Chapter Six

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Ro was positively bouncing with excitement. They had arrived at a busy port in Yemini, and there was a great crowd of people waiting to see the Prince. Aurora was standing with him by the ships wheel, watching him wave to the crowds whilst the ships goods were unloaded. A number of guards were stationed on and around the boat, preventing the excited crowds from closing in. Ro was mesmerised by the buildings and colours she felt she had not seen in many years. Carson was dragged off the boat, causing a spectacle as he was in chains and taken to the dungeons. It unnerved Ro to see him again, but Theo stood in front of her protecting her from his angry glare.

When the time came for them to dismount the ship, Theo asked Ro to walk with him, which surprised everyone around him. Was a prince really going to escort a commoner - especially in public? Theo did not care though, he was mesmerised by her innocent beauty and the kindness she showed to all. He thought that those of the nobility should follow her example – if they did, the world was guaranteed to be a much better and happier place.

Ro blushed as Theo offered her arm and helped her off the ship, much to the delight of the crowd. He was always such a gentleman to her, and Ro never failed to feel warm and fuzzy inside when they spoke. As they made their way onto land – flat, immovable land, the crowds started shouting for Theo's attention, the guards struggling to hold them back. There was a whole mixture of people eager to see the prince, from poor street urchins to older elegant females to dirty old men drinking from a bottle. Ro squeezed in further to Theo who was waving to the crowds gracefully. Aurora smiled shyly as the crowds turned their attention to her, and almost immediately, rumours started flying around.

"Who is she? She looks like a Princess!" One little girl exclaimed.

"Yes she must be a Princess! The Prince had found a wife! She is our new queen!" Another woman with white hair and powdered cheeks cooed excitedly, causing Ro to blush.

They thought Theo and her were engaged to be married? How ridiculous! She did not think she looked anything like a fair Princess, and why would Theo want to marry her? She was a simple maid who could not remember her past, and he was the most eligible young man in Yemini, destined to marry a dazzling Princess or someone of very noble birth. 'It's just the way of the world lil miss.' Hattie had explained to her, and although for some puzzling reason it saddened her, Ro knew her place.

"We're riding in the carriage to the palace now Ro." Theo explained as they strolled onto the brick courtyard where an extravagant carriage was waiting. It had large golden wheels and was shaped into a spectacular crown at the top.

"Oh wow! That sounds amazing!" Ro exclaimed with a bright smile.

"Oh my goodness!" Ro suddenly stopped, enthralled by the four horses stamping their feet on the cobbled road and snorting impatiently.

Theo chuckled at Ro's childish delight, although he was anxious to get her back to the castle safely, especially after he heard some of the murmured rumours about her, not all of them kind. Ro thought the horses were the most majestic creatures she had ever seen. The wind wisped their manes into the air like flames; after all, they were all a burnt coloured chestnut.

"Can I stroke them?" Ro asked eagerly, and Theo did not have the heart to tell her no.

"Ok, but quickly Ro. We have a meeting with my parents." Theo sighed, anxious to pack Ro away from prying eyes.

Ro tiptoed forward to a mare who was shaking her head majestically and whinnying. Gently she reached out to stroke her flank under the watchful eye of thousands of people, loving the soft fur, which felt like velvet under her fingertips. All of the horses were fine, powerful beings with rippling muscles and strong legs. Suddenly a memory of her owning a little white pony called Snowbelle attacked her, momentarily knocking the air out of her lungs. Her head spun for a moment, leaving her with a headache. It was so vivid in her mind... but was it real? Did she really have a pony as a child?

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