Chapter Fourteen

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Today was the day that had the whole castle brimming with anticipation. The Royal party from Alluvia had arrived, causing anxious whispers and excited giggles to be shared between the maids. Ro only got to see the backs of the Royal Family as they were escorted to the throne room, but Daisy, Lorena and Dionne had each seen them, and commented that the Princess was beautiful and the Princes were certainly very handsome. With the arrival of the Alluvian's Ro had extra work added to her plate, and Mrs Bennett excused her from serving Evangeline, forcing Dionne to actually do her job. She heard that Evangeline was not happy about this, but Ro had successfully avoided her thus far, and was kept busy working with the maids of her station.

Viola explained to Ro that whenever a Royal Family visits there is a load of extra work to do to make the castle absolutely spotless, and also it is customary to host an extravagant ball in their honour. Ro was anxious to see what the family looked like, secretly because she wanted to know if they shared any similarities to her. Theo had planted a seed in her mind when he revealed they could be her lost family, which enticed her to find out if it was the truth. Of course, the chances were slim and she knew really that it was more then likely impossible, but the thought was nibbling at her mind.

With these thoughts, Ro slipped away from polishing the silverware under the pretence of needing the lavatory, and sneaked her way towards the throne room. There were of course many guards milling around, so she tried to act as inconspicuous as possible, walking around with a duster and smiling shyly. As she passed around the corner leading to the throne room, Ro darted behind a bust of a fallen commander of the King's army, which had a smooth white pillar besides it Ro could hide behind. She leant against the blue and white opulently tiled wall with a racing heartbeat, relieved that no one had seen her. The impressive stone bust masked her, as she was so small.

Ro crouched patiently for twenty minutes, until the sound of the great golden doors with the crest of Yemini carved into it began to open, and murmurings other then bored guards were heard. Ro stilled and forced herself to become smaller, anticipation racing through her as she heard the Princess Annalise walking along with another young lady with a slight accent. Ro was in the perfect position to peek behind the pillar and watch the girls, but they could not see her considering she was cast in shadows. The foreign Princess was certainly beautiful, with blonde hair that looked like liquid sunshine pinned up into a fancy updo, and a glittery tiara covered in diamonds glistening spectacularly even in the dim light. A wide, pleasant smile, and straight white teeth paired with her milky skin and large spring green eyes all added together to make her look like the radiant Princess she was. Ro had to admit that they did share similarities – the same fair hair, skin and little button nose, which made her heart thump in her chest. Could they be family?

Still Ro did not recognise the Princess at all, although she supposed if she were her sister she would have changed a lot considering they were children at the time she allegedly went missing. The two Princesses swept by Ro daintily in their elegant gowns and jewels, reminding Ro once again how worthless she was compared to them, a simple maid dreaming for just one look. Behind the Princesses came a very tall Prince with kind, ocean eyes and a soft smile. He quietly followed the ladies respectfully and nodded at the guards in thanks as he passed them. Ro could see similarities in their facial structure as well, but she did not have a feeling that she knew him once – he was just like every other good-looking stranger you could meet on the street.

Ro sighed gloomily. She did not know what she expected really... maybe an electric shock of a thought, instantly recognising these people to be her family. Nevertheless, she did not... there was no recognition at all. She realised how foolish she had been, and how much trouble she would be in if she was caught. Ro desperately wanted to stretch her legs and continue with her chores but she had to wait until the coast was clear.

She started to edge forward when the doors erupted open again, with a boom of masculine laughter. Ro froze and peeked around the pillar, noticing Theo walking with a large muscly man with a combed beard. He did not wear a crown, but Ro guessed that he was the other Prince from Alluvia. Ro held her breath as they strode past, and tried not to sigh in frustration as the Queens strolled towards her next.

Queen Genevieve looked quite frail and quiet, with harsh lines tunnelled into her face. Ro knew that she was only a few years older then Theodosius' mother, which made her wonder why she looked so tired of life. It was probably due to the fact that she had lost her youngest child and had no closure over her presumed death. Still, Ro could tell that she was beautiful when she was younger with her delicate features and caring smile.

Sadly, Ro could not remember any of them, which was quite depressing for her because a little part of her dreamed that Theo was right and she had finally found her family. She also realised that the woman with red hair she could remember from her time with the pirates – whom she thought was named Tia – must have been her true mother, but Ro only had a blurred face in her memory to find her. It hurt too much to think deeply about the subject.

With a heavy heart, Ro scurried from her hiding place back to complete her chores (pretending she was held up by Evangeline) when the coast was clear, wondering if she would ever find a place where she truly belonged.


Later on that day, Ro was alone in the Royal family's private dining room, located just off the east wing. Ever since she had seen the Alluvian Royal family a certain tune was swirling around in her head, and words she had never heard before rocked her brain. Ro deemed it safe to speak softly since she was all alone, and let the words of the story overwhelm her.

"There once was a sweet young farmer, who loved a rich Knight's daughter, and she loved him too, distressing her father. So he had the farmer sent off to sea, dividing the sweethearts to be. It was on the deep Atlantic, midst equinoctial gales, that this young farmer fell overboard among the sharks and whales; he disappeared so quickly, that he went out of sight like a streak of light to the bottom of the deep blue sea. We thought we would find his corpse, when up to the top he came with a bang, and sang in a voice so hoarse, 'oh, do not weep for me, for I am married to a mermaid, at the bottom of the deep blue sea.'" Ro could not remember where on earth she had heard that before, but the words had pulled at distant memories in her head, giving her an achy headache.

"Aurora?" A voice gasped behind her.

Nearly jumping out of her skin Ro whirled around to see one of the Alluvian Princes – the tall and thin one – staring back at her in shock. Immediately her cheeks stained themselves in crimson as she wondered how long he had heard her talking to herself.

"Oh I am so sorry your highness, I though I was alone... and my name is Ro." She explained and felt mortified.

"It is no bother... I am more interested in that story... where did you learn it? Forgive me for the intrusion Miss Ro, but my little sister used to recite that all the time. It is an Alluvian fairy-tale." He revealed sadly, as he stood tall above her.

"I... I do not know your highness." She struggled to grasp at what to say, confused by the sudden development in the situation. Could she be his little sister?

"Sorry – I am Gabriel – Prince Gabriel of Alluvia, my sister... she was kidnapped... is there a chance you could be her? Do you have a family? There is a striking resemblance between you and Rosilabeth and you know that song..." He asked hopefully.

Ro struggled with what to say. She wanted it to be true, yearned for it to be true, but she really did not know, and to say she was would likely ultimately cause hurt and pain to all parties. She could not tell another untruth that day.

"I am sorry your highness, but I am sure it is not so. I was in fact taken from my mother when I was younger, but I do not remember having siblings. I have a memory problem you see and cannot remember my past, but I am almost certain I am not your sister." Ro revealed quietly.

"Ok... I am sorry to have bothered you so. Have a good day miss Ro; I hope you find your mother." Gabriel sighed dejectedly, obviously crushed, before turning and wandering out.

Had Ro done the right thing?

Hi guys do you think Ro will remember soon? It is coming up... please let me know if you are enjoying this story !!


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