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November 1st
9:30 AM

It was already morning when Dean woke up in his hotel room and the first thing he saw was his younger brother who was focused on reading something from the laptop.

"Got anything, Sammy?" He asked, while Sam just rolled his eyes at that annoying nickname.

"Actually, yeah." Sam answered. "Even though we didn't plan on staying in this town for long, I think I just found another job for us."

"What is it?" Dean asked while he was getting up from his bed and heading over to the bathroom.

"So, get this." Sam started a little louder so that Dean could still hear him. "Yesterday was Halloween, and as we know, Halloween is basically always full of work for us. Even in a small town like this one. Basically, two teenagers went trick or treating last night and never came back home."

"Well, that sucks." Dean said. "But why do you think this is our kind of a job?"

Sam raised his eyebrows in a nerdy way and turned the laptop towards Dean who was now peeking trough the bathroom door. There was a picture of some old abandoned house on the screen.

"Their friends believe that they went there. But the thing is, there is a rumour that there had been a family slaughter many years ago."

"So, vengeful spirits, huh?" Dean thought out loud.

"Could be." Sam said. "But I say we do a little investigation first, before jumping to any further conclusions."


Later that day, two brothers headed out to town to find some information on the missing kids.

"So, their names are Minho Lee and Miyoung Kim. Minho is nineteen years old, while Miyoung is a year younger. The last time Miyoung's siblings saw her was at 9pm last night when she left the house with Minho, both dressed as vampires." Sam stated, and Dean raised one eyebrow suspiciously.

"Are they a couple?" He asked.

"We're about to find out." Sam said as he was ringing a doorbell on one of the houses in a long, quiet street.

After a few seconds, the door was finally opened by a young woman barely older than twenty. She had dark circles around her eyes and looked pretty worried.

"Hello, I am special agent Collins." Dean said, using his fake identity, and then he pointed at Sam. "And this is special agent Sheppard. We are here about the disappearance of Miyoung Kim and Minho Lee."

The girl frowned suspiciously.

"But police was already here just a few hours ago."

"That was just the regular police. We are here in the name of FBI." Sam said, giving the girl a reassuring smile. Finally, she let them in.

After a few minutes of talking with the Kim family, Sam and Dean haven't found anything useful. Miyoung's mother was way too shaken up to tell them anything, and her father was at work, so they could only interrogate her siblings.

Her older sister was the one who opened the door for them and her name was Dahyun. She did worry a lot, judging from her sleepless face, but she approached the whole situation rather calmly. The same couldn't be said for her younger brother, Seungmin.

"I knew Minho was a bad influence for her. Who knows where he has taken her, or what kind of trouble they have gotten themselves into! God, I will kill him if I ever see him again. He just wanted to get her somewhere alone, didn't he?!" Seungmin couldn't contain his anger, so Dahyun tried to calm him down.

"That's not true and you know it." She said quietly and than she turned towards the Winchester brothers. "Our sister and Minho have been friends for many years. It's true that we have noticed some uspoken words and feelings lingering between them from time to time, but I don't think they have noticed it yet. Plus, Minho is a good guy, I believe he would never do anything to hurt Miyoung."

Sam nodded understandingly.

"Thank you for your time." He said. "We'll let you know as soon as we find something."

"You really should search that house. But I don't think Miyoung had the courage to go there anyway. She is way too scared of everything, even her own shadow. And the stories about that house... Man, I wouldn't dare going there either." Seungmin said before he left the room and Dahyun just rolled her eyes.

"I don't believe in that nonsense." She said. "But I think you should check there as well, just in case. I don't know where else they could've gone. And if they're not there, I'm afraid our mom will go crazy from worrying. So please, find her."

"Don't worry, kid, we will." Dean said with his usual deep voice.

Then, they left the house.

"Are we going to interrogate Minho's family as well?" Sam asked.

"No need." Dean said. "This is a small town, Sammy. If they're not in that so called 'haunted' house, then they're simply not in this town. So, we are going there as soon as possible. But first, let's go to the hotel and grab what we need. If it really is a vengeful spirit, we might need some salt. And a lighter, as well. Those bones aren't going to burn themselves."

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