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park arin's point of view.

the café is peaceful and the least hectic at this time of the day. there's not much people, it's just me, other two workers like me and a few customers, just one or two who came here to relax and unwind, and nothing more. the only sound heard is the stereos that are playing calm songs and mild the rustling of the outside world.

if im not standing, id probably have fallen asleep for a while now. that's how peaceful it is.

i was just mindlessly eating a packet of oreos when my other work colleagues told me they'll take their break for a while. i mindlessly just nodded as they left, leaving me all alone to work on the café.

i shouldnt be worried, right?

i mean, it's very peaceful at the moment, so maybe i wont have any problems as the only worker in the cafe, right?

but i was proven wrong as things take a 360 degree turn when the chimes produced a clanking sound, signalling that someone had enterred the café.

who could that be?

i turned to the door to welcome the newcommers, only to almost choke on the oreos im eating when i saw who just enterred the café.

little bitches.

along wih the other x1 members.

it's them.

they're heavily disguised with masks and snapbacks and all that attempt to hide their identity. somi was even there wearing a long coat. i wanna laugh at how cute and funny they looked to be wearing all that disguises because they looked like they're gonna rob the café any moment now, but i cant really laugh because im on the verge of life and death at the moment.

im freaking choking on oreos.

yohan ran to me.

he enterred the bar counter as if he owns the place and get me a glass of water. i didnt have enough time to protest so i just willingly drank the water he gave me.

"yah, arinie, are you that shocked to see us? that you're choking and all?" yohan was tracing patterns in my back as he nagged me. worry was evident in his tone.

i only smiled and nodded.

he sighed.

"why are you guys here anyway?" i asked them as they settled themselves in the wide table just near the counter. they waved their hands at me.

"to eat." dohyon answered.

"and to visit you, of course." hyeongjun said as he walked up to me and yohan. he dragged yohan away from the counter, "you shouldnt be there. arin eomma might be scolded if they knew she let you enter the counter." he scolded his appa while yohan just let himself be dragged by the baby.

i took a deep breath and collected my thoughts, before i went to their table with a notepad in my hand.

"good afternoon, what will be your order?"

dohyon has the menu and he ordered for everyone. i wrote their orders, repeated it to them for confirmation before walking back to the counter to make it. a series of "hwaiting arin/arin eonnie/arin eomma!" were said while i'm working and i could only smile.

as i was about to carry the tray and deliver it to them, junho and eunsang were already in front of me and got all the trays from me before i could even protest. while yohan dragged me to join them in their table.

"i cant be here for so long, i might get scolded." i informed them as i sat beside somi and yohan sat beside me.

"gwenchanha, arin. your other work colleagues are on a break too, arent they? why couldnt you take a break yourself? and there's not much to do anyway since we are the only customers left." wooseok oppa said as we looked at the door who just closed. the other customers had already left without minding that there are idols in the place at the moment.

i sighed. "alright."

"great!" dohyon said, his mouth full of cookies. he looked so cute that i couldnt help myself but squeeze his cheek. "ouch."

"mian." i smiled sheepishly.

yohan handed me a strawberry shortcake and a cookies and cream smoothie. so that was for me, i was a bit confused when dohyon ordered my go-to meal earlier but it turns out, it was for me. i felt my heartstrings being pulled. what did i do to deserve these people?

"eat up, arinie." yohan smiled at me.

i only nodded before doing what i was told. i felt yohan's eyes at me as i ate, but i didnt mind, i know he just find my pigging out amusing.

and i was right.

"what are you, five years old?" he said and chuckled.

not knowing what's up, i turn to look at him. and then the most cliche thing happened, he wiped the side of my lips with his finger, still gazing at me. and i could only stare back.

if it wasnt for seungwoo oppa's accidental cough, yohan and i wouldnt stop our mini stare off.

i briskly looked away as yohan just chuckled and devoured a slice of my strawberry shortcake.

when i was done eating and wiping my lips on my own, i just looked around at our table.

eunsang and dongpyo were fighting over the last piece of cookie because dohyon had already vaccumed it all earlier, wooseok were giving somi various food and the latter just accept them all wholeheartedly, junho was quietly eating as minhee did a tower of pancakes beside him, hyeongjun was clasping his head, probably suffering from a brain freeze, yohan and minkyu were laughing beside him, all the while as yuvin mindlessly ate his chocolate pie. i realized seungyoun oppa and hangyul were there, messing around same as the usual. qnd seungwoo oppa was telling them to take it down. i found myself surrounded by these happy people whom i love dearly, and i wish we stay like this forever, stay happy as we are. if i could freeze this moment, i would probably would.

but not long after that, chaos break lose.

people started arriving. good thing i was quick enough to sense what's going on, i held somi's wrist and pulled her to the staff room to hide her from everyone. she cant be caught in the same scene together as X1, or else that will wreck havoc. especially to her and wooseok.

i peeked out from the staff room and saw the people crowding over but not too close to X1. they probably just wanted to see them and they dont look like they'll do them any harm. some of them held cameras. fansites. while some held banner and slogans. fans.

i heard somi heaving out a sigh. "that was close." she said.

"yeah." i chuckled, sighing at the process too.

"thanks for the saving, eonnie." she held me in a hug, i pat her back in return.

"what are friends for, right?"


the door suddenly opened. it was hyeri-ssi. one of my colleagues. i didnt know she's already back. she throw a glance at somi, recognition shot her face. but she didnt dig more into it, she just smiled and get the mop from the side.

"hyeri-ssi." i called.

she halted.

"please dont tell anyone."

she turned around and smiled, "dont worry, i wont tell everyone that jeon somi is here, and that X1 is here because of you. your secret is safe with me. just dont forgot to fill me up with details later, and we'll clean up the place together later, ne?"

i nodded beamingly, "of course!"

"also, im sorry for leaving you all alone earlier. in return, ill just inform you when it is safe for you to come out. see you later, arin-ssi."

i smiled. i think i just found myself a new friend.

"i dont understand."

i turned to look at somi when she spoke. "what?" i asked her.

"why cant idols be friends with whoever they like? why do they have to hide just to hang-out? why do they have to hide who they like? why cant they have freedom? why can't they love freely? aren't they humans too?" she went on and on, "why?"

"i have the same questions too, somsom."


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