Chapter Seven

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"What? Oh no, you are mistaken!" Ro was the first to break the ice. "I am no lost princess! I am just a servant girl." She rebuked his words quickly, her heart thundering in her chest.

The King and Queen seemed to be in a state of shock, wondering what was going through their sons head.

"You are only saying that because you lost your memories Ro. You are very similar looking to your sister, Rosilabeth, and you said you were sold to those pirates. Who is to say that you are not the Princess?" Theo asked, certain his suspicions were correct.

"There is a strong resemblance..." Queen Isadora murmured, hardly daring to hope that the Princess could have been found after all these years.

"Son, you are clutching at straws. This is just another imposter who wishes to be a Princess. I know you wish Aurora to be alive more then ever now since you would have been wed this year, but it is time to move on and let the fantasy of Aurora go. She has been gone for years now and you need to find a new bride - an eligible Princess. It is not healthy for you to obsess over her so." The King reprimanded, only wanting his son to be happy which he could not do if he kept hoping that Aurora was alive. If she were, she would have been found already.

"No I refuse to believe it. Ro..." Theo begged as he clutched her hands and pulled her closer to him. "Please try and remember - it is imperative that you do so. I know you are the Princess - you just need to remember." Theo begged but Ro shook her head sadly.

"I am sorry Theo - I cannot remember what did not happen. In fact, I think... I think I remember my mother – I mean, she may have been my mother, and the pirates separated us. I think she had auburn hair, but I certainly didn't have siblings." Aurora revealed sadly, getting mixed up with her dear governess Tilly.

A sad Theo let go of Ro and stood back, his hopes of finding his lost Princess dashed. He still believed that Ro was Aurora, but how could he convince her when she remembered a different mother? He had to be wrong. Aurora was dead and he needed a new bride to carry on the family name, no matter how hard that was going to be. Ro felt a little guilty at Theo's crestfallen expression and wished she could be the girl he obviously yearned for her to be. She was also anxious about what was going to happen to her next, as she was worried Theo only brought her back to Yemini because he believed she was a Princess. What was going to happen now that he knew the truth and she was useless to him?

"I am sorry son, but you need to forget about Aurora." The Queen gently proclaimed as her hand came to rest on her only sons shoulder. "You are just causing yourself more pain. I understand you wanting to keep her memory alive, but you have to come to terms with the fact that it is highly unlikely you will ever see her again. I know this girl is not who you want her to be, but if she brings you happiness and is willing to work hard, she is welcome to stay here in the castle as a maid to earn her keep." The Queen declared calming Aurora's panicking nerves.

"Oh thank you so much your highness! I most definitely accept!" Ro rushed out before the opportunity could be withdrawn. "I promise I will work as hard as possible and do not mind what tasks you assign to me." Ro hastily declared as she fell into a deep curtsey.

"Well, that is settled then. I have to say Miss Ro you are very well spoken for someone who has spent time in the company of pirates. I am looking forward to hearing your story - if you remember of course." The King announced as he clapped his hands together.

"Of course your highness, thank you so much for this opportunity." Ro gushed out happily, relaxing in the glow of relief.

"It is no problem dear. Dionne!" The Queen called, and soon after a pretty maid waltzed in with striking raven coloured hair pinned up and full, feminine lips.

"Yes your highness?" 'Dionne' asked as she curtsied to her Queen.

Ro glanced over at Theo who looked very grumpy and disadvantaged.

"Can you take Ro here to Mrs Bennett – the head housekeeper – and ask her to assign Ro a job? She is a new maid." The Queen explained.

"Of course your highness." Dionne nodded eagerly and gestured for Ro to follow her.

"Thank you again your highnesses, I will not let you down!" Ro exclaimed. "And goodbye Theo... I am sorry I am not the girl you want me to be, although I hope we can still be friends." Ro proposed, missing the King and Queen sharing a questionable glance at Ro's improper behaviour and not addressing her Prince by the proper title.

"Yes, yes, it is not your fault Ro. I will see you around." Theo sighed as Ro scurried after the outspoken Dionne, waiting for the earful he was bound to get from his parents about the little scene he caused.

Theo could not bring himself to mind too much though, as even though Ro was probably not his Princess Aurora, he did have a soft spot for her and was glad he could keep her safely close by.

How annoying Ro can't remember!! Keep reading to find out what happens when (if) she does...


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