Chapter Two

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This book is set in a time when woman were thought of as weak... don't come at me, it is not my personal thoughts, I'm a woman (well, girl maybe? Who knows!) and all for girl power!!  Theo's thoughts are a bit old fashioned, and Aurora seems weak in this chapter, but she gets stronger as the book progresses. 

Prince Theodosius of Yemini had just spent the last year and a quarter of his life navigating the seas and bringing justice to the world by ridding it of the scum that called themselves pirates. He was now expected to return home and prepare to become the next King, which also meant he had to find a Queen to rule alongside him. He was not looking forward to that.

He could not quite believe his luck when in the final stretch of the journey home, he came across a ship proudly baring the Jolly Roger, practically taunting him to attack. Ever since the little Princess Aurora had been kidnapped and presumably murdered, pirates across the world had been hunted and slain mercilessly in order to bring piracy to its knees. In the last eight years, crime had been reduced significantly, and to proclaim yourself as a pirate was to sign your death sentence.

As the youngest Commander in his father's army, Prince Theodosius was determined to prove his worth as a soldier and always fought alongside his men, enjoying the spectacular wins he always received. He supposed that when he proposed the assignment to his father, a little piece of him was determined to look one last time for Aurora, his childhood best friend and destined Queen. He had gone out on expeditions across the years, but just like everyone else, he failed to find her. Now nearly everyone had given up hope that she was alive; it had been nine years.

Something deep inside him said that she was still alive somewhere, but that powerful yearning only led to disappointment.

It filled him with fiery anger to remember the way Aurora was ripped from her life, and although he could not find her, he felt he did her memory justice by ending any who could have had anything to do with her disappearance. Many girls flocked to the Alluvian castle over the years, proclaiming to be the lost princess, but they all turned out to be heartless fakes. Eventually King Markus put out a law that anyone falsely declaring to be the Princess would be fined and imprisoned. Alluvia never got over the loss of its Princess, especially not King Markus, Queen Genevieve or her siblings who had lost their delicate little flower.

Theodosius' (or Theo to his close friends) men cheered as they saw the pirate ship looming in the distance, knowing that their tour was going to end on a bang. Theo's ship was a spectacular four-mast warship, and he employed over one hundred men for his travels. The boat was kept clean and grand with spectacular golden and blue furnishings imitating the Yeminian flag and royal colours. Everybody was looked after fairly and paid a decent wage, but if anyone were to steal or harm another member of the crew, they would be disembarked immediately.

With the power of his strong army, they easily reached the panicking littler boat, and Theo soon commanded for them to fire and attack. The first taste of victory flowed through his veins with every shake of destruction. There was no way the pirates could survive an attack from him. A slow smile spread onto Theo's lips as easy as butter as he prepared to board the ship and rid the Earth of a few more rats. However, the pirates did fight viciously back, firing a few cannons and damaging the integrity of the helm before Theo's boat, 'The Aurora', sidled up next to them. His men layered the planks and swung from the ropes, ready for a good old-fashioned game of sword fighting. His men were masters as they spent all their days training to keep fit and experienced, but apart from a few pirates who looked like lazy drunkards, most of them fought brutally back. Nevertheless, Theo's men fought valiantly as a team and over shone the pirates, although sadly sixteen of his men were lost that day, mostly due to the cowardly route of pistols being used.

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