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November 1st
5:15 PM

Everything around me was dark. I didn't even know if I was dreaming or not. I felt so exhausted and I couldn't move. It was definitely cold, but I wasn't even able to feel it anymore. What time was it? Was it day or night? I didn't have the slightest idea. I didn't know anything. The only thing that was certain was my existence somewhere, but that somewhere might as well be Heaven. Or Hell. Judging from how terribly I felt, I was guessing it was the latter one.

Every part of my body felt so weak. I didn't have the strenght to scream for help. At this point, I didn't even care. I just wanted everything to end, one way or another.

The emptiness in my head, heart and body was very much present. Even thinking would tire me, and I felt so heavy and weightless at the same time. I started to wonder: Is this what death feels like? Slowly singing me to sleep, like a lullaby, until I close my eyes and get locked away in permanent slumber? If that is the case, then I don't mind it.

Because right now, I just wanted to sleep.

I was getting ready to close my eyes. I felt some divine heaviness slowly push my eyelids down, like closing the doors to a home you are leaving for good and going to an unknown trip only you know the destination of.

I was almost dead. But then, someone's footsteps made me open my eyes again.

I didn't even have the time to panic. I felt a pair of hands pulling me up from the ground with an inhuman strenght.

What do you want from me now? Why can't you just let me sleep? Why can't you just leave me alone already? I said, or at least I thought that I did.

Then suddenly, a ray of moonlight lit up the face of my unknown visitor.

Minho? I aksed, but again, I wasn't sure if I actually did.

He didn't say anything. He just stood there, for what seemed to be an eternity. I wasn't able to move or speak, so I couldn't really do anything about it.

His hands were heavily placed on my shoulders, as if he was worried that I would maybe run away. Not that I could. Or wanted to.

Minho slowly leaned closer to my face. And then, he did something unexpected, with the worst timing ever.

He kissed me.

I just stood there numbly, not kissing him back. What was this for? Yes, I liked him, I admitted that to myself hours ago. But now, I felt something wierd. I felt like something about this, about him, was terribly wrong.

Then, he backed away and looked at me with his eyes. But those eyes weren't his. They were filled with something my Minho never had. They were filled with malevolence — the pure desire to kill.

"Whats wrong, Miyoung?" He asked in the most sarcastic, evil-sounding way possible, "I thought you liked me."

I wanted to cry. So, this is how my life ends? Being killed by my best friend? By my crush?

He gently wrapped his hands around my neck, almost like he was going to hug me right after.

But he never hugged me.

Instead, he took something that seemed like a small knife out of his pocket and reached for my neck.

I closed my eyes. I didn't want this to be the last thing I see before I die. So, I just closed my eyes and imagined something else instead. I imagined the sight of Minho right before we entered this house, with a smile on his face, telling me that everything was going to be okay. Because that was what I needed to hear one last time. I needed to know that everything was going be okay.

"Stay away from her, you freak!"

I heard an unfamiliar voice from across the room. Then, I felt Minho being dragged from me by an unexplainable force.

I opened my eyes slighty to see what happend. The room was dark, so I couldn't see clearly, but at the other end I could see the silhouettes of three unknown men.

They immediately started fighting Minho, pushing him to one corner of the room.

I knew what they were going to do. And altough a part of me was scared and wanted this threat to be gone, the other part still managed to collect a few last atoms of strenght to shout:

"No! Don't kill him!"

"Miyoung, listen to me!" One of those men said. Altough I couldn't see him clearly, I could see that he was tall and had long hair. "This is not your friend Minho, this is a creature that took his shape. The only way we can kill him is by stabbing him with a silver object. Did you find anything silver here?"

I closed her eyes for a moment to think.

"Yes! Down in the kitchen, there's a cabinet full of alcohol and silver kitchen utensils!" I said, throwing a key in their direction. Luckily, it stayed in my pocket for all this time. The man in a trenchcoat caught it and, just like magic, he disappeared. I opened my mouth in shock, but a couple of seconds later, he was back, holding one sharp silver knife.

Not wasting any time, he threw a knife to the third man, who quickly aimed at Minho, or whatever that thing was.

"This is what you get for attacking innocent people." The man said, before stabbing him in the heart.

I wasn't even able to scream anymore. I wasn't able to stand straight. This was all too much for me. He killed him. It doesn't matter if it was real Minho or not, the mere sight of someone stabbing him made me sick. That's why, in a matter of seconds, everything turned even darker for me and I collapsed on the ground.


After Dean had killed the Shapeshifter, he noticed that the girl was no longer conscious.

"Sam, take care of her! Call an ambulance, or take her to the hospital, whatever! I don't know how much she can take. Cas and I will go and look for the real Minho."

Sam did as he was told. He took Miyoung in his hands and left the room quickly. Meanwhile, Cas gave Dean a confused look.

"But, Dean, we already checked everywhere. The boy is nowhere to be found."

"Actually, Cas, there is one place you didn't check. But neighted did I. Follow me."


They quickly headed outside the house and Dean showed Castiel the way to the backyard. After a few minutes of tripping over the long grass and broken wall pieces, they finally managed to arrive to the back of the house. There, near the old tree, was a smaller buildig.

"I saw this building when I came here to burn the bones. I wanted to check it, too, but then the Minho-shifter approached me and told me he knew where Miyoung was, so I let that idea go." Dean said. "It looks like a stable. I guess the family had horses back in the day."

They moved closer to the door.

"Do you need me to open it?" Cas asked.

"No need." Dean said, waving with something that looked like a key in his hand. "I found this in Shapeshifter's pocket. I'm guessing it's for this door."

Dean tried to unlock the door, and he succeeded. They opened as soon as he turned the key.

"Oh, my" was all Castiel managed to say.

They didn't need to look for Minho any further. The boy's body was lying numbly on the floor, covered with blood.

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