Game Night

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"No! How dare you bring upon me the demon card?!" Gundham yelled as Kazuichi put down a plus 4 card down on the card pile whilst snickering. "You will soon feel my wrath Sharp Toothed one! Do not think you shall get away from this unharmed!" He declared as Ibuki stopped chewing on her cards and placed down a skip a turn card, making Fuyuhiko almost flip the table after having to miss another go for the 3rd time in a row. Sonia placed down a number card, so did Peko as Mikan fell of her chair in fear from not knowing what card to put down. Hajime quickly placed down a card getting uno before Nagito decided to just win because luck. This was when Fuyuhiko decided to actually flip the table and scream at the top of his lungs.

"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" He yelled as he kicked his chair across the dorm room, almost hitting the TV. Mikan screamed in fear and cowered up to Ibuki trying to avoid the flying cards being launched off the table. Peko tried to calm him down as Hajime started to mourn the loss of the brand new table that now had a broken leg. Chiaki blinked in shock before pulling out the monopoly box and raised it above her head. "Behold! Let us all play the friendship destroyer!" Kazuichi nodded eagerly at this and looked at Gundham. "Know this is gonna be the best way to finally beat ya at something!" He declared and smirked.  
"I would love to see you try mortal!" Gundham stood on his chair and towered over Kazuichi like the tall man he was. Kazuichi then stood on his cheer to replicate him. "Ya think ya so tough now, don't ya! Well i can beat ya ass into the ground no prob- AGH!" This was when he slipped and fell off his chair. He screamed as he braced himself for impact but he suddenly fell into someone's arms. "Huh?..." He slowly opened his eyes and looked at everyone. They had gone silent after Souda had screamed but was now staring at him. Uh oh. What embarrasing, unlucky think happened to him this time...

"Are you ok Tamer of Automations?" Said that deep voice from behind. He slowly looked up to be met with Gundham looking conserned down at him. He flinched a went slightly red before quickly hopping out of his arms. "Hey! I d-didn't give ya permission to touch me!" He said with his face burning up slightly, "D-Don't just go holding me like we're best friends o-or something..." He growled to make himself sound more intimidating. This seemed to effect Gundham slightly as he covered his mouth with his scarf before looking away.
"Then in future i shall just let you fall from your perch and not think of helping..." He then walked out of the room to go and help Hajime get a replacement table. (They have a stash of tables for whenever Fuyuhiko flips out fyi) Kazuichi lowered his head slightly at this. Why did he suddenly feel really guilty. He didn't care about Gundham, he's just a simple 'friend'!-...Or is he...

Sonia walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Souda, are you feeling well? Your cheeks look as if they are burning up but your skin is incredably pale!" She said in alarm "Would you like me to inform Mikan if you feel ill?!"
"Nah...That's not needed Sonia...But thanks for the offer. I guess i just feel bad for what i said to Tanaka. He just stopped me from getting hurt and was a dick about it. But he's just a friend! I-I shouldn't need to care about him!" He seemed to be contemplating everyone word he said after this, from him maybe actually needing to see Mikan to him actually having a better friendship with Gundham then he first thought.
"Well if you insist. But if you would like to talk at any time, feel free to come to me Souda, that is what friends are for!" She gave a warm smile before going back over to her chair and sitting down. Kazuichi sighed and sat back in his chair as well as Hajime and Gundham marched back in holding a big ass table. Hopefully this was too heavy for boss baby to flip. They placed it down and everyone moved there chairs back around, Kazuichi looking at the surface of the table to ignore eye contact with the breeder next to him.

Chiaki placed the friendship destroyer on the table and opened the box. "Monopoly time." They all set up the board and everyone but Nagito and Mikan picked up a character peice.
"Are you sure you don't wanna play Miky? Ibuki would gladly give up her place for you!" Mioda beamed at her timid girlfriend
"N-No i'm ok thank you! I-I'll just stay out and watch!" She kindly rejected
"How about you Nagito?" Hajime asked
"I'll be the banker! Plus, my luck would easily come out on top." He put his hands out infront of him and waved them slightly. Ibuki thought he was gonna do the macarena so she started singing it and doing the macarena in her seat. Mikan chuckled at this before Fuyuhiko piped up.
"Hey i'm fucking hungry! Can we get some food?" He yelled slightly. Kazuichi stood up quickly, slamming his palms on the table, causing the dog character peice from monopoly to fall over which made Gundham whimper sadly.
"I'll order! We can get a shit tonne of pizza as long as Nagito pays!" Nagito agreed that he would pay and Kazuuchi quickly went over to get his phone. "I'll start last! Just tell me what you want on your pizzas!" Everyone shouted out what toppings they wanted and Souda wrote them all down on his hand so he could remember the 10 pizzas.

He left the room so he could order in peace and called up the pizza place. He read off everyone's orders before going back into the dining room where it was currently his turn "There you are Kazuichi. We where just about to give your go to Gundham." Peko said over to him as he entered into the room
"Yeah, yeah. Let's just do this shall we."

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