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-"When you fall in love, the natural thing to do is give yourself to it. That's what I think. It's just a form of sincerity".


" Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?", Tyler questions as he leans his back against the locker next to mine.

" Yes I do, now can you move?", I reply while slamming my locker shut before walking away.

Tyler grabs my arm before I go any further.

" Well at least let me meet him?", he asks.

" And why should I do that? So you can scare him away?", I say. I was still angry from that dramatic incident a few weeks ago. Who isn't?

" Please?".

I turn to leave but instead Tyler grabbed my arm again and pulled me to the parking lot.

" Where are we going?", I ask as he pushes me into his car.

" Food. We're gonna get some food from the drive through, then I'll send you home okay?", he says while buckling his seatbelt.

I'm gonna be honest. A part of me wanted to forgive him. To forget about what happened. To move on. To like him again but the other part was screaming at me to get out of the car. Unfortunately I stayed.

" I'm not hungry, just send me home", I reply back while buckling my seatbelt.

He ignores me and drives off. I tried to look ahead but I found myself staring at him. His brown hair still messy as ever. The sunlight lighted up his brown eyes and deafening jawline. His cheeks were slightly pink and he was still beautiful Tyler. He always had been.

The car stops at the traffic light. Tyler turns to look at me and smiles. God I missed that smile.

" I'm sorry Kat, I never meant to say any of those things I said about you. I wanted you to get better and I let that get the best of me, I'm sorry, please forgive me", he apologies for the millionth time.

My heart suddenly felt a sudden change.

" I forgive you, just don't do it again, I won't ever forgive you next time", I replied back turning away from him but I could sense his smile from a mile away.

" I hope everything's going great with you and that guy, he better be treating you like a queen", he says as the car starts driving again.

" You'll meet him one day Ty, I promise".

He nods and continues driving. I stared out the window as we passed different houses. How Long has it been since I last visited Jamie's house again? Right 3 days ago. I missed him. I missed Jamie. I still texted him but it never felt the same. He had been too busy with work. I couldn't say anything about that. It wasn't like I was his ACTUAL girlfriend or anything.

We arrived at the drive through at McDonald's and Tyler orders his meal shortly after asking for mine.

" I said I don't want anything", I say glaring at him. What does he think? By forcing food down my throat I'll be able to eat again?

" And can I get one set of the double cheese burger meal please? Upsized thank you", he says to the intercom.

I rolled my eyes. Typical Tyler.

We pick up and food and start heading towards my house.

" Mind if I eat at your house?", he asks.


" I'm gonna eat Ty, I promise, you don't have to spy on me", I reason.

" No, it's just that it's been a while since we sat down and ate with each other, I just wanted to catch up", he replied.

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