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I stare at him and all I see is pain. The boy who I learnt to love over my 16 years of life caused me pain for the first time.

He stares back at me, his brown eyes as empty as my heart felt and I could think of nothing to say to him. The salt from my eyes streamed down my cheeks but I made no move to wipe them.

"Feel the pain," he had once told me. "It sets you free"

"Maya," His hand reaches out to me and I pull back afraid to be stung further.

"Please leave," I tear my eyes off of him and instead watch our shoes, black and dirty from countless adventures. I felt no movement, not from him, not from me. Nothing.

Then, I watch as his converse move, turning away into another direction. His body follows and I feel him stand, I feel his eyes on me but his heart doesn't follow.

The tears don't stop and I move to wipe them away turning the opposite way before doing so. I hear him sigh and a breath later, his footsteps follow.

My body starts to shake and silent tears fall and all I knew was that was the last time I saw him.

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