Chapter Fifteen

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Ro was back to the monotony of serving Evangeline after the excitement of the visiting royals had abated, and she did so with her head held high after many hours of crying the night of the awful dinner party. Her life had now become so boringly repetitious consisting of hard work, food and sleep, and she wished for a change and something exciting to happen. That afternoon she had to get Evangeline ready for tea with her mother, the two Queens, the two Princesses and the four other young women staying in the castle, but she had the morning free. Apparently, the five young Ladies in the castle were each trying to capture the Prince's eye and bag the title of Queen.

Ro told herself she did not care that she was probably going to get a front row view of Evangeline snagging Prince Theodosius, considering she was sure Evangeline would fight tooth and nail and even kill to be Queen. Evangeline had told Ro all of the details of her fool proof plan to blind Theodosius to love, including the fifth step today, which was to ask him to take her into town to donate money to the poor to show her kindness and goodness. Ro was pleased that she was going to help people, even if her motives were not quite in the right place.

In Evangeline's absence, Ro had the morning free to help the others, and after making sure Viola was ok, she decided to head to the library to pick out a new book, considering she had just finished her first book of short stories. Some of the words were hard to read, but Ro understood basic sentences on her own now, although her skill was nowhere near expert yet. When Ro stumbled upon the library two days ago, she could hardly believe her eyes. It was a magical room out of a fairy tale with probably thousands of books on two different levels. The polished wooden floors gleamed and a large window with painted glass was at the far end of the room, allowing a flood of light in. A marble fireplace with an impressive bust of the King was on the left wall, mounted by a golden ladder on each side taking you up to the second story with even more books. The leather spines on each book was facing outwards displaying the titles in fancy golden letterings. Ro ran her fingertips along the spines closest to her, marvelling at the way no dust was produced on her fingers. In the centre of the room were tables with candelabras and many chairs to relax on. There was a peaceful quietness inside which made Ro feel tranquil.

As well as the books scouring the walls there were layered shelves near the back of the room, which held the simpler books. Ro made her way over to choose her next adventure, jumping in shock as she turned into the middle lane and there was somebody already there – Queen Genevieve of Alluvia.

"Oh your highness I am so sorry! Please forgive the intrusion." Ro rushed out with red cheeks as she curtsied. The Queen jumped as well with Ro's unexpected appearance but turned to look at her with soulful sapphire blue eyes.

"Oh... oh my you... you look just like... like..." The Queen rambled looking like she had seen a ghost. "Who are you?" She asked as she swallowed thickly.

"I am Ro your highness. I was just looking for a new novel, but I will leave you in peace." Ro explained looking frazzled.

"No wait! Do not worry Ro... It is no bother. Are you a maid?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yes your highness, I am sorry to have bothered you."

"There is no harm done Ro, you can s-stay and choose a new book, I do not mind." The Queen whispered as she studied Ro's face, making her feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Are you ok your highness?" Ro asked with a rosy blush, feeling awkward under the scrutiny of the Queen.

"Oh yes... I am sorry it is just you look so much like... like her." The Queen murmured, looking emotional as she elegantly paced closer to Ro, the material of her silky chocolate-brown dress swishing with the movement.

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