Introduction To My Book

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Alright, so hello.
This book contains personal stuff in my life cause i will legit talk about the events in my life, so if you're into reading strangers talkin' 'bout their lives, then you've come to the right place.

Warnings and Disclaimers:
i am a complete swearaholic, so there will be swears and vulgar words all over the chapters, i'm serious.
i am very emotional; i easily get upset, depressed, stressed, sad, happy.
i have depression, so take it easy on me.
i am veeery lazy to do dots and correct grammars, so yep, if you do not like that, then i suggest you leave. shoo.
im basically gonna rant at certain recaps or parts within the recaps

so i guess that's all for the intro, i might take long for uploads cause im only on my mobile data, i get busy, i still have school stuff to do as well, but as of now, i am on a sem break, so maybe, i might be able to upload regularly.

don't forget to vote, comment, & follow me
if you want that is

oki, enjoy~

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