
668 33 0

October 31st
9:15 PM

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked, being well aware of the fact that I might have already asked that once. Or even twice.

"Miyoung, this is, like, the fifth time you ask that." My friend Minho said. "And I have already told you — there's nothing to be afraid of, as long as you stay by my side."

I rolled my eyes at his corny response, but at the same time, I felt my blood rushing to my cheeks all of a sudden. Luckily, he couldn't possibly see that because of all the makeup that I had on my face.

But still, why was I acting like that?! Minho has been my friend for so long and I only recently started to have this wierd feeling whenever I was around him. That was probably the reason why I refused to go trick-or-treating with him at first, but he just wouldn't take a no as an answer.

So here we are, dressed up as a vampire couple, casually walking down the street all alone. How ironic.

There was a reason why this street wasn't full of dressed up children running around with their candy bags. This wasn't just a random street. This one lead to a place no one dared to step into for many years. And, of course, that was exactly where Minho and I were headed.

"Come on, Miyoung! Aren't you at least a little excited?" Minho asked, taking my hand and pulling me so I could walk faster.

"Umm... I guees?" I answered hesitantly.

Rather than excited, I was scared. Scared of what we might find in this place that was right in front of us. And more than that, I was scared of being alone with Minho.

"I promise we won't stay here for long." He said with a reassuring smile and that made me smile in response as well.

I let go of his hand, focusing on the sight in front of me.

At the end of a lonely, dark street was a huge and old abandoned house. Its dusty, gray walls seemed fragile to the touch, the windows were either broken or completely gone. The gate was bent in one place, openly letting the visitors in. But the thing was, there were never any visitors here to begin with.

"I've heard that this house once belonged to a rich family of doctors. But after the abusive husband had died from alcoholism, the wife went completely mad and killed her two children. Soon after, she killed herself, too. Some say that she just wanted her family to be together again." I stated.

"Whoa." Minho raised his eyebrows. "Who would think that doctors could do something like that."

"Yeah..." I agreed. "But let's hope it's just a rumour."

Minho didn't say anything. Instead, he just gave me a little smirk. God, can he stop acting like that? I don't know what was wrong with me. Maybe it didn't have anything to do with him at all... but I just had a strange feeling that we shouldn't have come here.

Minho offered me his hand again.

"Shall we?" He asked with a smile.

I took one last look at the house in front of us. How scary could it be? After all, it's just an empty house.

I smiled and accepted Minho's hand. Then, we headed inside.

As soon as we stepped in the garden, the strange feeling I had only intensified. It was almost as if someone was watching us. But I decided to keep quiet, because I didn't want Minho to think I was crazy.

However, I couldn't deny the fact that as we were approaching the old, wooden door, those invisible eyes glued to my spine more and more.

"Oh, look! A doorbell!" Minho said excitedly. "Let's see if it works!"

"Well, nobody's living here, so—" I couldn't finish my sentence because Minho already pressed the small button. Surprisingly, it worked. But the bell wasn't the only sound I heard.

"Oh, my God, did you hear that?! That laugh?" I almost shouted.

"Miyoung, calm down!" Minho put his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "That's probably just the wind. There's nothing here, okay?"

I closed my eyes for a second to stop the tears from appearing. Then, I simply nodded.

"Okay. Let's go." I gave him one fake smile before I turned the doorknob.

The door wasn't locked. Of course it wasn't.

We entered the long, dark corridor.

And as soon as I took a few steps inside, I felt the darknes hugging me and blocking my view. I felt as if my feet weren't touching the ground anymore. As if everything around me had disappeared.

"...Minho?" I called.

But there was no answer.

Trick or Threat | Lee Minho (feat. Supernatural) Where stories live. Discover now