
433 32 1

October 31st
9:25 PM

"This isn't funny, Minho!" I fake-laughed, trying to brush away the fear that was slowly climbing from my chest up to my head, not letting me get any air whatsoever.

I turned around to see where could he be. We haven't been inside for a minute and he's already gone? If he thinks this is funny, then I will really start to question his twisted sense of humor.

"Minho, I'm serious, get out before I leave this place without you!" I yelled.

I came back to the start of the corridor. There was one door on the right side, just before the old, rotten staircase. I looked at it, hesitating for a few seconds. But waiting would bring me nothing. I just wanted to go home as soon as possible. That was why I turned the doorknob and slowly pushed the door forwards.

The room I entered was almost completely dark. The only source of light was the pale moonlight that was slightly illuminating the walls from the big, broken window.

I shyly stepped inside to examine the interior.

The room was rather small, like an office of some kind. There was a desk at the corner along with a dusty old wardrobe. One chair was lying on the floor. I didn't even dare to lift it back up. However, the most important detail was a huge portrait that was hanging on the wall. I moved closer to examine it.

Since I wasn't able to see anything, I turned on the flash on my phone. While I was doing that, I noticed that there was no service. Great, now I can't even call for help, I thought. And even if I could, my battery was almost dead.

I pointed the flash towards the portrait. In the bottom right corner was a date. October 1950. So if this family lived not so long ago, why didn't they just take a picture of themselves? I guess being rich means you gotta be dramatic as well.

I lifted my gaze upwards to see the rest of the portrait. There were four people on it. A man and a woman, along with a little girl and a boy. The man looked half-drunk, even on this portrait. And the woman looked... tired. Like she was already on the verge of madness. The children, on the other hand, looked just normal. Suddenly, that sight made me sad. They didn't deserve for their young lives to end so cruelly.

Then, I started to panic because I remembered why I entered this room in the first place. I came here to look for Minho, and he wasn't in here. Actually, there was another door next to the wardrobe, but I gave up the idea of trying to open it up. I was scared. And if Minho wasn't, then he should not have a problem with going home alone either.

"Alright." I yelled. "I've had enough. I'm leaving now, Minho, and if you don't come out immediately, I'm afraid you'll be left here alone to hang out with the ghosts."

As I was approaching the exit, every inch of my soul was praying for Minho to appear already. This loneliness started to terrify me.

But he never appeared.


I walked back to the exit, hesitantly turning the doorknob and pulling the door, but then I realised that it wasn't moving at all. It was locked.

My brain wasn't ready to take that information yet, so I just kept pulling the door like a fool for a good minute. Then, I felt panic taking over me. I started to kick the door hoping that the rotten wood might break somewhere.

"Minho, please come back!" I managed to say between the sobs. I didn't even notice when I started to cry. But now, tears were running wildly out of my eyes, messing up my pale Halloween makeup and blurring my vision.

I couldn't think straight for a few minutes due to my sudden wave of panic. But after it partially passed, I decided not to waste my time anymore. I had to find a way out. Or Minho. Preferably both.

I came back to the portrait room, thinking that I could perhaps jump out of the window. However, when I examined it, I gave that thought up. Altough it was partially broken, the window was locked and therefore I wasn't able to open it. And even if I could somehow break it, this window was made out of smaller sections that were separated with wooden bars, so there wasn't a way for me to possibly get out.

I groaned out of anger. How was all of this possible? Who could've locked the front door and how didn't I see, or at least hear them? Nothing made sense anymore.

I tried checking the phone service again, only to realise that my phone had already died. Hopefully, I won't end up the same way. I had to do something, anything, to save myself. To save my friend.

Man, if we get out of here alive, I'm totally confessing my feelings to him, I thought.

I wondered if he was okay. But deep inside, I knew that he was alive. Maybe he's hurt, but at least he's alive, I kept telling myself. I'll just have to believe that I am right about this. I'll just have to pray.

Please. If someone is listening, please help.

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