
415 29 2

November 2nd
9:00 AM

I was surrounded by darkness yet again. By now I've gotten used to it. Its sweet numbness and emptiness was so soothing. I liked how calm it made me feel. Only this time, it felt different somehow.

I was all alone for way too long. Everything around me was plain black. Not in a 'dark room' kind of way. This darkness was... even more dark than it was before. And it honestly scared me a little, but I didn't let it show.

I kept walking in the empty space, searching for something that could help me recall what happened and where I was.

After some time, I gave up on walking. There was no use in wandering around when I had absolutely nowhere to go to.

I sat down on the floor, if there was any. It looked black as well, same as everythhing else, and it seemed like it melted together with the environment. I lifted my hands to look at them, but I couldn't see them. I couldn't see anything whatsoever. It was confusing, but at the same time, it wasn't. How was I supposed to see anything in such darkness? If only I knew where I was...

I frowned, trying to remember how I got here.

I thought.

And I thought.

And thought.

And then, I remembered.

The last thing I remembered was standing in front of a huge abandoned house with my friend, Minho. We wore both dressed in silly vampire costumes.

I was scared.

He was not.

But we were both smiling nonetheless.

Then, in a matter of seconds, that picture disappeared, and a new one came. And this one sent shivers down my spine.

I saw Minho stabbed trough the heart with a silver knife.

I screamed.

And then, I opened my eyes.


Miyoung... Miyoung... Miyoung...

Yes, that's my name.


I realised someone was actually calling me. I had already opened my eyes, but it took me a few seconds to get it together and realise a blue eyed man in a trench coat was sitting next to my bed.

"Are you... an angel?" I asked.

"Well, now that you mention it, I am. But you couldn't have known that, could you?" The man said, confused by my sudden question.

"Does that mean I'm dead? Am I in Heaven?" I aked with a shaky voice, and the man just smiled softly.

"Oh, no. You are very much alive. But do you remembere what happened to you?"

I shook my head. "Not really."

He just nodded. "That's understandable. You are probably still under shock. My friends will explain everything, but now, I have to go."

I just stared blankly as this stranger was leaving the room, and the other two were coming in.

"Hey, kid." Said the shorther one. "How are you holding up?"

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