chapter five - nerd

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"Maya, your rack is in room 2," Kate whizzes past me, "You were meant to be here 30 minutes ago, hurry!"

I grin guiltily at her retreating figure and quickly rush into dressing room 2 with all my clothes for today's shoot. I pick up the first ensemble and measure it against my body, testing the look in my brightly lit mirror.

Mom was beginning to move into her fall collection and with her show coming up in over a months time, she was stressed about shoots. The outfit was cute, a black lace turtle neck to go with a soft maroon maxi skirt. Fall looks tended to be a favourite to shoot especially when it came to mom's designs.

I quickly shuffled into the clothes and sat down on the chair set out for me along with the basic make up. To help with the process, I applied the primer and foundation and left the rest to whoever was designated to do my face.

Mom was the founder of a clothing fashion brand named "Forever Lee's" or more popularly known as just "Lee's." Modelling for my mom's brand was something I had done since I was old enough to walk having been named after my middle name.

I count the amounts of times I'd have to change throughout the shoot, a total of 10 articles and that was without touch ups from the teams. Modelling was the reason I first got into Scarlett's Academy, along with Mom being a successful alumni, acceptance was a piece of cake.

"Hey May," I look up into the mirror and smile at my favourite make up artist, Kristy.

"Hey Kris, how are you?" She quickly moves to open the stacks of make up bags and spread them out before me.

"Stressed," She sighs and grabs a brush, "You being late and your mom mad isn't the greatest combination at the moment,"

I inwardly cringe and apologise profusely to her which she just waves off telling me it wasn't anything new. I sit silently as she quickly cakes my face up precisely, knowing that in a rush she couldn't be disturbed with even the slightest small talk. Within a few minutes, her skilful hands had finished their work and I was being hurried out the door and into the main shooting area.

I walk with Kate pushing the rack and following me to the closest dresser to the set up. I grinned at Evan once he looks up from his camera.

"Will there ever be a time you work without food in your hand or you being late and creating the biggest chaos we know?"

I shook my head and laughed at him, "It's tradition to piss mom off whenever I can right?"

Evan rolls his eyes and gestures for me to shift to the middle of the frame. We wait for my mom to finish telling off whoever she could find so she would be able to set the tone.

I try not to flinch as she quickly notices my arrival on set and don't fail to bite the madness in her eyes as she struts accusingly towards me. If you ever think your mom's scary, Asian mad moms are the worst.

"I swear I have told you countless amounts of times to get here on time. You are late. We are late. I will deal with you after,"

I quickly nod as her heels click towards Evan and exhale. She begins to describe her vision for the shoot gesturing with her hands a whole lot. I see Kate walk past behind the two and shoot me a quick thumbs up.

"Maya, we're going to get you a coffee"

I perk up looking away from my boots.

Evan catches on to my excited face and winces, "as a prop, an empty coffee cup.. Cause we know you'd probably trip and spill it everywhere,"

I open my mouth to defend myself but find nothing coming out from it. Huffing I cross my arms and pout at him, "Still getting a coffee though"

"Maya why were you so late today?"

I gawk at my mom who hadn't said anything until this very moment, "I was.. I was busy,"

Her eyebrows raise and I gulp in fear, "Busy?" she asks a pitch higher, "Busy doing?"

I hate this. "Reading," I quickly mumble. Her eyes widen and her heels stretch out a click closer to where I stand.

"Reading." She repeats more clearly with harm in her tone, I nod and notice Evan look away not knowing how to take the situation in.

"You put us all behind schedule, behind chaos all for you.. Reading"

I stare at her not knowing how to read the way she's feeling at this very moment under the coverage of her emotions. She stares at me her eyes squinted and accusing, I look away not being able to handle the weight.

She scoffs and walks aways, "You're unbelievable you know that." She turns to look back at me and continues because that is never final, 

"You could've had homework or been out with boys or gone day drinking but no, you were reading, that is just sad," 

I roll my eyes at her and turn to face Evan as she walks to the other end of the studio. She was just full of it, she could never accept me for being a 'dork' or 'nerd' as she loves to address me as. God forbid I ever dressed like one. 

Evan smiles at me in sympathy and I give him a tight lipped smile back. I walk back over to my spot and wait for the chair and coffee to arrive and try not to kick over the amounts of fragile lighting stands around me. 

Kate comes back with a prop dude carrying a chair and herself carrying a cup. She quickly whizzes over to me as he sets the chair up and positions it the way Evan sees fit.

"There's coffee in there, just don't spill it please." She whispers handing me the cup, "I saw the little stare down with your mother, don't stress it she's just trying to recruit and hire new models and it has been killing her,"

I smile and almost kiss Kate with joy but contain myself and nod, thanking her for her angel like actions.

Evan eyes me and I grin at him to which he shakes his head at knowing the reason for my sudden mood change. Evan and Kate had been friends with my mom and dad for the longest time and had worked with mom ever since it had started. They were practically aunties and uncles to me having grown alongside them as well.

"C'mon May, on to the seat and look pretty."

I grin and take a sip of the bitter sweetness in my hand and hop into the seat and get comfy. I fix my hair and angle my body in which I was taught to and the process begins. 

Face gets turned by Kate.

Hair fixed and positioned again.

Flash after flash and pose after pose my eyes begin to water from the brightness and Evan lets me breathe. I take a good long sip of my drink and set it down before rushing into the dressing room and putting on my next article of clothing.

I shut the door behind me and quickly unzip the skirt and peel off the turt- 

"What are you doing! Get out!" I scream as the door opens.

Shit, I forgot to lock it.

"Oh my god." and the door shuts.

Was that..Was that Ethan? I stare at the door bewildered for a few moments longer and proceed to change again. 

What in the world was Ethan doing here?

I open my dressing door and walk out slowly. In front of me is Ethan standing and talking with my mom and Evan. What the flying fish tank.

"Ethan?" I call out when I get close enough.

They all turn to face me and my mom smiles at me.

"Maya, honey," Her hands on my shoulders. "Meet our latest male model.. Ethan Mace"

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