Chapter Eighteen

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Nervousness fluttered through Ro as she contemplated her upcoming deception. As she adjusted the glittery golden mask Harmonia had leant to her, Ro hoped that she had been transformed well enough so that no one would recognise her. If they were caught she would feign innocence and just say that Theodosius invited her – it was the truth after all, and he was a good man, so she was sure he would stick up for her.

"Come on Ro, it is time!" Viola whispered excitedly as she grabbed Ro's hand and dragged her up the red-carpeted steps leading to the glitzy ballroom.

For the evening Ro had transformed into Lady Cordelia Appleby and Viola was pretending to be Lady Diana Winchester. Both girls were completely altered with lavish gowns, magical masks and had pinned their hair up just like the ladies adhering to the latest fashions. Ro's gown was a stunning peacock blue with delicate lace detailing and gold runs of fabric. With elegant puffed sleeves and floaty skirts, Ro felt beautiful. Her golden hair was pinned up with peonies curtesy of Harmonia, and her mask was actually used for theatre productions, meaning it took up half her face and was very extravagant. Viola had a puffy golden gown with layered tulle skirts and silky puffed sleeves stopping at her elbows. Red flowers pinned only the front of her mousey brown hair back, and the rest fell down to her waist in soft waves. The girls did not have any fancy high heels to go with the dresses, so they were stuck with wearing their everyday boots, but luckily the gowns were long enough to hide them.

"Oh I am so nervous Viola!" Ro fretted.

"Oh calm down, we are going to have the time of our lives! And remember, I am Lady Diana now." Viola winked as the girls gracefully waltzed passed the guards at the entrance of the ballroom, who nodded authoritatively at them.

They did not ask for their names considering they had already entered into the castle, meaning everyone thought the girls were Ladies of high society. There were hundreds of people inside the ballroom laughing and talking elegantly causing a tinkling array of noise, and each were dressed at the height of fashion and riches to impress their Royal hosts. The floor was marble and about eight chandeliers holding silver candles hung from the ornately painted ceiling. Ro and Viola started to descend the swirling staircase, both blushing as they easily captured attention. Sceptical women and interested men glanced over at the two young unidentified beauties entering into the hall.

Ro noticed the Royal Families sitting on a raised platform at the back of the vast room, dressed in their finest clothes and observing their worthy guests from the golden thrones that belonged in a museum of master artisanship. Ro sucked in a heavy breath as she observed who could only be Theo, laughing merrily with his lovely sister Annalise. He too had a golden mask on which was shaped like a majestic eagle, paired with a royal blue and gold suit. Upon his head sat an authoritative jewel-encrusted crown highlighting his state of importance.

Theodosius was pleased with how the ball dedicated to the Alluvian's was going. Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time, especially Rosilabeth who currently had a crowd of suitors around her, each begging for a dance. A part of him was sad that Ro had not taken up his offer to attend the ball, but he knew that she had good reason not to, and maybe it was for the best that she did not.

"Woah who are they?" Annalise suddenly wondered aloud from beside him.

Theo glanced over to where Annalise was staring, and almost instantly his eyes blew to an astronomical size. Two stunning young ladies were entering into the ballroom without escorts, attracting lots of male attention. He gasped in shock when he locked eyes with the beautiful blonde, who was staring wistfully right at him. Of course, Theodosius was no stranger to women vying for his attention and trying to seduce him - it came as a package deal with his good looks and title, but this was different. The innocent blue eyes, shy attitude and sweet smile added up to only one character he knew; Ro.

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