Chapter 1: The Hunt

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It was good to finally be back at the loft, away from all the craziness of a world full of wesen even though I was one of them. I hold tight to the hand of my daughter Diana, her father Sean Renard was killed in the battle to save her life, I will never forget his sacrifice even though our pasts were troubled. I lead her into the kitchen as the elevator doors open behind me and in come the two best men in my life, Nick and our son Kelly. He looks into my eyes, we are both so weary from the previous nights events that needless to say we were both relieved that is was all finally over. "Diana can you get ready for bed please?" I call over my shoulder as I pick up her small jacket and her favorite stuffed animal. A hand places itself on the small of my back, I turn around slowly, my hands full, Nick's eyes soften, "Honey you should go get some rest you look really tired." A small smile creeps onto my face, this man is truly the love of my life even though that was not always the case. "It's not safe for you to be out there alone I'm going with you", I say reaching up and placing a hand on his cheek. He closes his eyes for a minute against the touch of my hand, a wide smile breaks across his handsome face, "I'll be fine. I can handle myself you know...after all I'm a Grimm", he says. My face falls for a second, remembering all the times Nick has insisted to wrestle the wesen world all alone and nearly losing his life on multiple occasions. "I just can't stand the thought of losing you Nick. Please let me go with you...I can help I'm a hexenbeist... I can have your back", I plead. Nick's face falls knowing just as well I would follow him out that door if he left, "Adalind I can't lose you either. I love you so much and think about the kids they need you", he pleads, "They need you too", I persist setting my jaw as I lock eyes with him. Nick being to exhausted to argue with me further pulls out his phone and dials up an old friend, "Hello? Monroe? Yeah I'm alright I was just wondering if you and Rosalee could come over and watch the kids for us? Thanks so much we owe you one", he says before hanging up, "Well that's settled lets go", he smiles before taking my hand. I smile as we head toward the elevator and descend to the ground floor, from there we clamber into Nick's car and head into the direction of the latest wesen siting. It's a Balam, quite odd knowing full well these creatures are timid towards Grimm's and would only come out of hiding if their family is being threatened. I feel a little bad for Balam's, they are only trying to protect their families just like me and Nick, it seems almost a shame that we have to hunt it down and kill it. Nick looks over worriedly as he sees my face has become puzzled, "What's wrong honey?" He says reaching over to place a hand on my shoulder for comfort. "It's just that I can't help but feel sorry for Balam's. They are one of the few wesen's that I can understand what they are fighting and killing for", I drawl worriedly using my teeth to work on the bottom of my lip. He pauses for a moment using his hand to massage my shoulder, "I can understand that too honey but these wesen have taken it too far. Killing everyone in a persons family just because one person might have wronged can only go on for so long before it gets out of hand" he says, pulling his eyes away from the road for a few seconds to give me a reassuring glance. I sigh, "I know. I know. Maybe I'm just thinking about Kelly and Diana too much." He gives me a giant loving smile before taking a hold of my hand and giving it a firm squeeze, "Me too too", he says focusing back on the long drive ahead.

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