A complicated night

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Kazuichi ran as fast his legs could carry him, almost stumbling multiple times in the process. All he followed was the sound of Gundham's boots echoing down the long hallway as he ran and ran. He didn't even care about the sickly feeling in the back of his throat, he just needed to get to Tanaka.

At this point he didn't even know where he was going, it felt like he was running around an endless maze with how many twists and turns he was taking. He just kept on running until the soothing breeze from outside hit him in the face. He spluttered for air and hunched over, trying his best to catch his breath.

Souda looked up and realised that he had ran out into the garden and was now stood upon a large decking. White coated chairs and tables, neatly arranged, looked out at the many beds filled with colourful flowers of all varieties and crickets chirped in harmony as the moon's dim light coated the sky. It looked quite beautiful but the decor wasn't something to be oodled at right now, he had to find Gundham.

The decking lead off in a bridge like manner in the middle and could be seen connected to a marble platform at the end which also branched off in two directions, parallel to each other. Yet in the centre of the large marble platform stood a gorgeous fountain, two bench swings placed beside it which looked out at the rest of the well kept hotel garden.

Kazuichi carefully made his way across the bridge after regaining his ability to breathe, still looking in any direction that he could to see if he could locate the clearly easily flustered male.

He then heard a familiar sigh from just in front of statue, causing his footsteps to slow to a gentle walk. Kaz carefully peeked around the sculpture whilst making as little noise as possible and saw him.

Gundham was stood there, resting his folded arms on the railing of the platform whilst looking out at the colourful floral beneath it. Souda's heart beat sped up all over again and he took a deep but sharp inhale.

Removing his hands from the statue, he silently walked over to stand beside him.

Gundham didn't flinch or even turn to him but it could be seen that a slight red tint was spreading onto his face. His breathing also seemed to hitch as his face sunk a little into his shawl.

Kaz slowly placed his hand on the other's shoulder, turning his head to look at him sincerely. "Hey Gundham...Are ya...Ya know..."

"Okay?..I am not to sure..." Tanaka mumbled, closing his eyes and tilting his head to face downwards. He didn't seem okay, would anyone be okay after Ouma called you out for something? Nah probably not.

"Well...I know ya might be embarrassed about...Ouma's uh- Callout?- But ya know..." He gently slipped his hand into Gundham's, a small smile creeping onto his lips. "There's just us two now..."

The taller males eyes opened and slowly drifted to look at Kazuichi, the red tint on his cheeks expanding to just above his pale nose. "W-Well I suppose you are correct..." He held the smaller hand back, diverting his eyes once again due to being flustered.

Kaz leaned over and took the other hand in his own and looked up to the other, his eyes sparkling slightly. Gundham's multi-coloured eyes also looked down to the pink haired male, a mixed look of confusion, shock and and embarrassment on his face.

Souda smiled and showed a sharp-toothed grin. "So considerin that we're alone now..." He said slyly, leaning towards Gundham a little more and tightening the grip on his hands. "How about we finish what we started?.."

Tanaka seemed to be in thought for a moment before slowly nodding and leaning down a little. This was it. This was what Kaz wanted for so long. It was perfect. Nothing could stop this now.

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