Chapter Twenty-Three

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Princess Aurora was a wreck as she sat with Princess Annalise and maids rushed around them to pack her belongings. Annalise was ecstatic that Ro was actually a Princess, and a long lost friend no less. She had not stopped squealing since she had received the news, and had demanded to travel with Aurora and Theo to deliver her back to her parents. Annalise had instructed for lots of pretty dresses and ladies items to be packed away as gifts to Aurora, and had already offered to train Ro on the basics of being a lady so that she did not feel too out of place as she resumed her role as a Royal.

Ro had said goodbye to some dear friends including Hattie and Viola, who were shocked to learn of her true status. Although they acted unsurely around her, they were both pleased that she had recovered most of her memories and was finally going to be reunited with her family. Viola gave her a huge squeeze and asked her not to forget about her as a Princess, which Aurora promised she would not do, and hoped that her next roommate would prove to be an agreeable lady.

Viola revealed that although it had only been an hour the news of Evangeline's sacking from the castle was all everyone was talking about. Apparently her parents had fallen into a dreadful rage and yelled at the King and Queen, resulting in them being thrown out as well. Viola revealed with a naughty smile that she had stolen a pearl brooch and silk shawl from Evangeline's closet as she and a few other maids were told to pack her belongings up. However, as Evangeline wailed on the bed in a dreadful state and yelled dreadful things about them and a 'Princess Aurora', the guards said they could leave and she would have to pack her own clothes up. They left without a look back, and Evangeline was too busy throwing a tantrum and pulling her clothes back out of the trunk to realise that each of the maids had run off with some goodies. The guards gave her ten minutes more to collect her belongings; otherwise she would have to leave anything that was not packed away. Aurora did not approve of Viola's antics, but understood that Evangeline did treat everyone awfully and Viola felt as if this compensated her a little.

When Ro revealed that she was the Princess and what Evangeline had done to her, she had to physically stop Viola from storming back up to the disgraced Lady's room and 'smacking her silly' in her words. No one was going to miss Evangeline; in fact, Ro was pretty sure they were going to throw a party. Although Viola promised to keep her true identity quiet, Aurora knew that it would of course eventually get out, so she was quite pleased to be leaving straight away. She was not a fan of attention, but she knew she was going to receive rather a lot of it in the upcoming months. With one last hug, Ro said goodbye to her life as a maid, and Viola whispered in her ear: 'Good luck with the Prince! Not that you need it, he is already so smitten with you.' Aurora simply blushed and turned to see Theodosius waiting for her by the door, like her protector.

After saying goodbye to her friends, Theodosius dropped Aurora off at his sisters room, made sure a couple of guards were posted outside and then rushed on to pack away some of his own belongings for the journey. He also needed to sort out some state matters and rearrange some appointments, as he did not plan to come home too soon.

"Oh Ro – sorry I mean Aurora, I am just so happy! Your family is going to be ecstatic! You know all of the papers say that your disappearance is one of the biggest tragedies in the history of time." Annalise revealed as she squeezed Aurora into yet another hug.

"I know I am so excited to be reunited with them too! I cannot believe that I did not realise it before now... I guess I was living in denial." Aurora sighed.

"Yes! Also, you know what this means... you and Theodosius have to get married! Ah, we are going to be sisters Ro!" She squealed excitedly as Ro's cheeks went darker then the red wine on Annalise's bedside table.

"Princess Annalise, your belongings are packed." Luckily a maid saved Aurora from answering Annalise's embarrassing realisation.

"Oh splendid! Come on Aurora, we need to get you home! Maids, make sure these are delivered to the docks pronto." Annalise ordered, and they were quick to call the porters in to take the eight ornate trunks down to the docks.

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