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November 1st
2:00 PM

Soon after their visit to Miyoung's family, the Winchester brothers headed back to their hotel. They parked their Impala in front of a small building, and as soon as they closed the car's door, Dean spoke:

"Alright, if those kids really are there, I suggest we go there as soon as possible. So let's just grab what we need and go straight there."

Sam nodded in agreement, and they headed towards their room.

But when they entered the room, they faced an unexpected surprise. To be more precise, that surprise had blue eyes and wore a trenchcoat.

"Cas! What are you doing here?" Dean shouted, quite frankly getting scared because of their unexpected visitor.

"Hello, Dean." the angel said with his deep indifferent voice. "...and Sam. I thought you might need my help."

"Well, thanks... but, how did you even know that?" Sam asked, still confused.

"I actually received a couple of prayers from this place." Cas stated. "And someone has to do the job of answering them. But since  Heaven is pretty much a mess right now, that someone is me."

"What do you mean 'a mess'?" Sam asked again.

"Angels have become pretty lazy, as you humans like to call it. They refuse to answer to any prayers, or do any job whatsoever. Since God isn't really watching over them anymore, they can do whatever they want."

"Are you kidding me?" Dean clenched his fists. "I always knew they were idiots, but answering prayers is literally their only job!"

Castiel tried to calm him down.

"It's not like that, Dean." He said, but then he corrected himself. "I mean, actually, it is, but you shouldn't worry about that now. What you should really worry about is helping me figure out where those prayers are coming from. Do you guys happen to have a map of this town?"

"Only the electronic version." Sam said and quickly turned on his laptop, which only caused Castiel to frown.

"I'll never understand how you always have WiFi wherever you go." He said.


"Okay, here it is." Sam showed the screen after a few moments. "Go ahead, Cas."

Castiel focused on the map as if he was figuring out where all those prayers were coming from. And he probably was, because after a few seconds, he finally spoke.

"They are coming from three different directions, almost forming a perfect triangle." He said, pointing to the first spot on the map.

"That's the house of Miyoung's family. So no wonders why people are praying there, it's obvious." Dean said.

Then, Cas pointed a bit more towards the west, to another house.

"We haven't been there, but I'm pretty sure that's the house of the Lee family. So again, nothing strange there." Sam said.

But then, Castiel raised his finger and pointed at the very north, where barely anithing was. The thing he was pointing at seemed to be an old property of some kind.

"I knew it. That means they are still there." Dean said. "Let's just go there before it gets too late."

The brothers and their angel friend decided not to waste any more time. They packed everything they needed — rock salt, iron, lighters... What else would they need against one or two vengeful spirits, right?

After they made sure that they took everything, they packed it all in the trunk of the car and then they drove away to this old house, hoping that they would arrive in time and save two innocent people from the evil, just like they have been doing for many years now.

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