Chapter Thirteen

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"Ro I need to talk to you about something important." Evangeline announced with emotion clouding her voice.

Ro looked up from where she was sorting through Evangeline's perfumes. They were all very strong and giving her a sickening headache.

"Of course, what can I do?" Ro asked as she stood and wiped her hands on her apron.

"Oh I am just having no luck with the Prince. I have to make him fall in love with me Ro... I just have to." She sighs as she collapses onto her bed in a most ungraceful manner, which Ro had just made. "My parents will be so happy when they hear I have bagged a Prince. Finally I will be centre of attention and not my dreadful older sister Georgiana." She huffed with venom in her tone.

Ro had heard about Georgiana from the maids. Apparently, she was even worse then Evangeline, manipulating and trampling over others in order to get what she wanted. She had married a widowed man forty years her senior, one of the richest and most respected men in all of Yemini making her haughty parents very proud.

"Oh I see. Well, I am not sure what I can do about that your ladyship." Ro murmured, jealousy twisting in her stomach.

"Theodosius never turned up to meet me at the stables yesterday! I waited for hours with dimming hope. It was most embarrassing. He obviously changed his mind about me, so I need to entice him again. He seems to find your company charming since he took you away for a whole day, so I need you to teach me to be like you. Of course he only likes you as a friend, but if I add my womanly touches into your personality, he will desire me irrevocably." At first Ro felt guilty, knowing that it was never in Theo's interests to meet with her, but then all she could feel was intense jealousy.

Evangeline wanted Ro to help her make the Prince fall in love with her, making Ro bristle at the thought, hating the idea of them together as a couple.

"You shall help me Ro. If you do not then you will be fired and our friendship will be over, however if you do then I shall forgive you for all that you have done and promote you." Evangeline dictated as she noticed Ro looking unsure.

Ro wanted to tell her that they certainly were not friends, but she bit her tongue not wanting to jeopardise her job. Also, she thought maybe this would be for the best. She had to distance herself from Theo anyway, and that would be a lot easier to do if she knew that Theodosius was already taken by another.

"Ok Evangeline." Ro sighed dejectedly. "I will help you to the best of my ability."

"Perfect! Oh, this is going to be wonderful! I have luncheon with the Princess and Ladies Drusilla and Hera now, but when I get back I want you to tell me all of Theodosius' likes and dislikes, and what I can do to be like you." Evangeline exclaimed excitedly, before smoothing down her gorgeous spring green dress with little pearls embroided into the seams, and checking to make sure her hair was still properly pinned up.

Ro sighed as Evangeline escaped from the room, collapsing onto the bed as the Lady had moments before. What could she tell her about Theo? Ro thought back to all of the conversations she had had with the Prince. She knew he loved the twinkling night sky, the smell of freshly bloomed deep red roses and anything to do with nature really, and his eyes danced when he laughed heartily. Ro exhaled heavily. It would do her no good to continue thinking about him.

It was two hours later when Evangeline finally returned. Ro liked being by herself, it meant she could go down for lunch and see her friends Viola, Hattie and Cassidy. Ro nearly had a heart attack when Evangeline erupted into the room, panicking about a last minute meal the Royal Family were hosting that night.

"Oh Ro, I have to look beautiful, absolutely perfect for Prince Theodosius." She panicked. "Go and fetch two dress maids for a matter of urgency. I need to outshine Lady's Drusilla and Hera; it is no secret that we are in competition for the Princes hand." Evangeline fussed, referring to two other eligible young Ladies staying in the palace, daughters of noble Lords.

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