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"One touch I'm a victim, one look in your eyes I'm in. One kiss I'm addicted, one drink and it's sink or swim," Wooyoung sings as he flaunts around the house cleaning one Saturday. He had woken up to kisses being placed all over his face by Jongho before he left for work, and now he can't help but feel like the world is on cloud nine. Light and airy, just like his heart.

He hums along to the song playing through the speakers in his home, dancing around as he dusted and swept the floors. The soft melody of the song playing made him feel even more light and airy, making his heart and passion soar.

His phone dings, indicating he had a text message that came through his phone and quickly he grabs it from his pocket to see it is Jongho asking what plans Wooyoung had for dinner. The older smiles, he thought about them making their own pizzas for dinner before binge-watching whatever show appeals to them on HULU. He texted the younger male back, swaying to the music as he continues to sing, "Please don't touch, me here. If you don't mean it. The space between our skin saying more than enough, but once you lay a finger it can't be undone."

Yep, today was going to be a good day. Wooyoung believed it with all of his soul that everything was starting to look up and it made him feel so happy.


Jongho flips his turn signal on, signaling to the car behind him he's making a right turn before he actually takes the turn. He sees the local gas station wasn't as busy as it normally is around this time of the day, so he decides to stop and grab a sandwich and drink from the connected deli.

He parks his car in the parking lot and heads inside, seeing the smaller woman behind the counter and he couldn't help but smile, "Maggie!"

"Why, Jongho!" She smiles, her eyes crinkle as she puts down the romance novel she was reading on this slow day, "What brings you by? Cletis never mentioned the security tapes needed to be checked today?"

"No Maggie that's not until tomorrow. I'm just stopping by for a sandwich and drink for lunch," Jongho smiles.

"I see, well let me go wash my hands and put on some gloves and I'll make your sandwich fresh!" Maggie smiles, stepping away from the counter to walk towards the back.

Jongho chuckles, while she prepares to make his sandwich he walks the isles to find some snacks to eat on the road while he finishes his shift. He grabs his favorite soda, side-eyeing the chip section and debating on getting his favorite bag. He heard the doorbell chime, signaling someone had stepped into the store, but he kept to himself.

"Hello sir, what can I do for you?"

Jongho heard the click of the hammer of a gun being cocked back, and a gunshot rang through the building. Jongho is quick to duck down, grabbing his radio hooked on his shoulder with one hand while the other readies his own handgun, "10-71! We have a 10-71 here at Gregory's requesting back up immediately!"

"Give me the money!" A man's deep voice calls from the front and Maggie screams.

"Please don't shoot! Please!" She cries out.

"Fucking cunt, empty the register and give me all of the money or I'll blow your brains all over the cigarettes!" The man screams, shooting another shot, Maggie screams once more.

Jongho took a deep breath, crawling on the floor to take a peek around the corner at the suspect. He takes good notes in his head about the suspect, taking note of the .45 Automatic Colt Pistol handgun. It holds about eight bullets, two were already gone. The suspect still had at least six bullets left, and it could've been possible that the handgun was stolen. A voice comes on Jongho's radio, dispatch was on the way.

Jongho takes another deep breath, getting in position before he pops up, "Freeze! Put the gun down!"

The man jumps, turning to see Jongho and immediately puts his hands up. Jongho continues to scream orders at the suspect to get him to drop his weapon so he can safely apprehend him. The suspect gets on his knees, Jongho solely focused on him as he walks forward, "Drop your weapon! NOW!"

The suspect is quick to throw his weapon aside, squeezing his eyes shut before putting his hands on the top fo his head. Just as Jongho approached him, the door opens and another man steps in.

It all happened so fast.

The man pulls a gun, the same as the suspect Jongho had on the ground, out of the waistband of his jeans and points it at Jongho. But before the officer could react, three shots rang out from the gun, and Jongho was hit with all three. One of the bullets hit him in the upper left thigh, piercing all the way through the meaty flesh. Another bullet hit him in the bulletproof vest, it never pierced it but he sure felt the kick of the bullet being stopped from the vest. And the last bullet... the last bullet shot right through his hip and right into the hip bone.

Jongho falls to the ground, in sudden shock from being hit but that didn't stop the boys that were trying to rob the store.

"Come on man! Get up the cops are on the way!" The previous suspect, the one who Jongho almost apprehended, gets up off the floor and pushes his friend out of the door.

The suspects leave, Jongho reaches a hand down to the wound on his hip and he grimaces as his hand comes back into his blurry vision covered in warm, sticky blood. He rests his head back as he tries to take calming breaths, but Maggie screaming and coming over to him to help stop the bleeding in both areas didn't help any.

All sounds were muffled, his sight grew more blurry as he stared up at the ceiling, "Wooyoung, someone... call him." But his whispers and request fell upon deaf ears as he slowly slipped into unconsciousness.


Wooyoung finished making the dough for their pizza, setting the bowls in the fridge so they have a chance to rise before he began cleaning. He hums as he continues to clean, filling the sink full of soapy water so he can wash the dishes he used to make the dough. But as he began cleaning his phone starts to ring and he dries his hands quickly, pulling it out of his pocket before answering it though not even looking to see who is calling, "Hello?"

"Is this Jung Wooyoung?"

"Yes? Who is calling?" Wooyoung frowns, pulling the phone away to look at the number, seeing it is local.

"This is Kim Seokjin from the Seoul county hospital, I'm calling in regards to Choi Jongho? He has you listed in his work file as an emergency contact."

Wooyoung's heart shatters and he shuts off the sink before answering, "W-What? What happened?!"

"He has been shot while on duty, we need you to come down here immediately. He is currently being prepped for surgery and we need someone to sign papers for it."

Wooyoung drops his phone before racing to the door, hurriedly slipping on some sandals before racing to his car. This couldn't be happening. Not again, He wasn't going to lose Jongho like he lost San.

Not if he can help it.


I have all of my chapters planned out for this book I just need to work on the chapters and then I'll officially have this book finished! I'm so ready because I have a new book idea I want to work on!!

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