
440 28 7

November 1st
1:30 AM

I didn't even know how long it had been since we entered this damn house. Maybe only a few minutes. Maybe a few hours. Or maybe a few days. But that would mean that I was already dead. Honestly, even death seemed better than hopeless wandering around this enormous, maze-like building all alone.

The rooms all looked the same; although the furniture was slightly different in each one, depending on its use. But one thing was mutual for all of them — there was no way out whatsoever.

I stopped crying a long time ago. Now I'm just paranoid. Scared. Hungry. Thirsty. Way too thirsty. At some point, I even started to hallucinate and feel dizzy. It felt irresistible. It felt like I was going to die. Like I was going crazy.

I had to find something, anything, to drink and put this obstacle out of my way, because if I didn't, I would never find Minho and get out of this place. My bones would remain here to forever rot between these empty, old walls.

So, I kept looking. And after some time, I ended up in a room that was bigger than any other room that I'd seen here so far. I guessed that this was a living room, many years ago, when people were still living there. Before everything happened. I wondered if they lived happily. Or at least experienced happiness from time to time. I looked around me. This place was probably really pretty then. Who wouldn't be happy here? But honestly, the thing about  happiness is that it's never hidden in materialistic things. Instead, it is hidden everywhere around us, waiting to be found and it is up  to us to decide if we will do so, and when.

I could proudly say that, although life was sometimes hard, I always managed to find the light, even in the darkest of situations. I had my family; my parents, my siblings — Dahyun and Seungmin. I had my friends, such as Minho and many more. And I didn't plan on losing any of them. So wherever he is, I will find him.

I moved closer to one of the drawers. When I first entered the house, I was too scared to touch anything. But now, I didn't care anymore. All the things that I was doing were just the means to an end at this point. So, I unhesitantly opened the drawer, hoping that I would something useful in there.

But inside this drawer, there were only two things. An old photo album and a piece of paper.

I examined the album first. So, they did have some photos of themselves after all. They were worn out due to being old and they were black and white, but I was still able to recognize the faces that I saw on the big portrait earlier.

Two little children with their innocent, childish faces, riding their horses in what seemed to be the backyard. It looked much prettier then. Their mother was sitting in a nearby chair, looking at them with her tired, but loving eyes. I assumed that their father was the one who took the picture. I wondered if this remained as a happy memory for them in the end. I honestly hoped so.

I looked at the other pictures as well. All of them looked similar, with the ignorant children and a tired mother, and sometimes even with their father, who had a strict expression of a sick person, both physically and mentally. But maybe, this house will show me just how crazy I can be, too.

When I decided that I finished looking at the pictures, I closed the album. But then, something fell out of it. I bended down to pick it up from the floor. It was a key of some kind.

Then, I looked at the paper. It didn't take me more than a few words to realise what it was — a suicide note from the mother. Tears suddenly rushed out of my eyes. I didn't have the strenght to continue reading. It didn't seem right to do such thing. Therefore, I put it back in the drawer together with the album, but I kept the key to myself. I might find out what it's for sooner or later.

And I was right. Soon after I went to the next room that reminded me of kitchen, I tried unlocking everything that could be unlocked. After a few unsuccessful tries, one cabinet finally opened. I wasn't surprised when I saw what was in it. In fact, I was more than happy.

Beside some expensive looking kitchen utensils, such as knives and forks, there were a few bottles of some alcoholic drinks.

Maybe it was a bad thing that I didn't hesitate for even a second when I took one of those bottles and poured its content down my throat without even thinking about it. I was just so thirsty.

It tasted awfully. I never even liked the taste of alcohol, but I knew how it tasted. And this was way worse. I couldn't help but laugh ironically. Some people say that wine gets better with age.

At least I wasn't so thirsty anymore.

I proceeded to look for a possible exit for a couple more minutes, but as each minute passed, my hopes would get smaller and smaller. I was getting tired, and I hadn't even searched the whole house yet.

But then, I came upon a sight that made the whole content of my stomach rush straight back to my mouth.

Right in front of me on the ground lied a huge pile of something that terribly reminded me of dead skin. I felt as if I was goint to throw up, so I desperately ran trying to find the bathroom. I didn't even know why I had done that. After all, this house was abandoned. It didn't really matter where I would throw up, did it?

Unfortunatelly, due to panic and lack of time, I wasn't able to find one, so I just threw up on the floor. When I finished, I lifted my head up with teary eyes, trying to get some air.

I looked in the nearby mirror. My reflection was blankly staring at me. Everything behind it, behind me, was dark, so I couldn't see anything else.

I lifted my hand to my face and rubbed my eyes, watching my reflection do the same.

Then, I moved the messy hair out of my face, examining my dark undereye circles that were now visible even under the semi-smudged makeup, even in the completely dark room.

Then, I smiled.

Wait a minute.

Why the hell would I smile?

But I looked at my reflection that was smiling back at me. There was no way I imagined that.

I touched my lips to see wheter or not they were curved into a smile. I freaked out when I realised that they weren't.

However, I got even more freaked out when I saw that my reflection wasn't touching its lips at all.

Then, I finally realised.

This was never a mirror.

This was a broken window frame.

It was too late for me to do anything. My lookalike had already reached her hands towards my head, smashing it onto the window's edge.

Her twisted smile was the last thing that I saw before everything went dark.

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