thank you.

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we've made it to the end ! thank you everyone for giving my story a chance. i truly appreciate every read i get so thank you if you've made it this far. i love you. i know this story probably sucks or is cringy but can you really blame a 14 year old who's an hopeless romantic? i totally understand that this story has almost nothing to do with the sickness of anorexia and i apologise. i'm just a very over dramatic person. but if you are suffering from this, please get help, it's not okay to suffer all alone. people can help and they will. my messages are always open so do drop a text anytime you want. i would like to say thank you to my beautiful characters in this story. istg i love them so much.

* a pic of me above ahahahaha

Future Sequel coming soon;)

once again, thank you.

Instagram- @qiszztina
Twitter- @qiszztina

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