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-"As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slow, and then all at once".


The next morning rose quickly and I was awoken by the sound of my stupid alarm clock. Yay school.

I hatefully got out from my beautiful bed and brushed my teeth. Feeling very done with life, I grabbed whatever was wearable from my closet which was an oversized sweater and black leggings. I put my hair up in a ponytail and slipped on my black converse. Taking one good look at myself in the mirror, I saw how dark my eye bags were. My skin was appearing to be paler then usual and oh god my once beautiful blonde hair was looking like bleach. I looked like a ghost.

I dragged my feet downstairs and immediately spot a stack of waffles on the counter table. My food instincts activated and I dashed for a waffle and forced it down my throat. I moaned with it's delicious flavours devouring in my mouth.

" Katherine Heart, have you heard of the thing called manners?", my mother asked as she narrowly eyed me choking myself with the waffle before handing me a glass of water.

I gulped down the water and finished my waffle. I've always enjoyed mom's cooking. She was a nurse who rarely cooked dinner but always made breakfast. I appreciated her very much.

" I'm Glad to see you eating again", mom says.

I stared down at the floor, not wanting to continue this conversation any further. Mom thinks I was starving myself again and even went the extra mile to pressure me to visit the doctor last which was completely ridiculous. I mean I understand her concern but I'm getting much better. At least that was what I was telling myself.

I looked up at her and see the worry in her eyes. She's worried about me. She's a mother of course she does.

" mom I'm fine, I promise I'll eat more okay?", I respond.

Mom smiles and I finished up my meal. As we headed out the door to go our separate ways, mom pulls my hand and placed a kiss on my forehead.

" I'm sorry I can't be here all the time, it must be so hard being on your own", she says.

" I'm fine mom, I should be thanking you, you're doing so much for us, dad would've been very proud," I say trying to make her feel better. My dad had died a few years ago from a heart Attack. There really was nothing we could do. Mom however till this day blames herself for his death as later Doctors found out that his heart Attack was caused by stress.

She smiles and we both headed out the door. Mom takes the car and drives to the hospital while I began my journey to school.

I arrived at school and headed to my locker where I started taking out some books when I felt a hand tapping my shoulder. I turned around and was facing him. Tyler. My mind immediately jumps back to what happened last night at the playground. Girlfriend. I looked down at his outfit. His football  jersey was glued to his body, revealing tiny specks of his abs. Black shorts and his usual rusty track shoes. His beautiful dark brown hair was ruffled but made him look adorable and finally his caramel brown eyes that sparkled when he was in the sunlight. Tyler was gorgeous.

" Dude did you even get any sleep?", he asks.

" yeah I did actually anyway why are you here? Do you need something?", I asked sounding annoyed not because he had a girlfriend but because he's acting like he cares. He doesn't that voice says.

" woah someone woke up in the wrong side of bed today. What's up with you?".

" listen Ty I'm just really tired okay? Yesterday you made me go to the playground at MIDNIGHT just to tell me that you're taken? Couldn't it wait after school? I had homework you know?", I said .

" oh. I'm sorry I didn't know. Well I'll see you at lunch? ".

I just nodded my head before walking away and off to first period which was calculus. Yay life.

I took the seat nearest to the window and unhealthy thoughts immediately began feeding my mind again. Eating that waffle is making you fat. You should've just died that night. Honestly nobody likes you. You're just a waste of space. You're just a burden. No wonder Tyler doesn't like you. You don't even like yourself. My thoughts were put on hold when I heard the chair next me creek. I looked to my left and my eyes met Angel. My dearest Angel was a friend I met in the beginning of high school. She was a bright but shy student, always trying to make the best out of everything. I loved her.

" HEY!", she shouted.

The whole class jumped up in shock and gave glares to Angel. Instead of apologising, she rolled her eyes and plopped down to sit.

" hey angel, mind asking why are you shouting in this fine morning?", I asked.

" did you eat breakfast today?", she questioned ignoring my question. Typical Angel.

I nodded my head and looked out the window. The clouds were dark and the tress were swaying from the wind. It was going to rain.

" don't lie to me Kat, don't make me call your mom", she says. Oh my god I felt like

" I'm not lying. Go ahead call my mom, I ate her waffles

She replies with a good before the teacher comes in and starts the lesson. Just as I was about to began my assignment, Angel throws me a scrunched up paper ball. I opened it and it read, " I heard Tyler has a girlfriend, are you okay?".

I scrunched back the paper ball and threw it in my backpack. I didn't want to handle this now. Not in the middle of class. I turned to Angel and shook my head. She took that as my answer and resumed her assignment. If only I knew what was going to happen next.

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