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-"You gave me wings to fly, then took away my sky".


Exactly 2 weeks passed since Jamie slept over at my house. He had yet to " text" me. That wasn't the only mystery, Angel had somehow ditched me too. She stopped coming to school and refused to communicate with me. Her reason for this, " she needed time".

Although the lack of human interaction was concerning, I was in fact getting much better. I was eating all my meals again, and decided to see a therapist every week. Not only did i look better, I felt better.

" Angel still ditching you?", Claire asks as she walks beside me to the next class that we have together, English.

" She's not ditching me, she's just busy".

" Sure, by busy you mean ignoring your texts, calls and emails?".

" Angel probably has a reason for this".

Claire rolls her eyes and walks towards her seat while I walk to mine, beside the new kid, Andrew Wood who recently transferred last week. It was the middle of the school year and he transferred? weird i know right, overall he was a sweet guy, respectful and honest.

" Morning kat", he greets. Andrew was a red head with freckles. He had green eyes and a beautiful smile, reminding me of someone in particular.

" Morning Andrew, did you manage to finish homework?", i greet back.

He nods and smiles again.

Fast forward to lunch, I was sitting with Claire and her clique out of all people. Since Angel stopped coming to school, Claire had reached out a hand and offered me to sit with her during lunch and just hang with her. Claire was amazing. She was kind and caring towards me.

" Andrew Woods huh?", she teases.

The rest of the people in the table who was Tyler and 2 of his hockey mates turn to look at me.

Tyler stared at me intensely. Since that day with him at my house, I started feeling uneasy whenever I was around him.

" Don't you have a boyfriend?", one of Tyler's hockey mates ask.

" Honestly i don't know, he ghosted me".

" Ouch, that must suck", the other guy said.

I gave a small tiny and continued my meal.

The bell finally rang signaling the end of the school day.

Before i could walk out the school gate, Tyler pulled me aside.

" What do you want", i ask rudely.

" Let me send you home".

Before i could protest, rain started pouring heavily. Great.

Without a word, Tyler grabs my hand and pulls me towards the parking lot and shoved me into his car.

I buckle my seatbelt as we drove away from school.

" I'm sorry", he says finally breaking the tension.

I keep quiet.

" I know you're probably sick of apologies but i am. I know you're uncomfortable around me now, and you have the right to be".

I look out the window, trying my best not to create a outburst.

" I'm sorry I broke our trust Kat, I really am. I'll never try and kiss you again, but please stop feeling uncomfortable around me".

" I understand you don't like me like that, i get it, even though a friendship sounds heartbreaking, I'm willing to give it a try, I'm just not ready to loose you again".

I stop and turn to him.

" You never lost me Ty, what are you saying".

" I did, I lost my chance to be with you", he says quietly.

I stopped breathing. Beneath the strong and masculine Tyler, was someone who just wanted love. With his very strict parents, Tyler felt unwanted. Guilt brushed past me.

" Please, continue to be my best friend, do it till the day you walk down the aisle, or when you lay in your coffin, best friends till the day we die", he says with softness in his eyes.

A tear slipped. I nod endlessly and the car suddenly stops. Tyler then reaches out his hand and hugs me. I embrace our hug and started crying in his chest. Surprisingly, Tyler too let out a few sniffles.

We were two best friends who just wanted love in the world. That was all we wanted right from the start.

The car arrived at my doorstep. I unbuckle my seatbelt and looked at Tyler. My hand reaches out for his face and wiped a tear from his cheek. He holds his hand in place and stared into my blue eyes.

" You liked me too didn't you?", he asked.

I guiltily nodded.

" Could i have had a chance though? If blue boy didn't step into the picture".

" Probably yes, but honestly i believe love wasn't going to happen between us even from the start. We were always going to be best friends".

" He ghosted you Kat".

" Yes i know. But i'm sure he'll have his reasons".

" You and your ever forgiving heart".

" What about you and claire?".

" I'm trying to open my eyes, and i did. I dated Claire just to make you jealous but well tables turned. Claire is amazing and I'll love her, at least i'll try".

I smile at that. We say our goodbyes to each other before Tyler drives off. I head inside only to be squashed by another hug.

" Mom? you're home early", i say as the person releases me from the hug.

I looked up only to meet a pair of emerald green eyes.

2 weeks. It took him 2 weeks but anger didn't rush through me. Love did.

" You're still has beautiful as ever he says".

With that, I did the most dumbest thing imaginable.

I walked towards him and placed a small kiss on his soft lips. Shockingly, he kissed back and engulfed me in another hug. His hands wrap around my waist as we struggled to catch our breaths. Our heads pulled away from the kiss and we stood still, staring at each other's eyes, analysing what we were feeling.

" I missed you cupcake", he says.

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