
460 31 9

November 2nd
10:30 AM

So, that's the girl he tried to kill, Jennie thought. Too bad he didn't succeed.

After sending her back to her hospital room, Jennie proceeded walking down the hospital corridor, eager to leave this place before someone finds the missing nurse she stole this uniform from.

Well, they should be happy she didn't kill her, she just kicked her in the head to make sure she was unconscious and then she locked her in the toilet. Someone will find her eventually. But until then, Jennie had to be somewhere far away from here.

She exited the building and entered her car. Then, she checked herself in the mirror. Her fox-looking eyes were pretty as always, radiating some evil energy. She loved them so much because of that.

After about fifteen minutes of driving, she arrived at her destination.

Thank God the cops aren't here anymore, she thought, exiting her car and walking towards the abandoned house.

The same house where Miyoung and Minho had been trapped in two nights ago.

She climbed all the way up to the attic, where her now deceased Shapeshifter friend had been keeping two teenagers before he was killed by those damn hunters.

There, she was greeted by three other people — two men and one woman.

"Hey, Jennie, did you know that Halloween had already passed? No need for dressing up." A tall, dark haired man said with a smirk, referring to her nurse uniform.

"Shut up, Jongin." Jennie rolled her eyes. "We're not here to listen to what your stupid wolf mouth has to say."

"Whoa." The other man said. He had bright blue hair, obviously dyed, and he also had blue eyes with uneven, unique eyelids. "I knew your kitsune-werewolf relationship ended a while ago, but that was harsh, Jen. Besides, you're literally the only person to call him Jongin. Everyone else just calls him Kai."

"Do I seem like I care, Taehyung?" Jennie scoffed. "Where is Taemin, anyway?"

"Boss will be here soon." The other woman said. She was very pretty, with hair sligtly lighter than Jennie's. But unlike Jennie's fox-like appearance, this woman's face, especially her eyes, resembled a serpent of some kind.

"Ugh, Jennie and Irene. Always the vibe killers." The blue-haired man Taehyung smiled, showing his pointy fangs.

And just then, another man entered the room, causing everyone to become quiet immediately.

The man had blond hair, full lips and blue eyes. His whole face and body were covered with tattoos.

"Hello, boss." Taehyung said, slightly mocking the second word. The blond man, who Jennie earlier referred to as Taemin, ignored this greeting.

"Well, well..." He said, in a way every villain does. "If I'm not deceived, our friend's body is no longer here. And I really am never deceived. I am the one who deceives the others, after all."

"That's right, boss." Irene said. "The Winchesters must've gotten rid of his body."

"Too bad." Taemin said, but judging from his tone, he didn't seem to care too much.

"So what are we going to do next?" Kai asked.

"We", Taemin said, "Are not going to do anything. But you, my friends, are going to bring those Winchesters to me one way or another."

Then, Taemin looked at the bloody spot on the floor, assuming this was where the Shapeshifter had been killed.

"They murdered our friend. And now, they are going to pay."

The end

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this book! I know it was kind of short, but I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did, make sure to check out my other books as well!❤

See you soon,

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