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-"Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others and the delight in the recognition".


I watched as Jamie work through the kitchen. He took out the ingredients and added them together. I could've helped but looking at him work seemed much better.

" Can you not look at me like you wanna eat me?", he says.

My cheeks turn bright red.

" I wasn't staring, I was just admiring your amazing skills", I replied back.

He smiled back at me before ushering me to help him. I stood beside him and carried out his instructions. Being so close to him reminded me of Tyler. Oh god why am I thinking of that dumbass now.

" You okay there?", he questions.

I nod.

" Come on stir the batter like this, and smile, there's no Orlando spirit if you don't smile", he added.

I smiled and continued the work.

About an hour later, the oven rings and Jamie goes ahead to take out the cupcakes. They. Looked. Incredible. The fragrance swept through the air and filled our nostrils. I looked at Jamie who was already drooling.

" Since you're here, join me for dinner at my house", he says while cleaning up.

Not wanting to be away from him yet, I nodded.

After closing down the bakery ,We drove back to his house which was walking distance from the bakery. The house was small but who was I to judge. Not everyone had money.

We walked up to the front porch and suddenly, loud child-like screams escaped from the house. Children. Oh no Jamie's not a father is he?

" Siblings am I right?", he says turning to me.

I just smile as we head inside. The walls were filled with drawings from crayons and the place honestly just looked so warm and lively. I followed Jamie through the house and to the dining room where I see 5 other kids sitting at their respective chairs.

" JAMIE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!", one of them scream.

The rest suddenly turn to me including Annie who was busy preparing dinner. All I did was smile as Jamie ushers me to sit.

" Guys meet Katherine, and no you idiots she's not my girlfriend, she's my friend", Jamie says.

Friend. I was his friend. Ouch.

" Hello, Call me Kat, and sorry for intruding like this".

" Nah it's fine darling, we love company", Annie says as she sits down and starts handing out dinner.

" Meet my brothers and sisters, Annie the oldest, Daniel, Adam, Charlie, Natalina, Lily, Emma and of course the best of the best, Jamie aka me", Jamie says.

I smile. The family began eating and they began talking about random stuff like school, gossip, girls, guys. They were like a family. Something I wished I had. I mean I had mom but it gets lonely sometimes, I'm always alone for dinner, just staring into thin air but looking at where I was now, I felt peaceful.

" So Kat, tell us about yourself", Annie says.

" There really isn't anything interesting about me, I'm your average 16 year old, I like math and  my undying wish is to get a cat", I say.

The family laughs. I join in too. In the corner of my eye, I see Jamie staring straight at me. He won't stop looking oh my god. Is there something on my face? A stain? A crumb?

" You're adorable Kat", Jamie says as he reaches out his hand and takes a napkin to wipe the stain off my mouth.

The whole family stops laughing. I see Annie winking and grinning. My checks were flushed.

After dinner, I help Annie with the Washing of plates. I wipe the plates as she washes them.

" You didn't finish your meal, was my cooking not good?", she asks.


" No no, Annie your cooking was delicious, I wasn't hungry, you see I had a meal before coming here", I lied. Guilt. I felt guilty.

Annie shrugged and continued washing the plates.

" Do you like my brother?", she asks.

" I don't know, probably not", I say with my voice coming out shaky.

" Well I think he likes you so don't worry too much, even my siblings like you, he's never bring a girl home you know", Annie adds.

The thought of me being the first girl that Jamie had bring home made me feel butterflies inside. Was I special?

" Kat? Come on, let me drive you home", Jamie says as he walks into the kitchen.

" Thank you Annie for the lovely dinner ", I say politely.

" of course dear, come again any time, I look forward to seeing you", she adds.

I'll visit again? Damn it hormones.

I say goodbye to the rest of the family and just as I was about to leave, the youngest sibling, Emma gripped on to my sleeves and hugs me. Aww I returned the hug and promised to visit again. Just like that I left and we were back in the car driving me home.

" Did you have fun?", Jamie asks.

" Of course, it's so different from the atmosphere of my house".

" Could I visit your house and your mom sometime?", he asks.

" My mom rarely comes home for dinner, only breakfast, she's a hospital nurse, she's always busy and no I don't have any siblings".

Jamie kept quiet.

" well you're always welcomed at my house, the kids love you, they hate me and I'm their brother, even Annie's head over heals for you".

I chuckle and soon we arrived at my house. Just as I was about to get out of the car, Jamie holds on to my hand.

" We forgot to try our cupcakes, don't worry I re-heated them for you back at my house".

He hands me a paper bag. I take it and my fingers brushed slightly with his. Cheeks. Red.

" hey Kat? I heard you're really good at math, mind tutoring me and sharing that wonderful knowledge of yours?", he asks.

I smile at that. He wanted to hang out.

" of course, come over anytime, I'm alone anyway", I reply.

I get out of the car and start walking towards the front door. Just as I was about to go in, I turned around and gave a smile to Jamie.

" Night cupcake", he says.

" Goodnight Jamie", I reply back.

Jamie drove off and I pondered inside. I walked in to my empty dark house. Everything was clean and in order. Not like Jamie's house at all. I missed him already.

That night, I slept with a heart that fluttered whenever the thought of a blue haired boy popped up. I was falling hard for this boy. Was he going to catch me?

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