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Balloons liter the yard and children scream as they run around chasing one another with foam swords. The two birthday children they were celebrating had balloon crowns, perfectly formed and made by their uncle Yunho.

"Mommy I want a bawoon," three year old Yara said shyly to her mother as he finished a balloon puppy for another child.

"What would you like baby? A puppy balloon? A balloon hat?" Yunho asked his daughter, pinching her chubby cheek as her father's eyes look back at him.

"Bawoon hat," she nods, grinning a Yunho like smile.

Yunho smiles, kissing her cheek before getting to work on a balloon hat for his little princess. Mingi comes over, leaning down to kiss his husband's cheek before admiring his handy work, "Who knew you could be so handy with balloons babe."

Yunho giggles, finishing up the balloon for their daughter before she runs off to play castle with the other kids. Her parents watch with fond smiles as she runs around and plays with Juno and Harper and their friends. Yunho looks up at Mingi, "Have you heard from Wooyoung?"

"Him and Jongho are on their way, I guess little miss had a doctor's appointment for her six week check up."

"Oh good, Yeosang was worried he wouldn't be here."

"Oh please, Wooyoung has been to everything of Juno's and Harper's since he started dating Jongho," Mingi chuckles, "He wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Good, because Yeosang will be one pissed off heavily pregnant man if he does," Yunho laughs, looking behind Mingi, "Speak of the Devil."

Yeosang huffs as he waddles closely to the married couple, carrying a plate of hot dogs and hamburgers to the large picnic table with food. Hongjoong followed closely behind him, "Babe, take it easy! The doctor said-"

"Hongjoong, I may be eight and a half months pregnant but I'm not useless," Yeosang rolls his eyes, rubbing his large belly as he faces his husband, "Calm down, I'm not going to break."

"Yeah Joong," Seonghwa calls from his lawn chair where he was sitting next to Allison, the mother of now three holding their youngest child in her arms rocking him to sleep. Hongjoong narrows his eyes as he looks over at Seonghwa, the older continues, "We know you guys are nervous. This is after all a child you thought you would never have. But Yeosang won't break if he does something like lifting a plate of food."

"Oh shut up," Allison laughs, "you always got after me for doing stuff like that and wouldn't hardly let me pick up Harper or Ryker."

Seonghwa blushes, caught in his accusation and everyone couldn't help but laugh. Suddenly, the back door opens and Wooyoung steps through with the car seat containing their six week old baby girl, Paisley, "Hello! Sorry we're late!!"

Jongho followed close behind, carrying the pink and grey polka dot diaper bag hanging on his back. The older man sets the car seat down, unbuckling their small daughter and picking her up carefully before handing her over to the awaiting Yunho. Yunho smiles down at her, "Well hello little Paisley, did the doctor treat you nicely?"

"He did yes," Jongho laughs, "She got her shots today, but she's gained two pounds since she's been born and grown an inch."

"That's amazing," Yeosang smiles, brushing a finger down her cheek before greeting Wooyoung, "How are you feeling Youngie?"

"Well the doctor cleared for me to go back to work! So I'm planning on opening the dance studio soon so I can lose some of this baby weight," he pats his tummy, laughing softly before looking at his husband as he set the diaper bag near the table.

"UNCLE YOUNGIE!!" Juno's excited voice rings through the yard as he races to see his uncle, only for Jongho to catch him and lift him away from Wooyoung, "Hey! Let me go!" He giggles, wiggling in Jongho's arms as the officer tickles him.

Wooyoung walks over to the two, kissing the small boy on the cheek before chuckling, "Happy birthday little man, I can't believe you're six!"

"Where's Paisley?" Juno asks, looking around for the small baby.

"She's with Uncle Yunho buddy," Jongho replies, setting down the small boy to let him walk over to Yunho. The older man smiles, squatting down so Juno can see the small baby and Wooyoung's heart swells.

"Alright kids gather around! It's time to blow the candles out!" Hongjoong calls, carrying out a blue race car cake for Juno while Seonghwa carries out the pink ballerina cake for Harper. Everyone cheers, gathering around the cakes so the two birthday kids can blow out their birthday candles.

"Happy birthday to you!" Everyone starts singing, Hongjoong and Seonghwa light the candles for their oldest children. Juno and Harper smile excitedly, ready to blow out the candles but they know they have to wait, "Happy birthday to you!"

Wooyoung smiles as he looks around at the scenery. He doesn't know how he got so lucky. From being down so low in the dumps to being where he is now, he doesn't know how he got here. He has a loving husband, friends that are more like his family, and a beautiful daughter with the love of his life.

He smiles up at the sky, knowing San is smiling down at him and is proud for moving on. He knows the older is looking out for him.

"Happy birthday dear Harper and Juno! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone cheers as the two kids blow out their birthday candles and clap. Wooyoung chuckles, looking at everyone's faces one more time.

Thank you San, he breathes in deeply as he closes his eyes, Thank you.


And that is it! This was the last chapter of this book! I want to thank everyone of you for reading this book and supporting me through my struggles of writing it. I debated many times on deleting it, but I'm very glad I didn't and very proud I powered through me struggles and finished it. I hope this ending was everything you guys hopes for, and I hope to see you in my other works.

Love you guys ❤️ thanks again!

~Author-Nim, Lexie

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