung's eyes water, "He thinks I'm trying to get Juno back because I'm finally showing a little bit of happiness...."

Yunho drops his fork and wipes his mouth with a napkin, grabbing his phone, "I'm gonna kill him."

"No," Wooyoung reaches for him, "No please-"

"Is he the reason why you're like this right now?!" Yunho asks sternly, his face showed clear anger. Yunho hardly ever got angry, but right now was a rare angry Yunho that terrified Wooyoung.

"Yunho please don't do anything," Wooyoung sobs, "I know he was upset and he doesn't really mean what he said to Hongjoong.... the demons just got to me and I couldn't bare the thought of hurting them like that by taking away their son..."

"What exactly was said Wooyoung."

"He..." Wooyoung started but Yunho ended up shaking his head and bringing Wooyoung into his arms, holding him close. He pulls away after a while and sniffles, "He's afraid I'll take Juno back... I'm not that horrible of a human being..."

Yunho shakes his head, "No you're not. You're amazing and you deserve nothing but the best. You gave Juno to them because it was the best for you at the time. You made them the happiest people on the planet, Youngie. Yeosang just.... he's scared but that doesn't give him a right to say this to you or about you."

Wooyoung heard his phone buzz and he looks over to it to see his stranger texted him, smiling slightly he opens it to reveal a very important question.

Will you go out with me tomorrow night?


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