
417 32 1

November 1st
4:00 PM

After a while, Sam, Dean and Castiel had finally arrived at their destination. When they got out of the car, they noticed that the sky was almost completely dark, suggesting the upcoming storm.

"Great." Dean muttered sarcastically. "Alright. Let's split up. Sam, you and Cas go inside and look for the kids. I will go to the backyard and check if there are any graves. I might pay a little visit to the doctor's family."

"Will you be able to do it alone?" Cas asked, to which Dean only laughed.

"Come on, Cas. You know me long enough to know that jobs like this are a piece of cake for us."


Then, they went their ways. Sam and Castiel got closer to the wooden door.

"It's locked." Sam stated after trying to open it.

"Let me." Castiel slightly pushed him to the side, so he could access the door more easily. Then, he put one hand on it and closed his eyes. A moment of silece occured. After he opened them again, they were glowing with a bright blue light. And in a matter of seconds, the door felt down, making a dramaticlally loud sound.

"Wow." Sam managed to say. "I'm actually glad that you came with us."


In the meantime, Dean was heading towards the back of the house, but getting there was harder than he had originally thought. The long grass that hasn't been taken care of for many years was tangling up with his feet, which made walking almost impossible, and the house ruins would appear as an obstacle here and there. It was almost as if the house was protecting its owners.

But then, he finally made his way to the backyard. And he was right. Underneath a tall oak tree that now had no leaves lied four gravestones, all next to each other forming a line.

Dean moved closer to examine them. Judging from the dates on the graves, he assumed that those people were exactly the family that the rumours were talking about. The children died the same day as their mother. So, it was true after all. She did kill them.

Dean had nothing to pitty that woman for. In fact, he'll burn her bones first.

He took the shovel in his hands and started digging. As time was passing by, the hole in the ground was getting deeper and deeper. Until finally, he reached the hard surface of a coffin with his shovel. He then used a crowbar to open the coffin. It was made of iron, so it would come in handy if any of those ghosts appeared. But the wierd thing was, so far, none of them did.

After Dean had dug up and opened all of the coffins, he made sure that all the bones were salted properly. And then, he set them on fire.

While the bones were burning, he zoned out for a few seconds, blankly staring at the fire. He was wondering if the ghosts have found their peace yet, because not seeing them made him a bit skeptical. Usually, ghosts would refuse to leave their unfinished business. So, the fact that no ghosts were here whatsoever was strange and rather suspicious.

Dean suddenly snapped out of his thoughts. He heard silent footsteps behind him, and somehow he knew that those feet didn't belong to Sam, nor to Cas. They just wouldn't sneak up on him like that.

So, he took the shovel in his hands again and quickly turned around, swinging it in the air and almost hitting the mysterious person in the head, but he dodged it.

When he lifted his head, Dean noticed that this person was a young, dark haired guy that was wearing some ridiculous vampire-like outfit.

"...Are you Lee Minho?" Dean asked.

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