Name: Cheryl R
Age: 62
Location: Radcliff Kentucky.
My favourite genre is presently sci-fi and good fanfics. Historical novels used to be my favourite. My all time favourite book is Exodus. I loved that book. My favourite in line book thus far is yours but I have found a few that are excellent.
I wrote Broken for two reasons.
1) a neighbour of mine suffered PTSD from the war. He told me that his brain hurt one day and it just stuck.
2) because I have someone who is very close to me that was a victim of sexual assault and yes he is male. These 2 things came together with a clip of the Doctor listening to Amy asking why he hadn't found her baby and the story was born.
All my friends and family know I'm a Dr Who fan. And when I first came across Broken, I groaned. There are so many Fanfics on Wattpad that it's enough to make your headspin. But we had mutually agreed to read each others first chapter.
And I was glad that I did. This has been written by someone who's more Whovian than I am, who understands the character Dr Who, much more than I do. I started reading and I couldn't stop, this is a Fanfic that you would believe had been written by the show's writers - It's THAT good! It's gripping, intense and carries you along on a rollercoaster of emotions. The depth of character development and plot line is second to none. Don't think of this as a FanFic, think of it as an introduction to Dr Who. I for one will never be able to read Dr Who stories without thinking of this one. She's set the bar so high for me now that I can't wait to see her next.