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-"The first time you fall in love, it changes your life forever, and no matter how hard you try, the feeling never goes away".


" why did you wanna meet me Tyler? ", I asked.

" Promise not to get mad?", he says.

I nod my head only to be hearing the words that broke me.

" I'm dating somebody, she's my girlfriend", Tyler says. His voice was low and soft. It was like he never meant to say it.

In that moment, I wanted to cry right there and then. I wanted to yell at him and ask him why. Why wasn't it me? What did she have that I didn't? Instead, I forced out a smile and let out a laugh that was clearly fake.

" Oh my Gosh Tyler! I'm so happy for you! This is what you're so scared to tell me? Oh come on, we've been best friends since kindergarten. Of course I'll support you. I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy. Let me meet her sometime?", I asked.

He let a frown and searched my eyes for any sign of jealousy or hatred but I played this game well. I knew how to hide my emotions and even my own mother couldn't tell.

" Are you sure? I mean yes you'd have to meet her one day", he replies with his voice stuttering a little.

I said my goodbye and left him at the playground. It's atmosphere had turned my surroundings cold. Maybe it was because it was literally midnight. Or that my heart just shattered into a million pieces and was bleeding. How can one stupid boy make me feel so weak? I went home that night with my heart so heavy. I lied in bed feeding my mind with unhealthy thoughts. To think I had a chance to begin with. I let out a laugh as I drifted off to sleep.

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