The Destined Dance

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The 14th of February came quicker than anyone had expected and the limo Nagito had ordered was soon to arrive. Kazuichi quickly patted himself down and adjusted his blue necktie, popping a breathmint into his mouth. He slicked his hair back into a messy ponytail and rushed out of the bathroom before managing to trip over the carpet once entering the living area. "Owwwww..." He groaned as he raised his head and rubbed his nose in pain.

He peered upwards and his face flushed red. He was met with Gundham standing in front of him and holy fuck. His hair was down for once and it draped down either side of his face, his multicoloured eyes almost twinkling as he looked down at him. "Do you require assistance Kazuichi?" He asked as he offered out his hand to him. He was wearing a black three-piece suit and a pair of shaded gloves instead of his usual bandages.

Kaz put his shaking hand into Gundham's and heaved himself back to his feet, not taking his hot pink eyes from the other's well-kept face. "Th-Thank ya Gundham..." He quickly looked away to avoid suspicion and felt little beads of sweat formed on his forehead

"Oh Kazuichi- I never got to finish my request." He seemed to have a lot more confidence than last time as he wasn't stuttering. Until it came to actually answering the question. "I-I was wondering i-if you would wish to j-join me..." He cleared his throat and mumbled into the short, magenta shawl scarf he was wearing. "T-To the dance...A-As friends of course!" His whole face could be seen growing red as he finished his question.

Holy- How could Kaz say no. He had wanted to ask him for the past few weeks but didn't have the courage to. Yet he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed how Gundham said 'as friends'. "Y-Yes! Of course i w-will!" Just then Hajime ran into the room and tapped them both on the shoulder.

"Come on you two! Nagito just messaged me and he's outside in the limo!" He turned towards Kazuichi's shared bedroom where Kuzuryu was currently vibin but kinda having a panic attack thinking he would fuck everything up "COME ON FUYUHIKO!" The gangster came lumbering out of the room, holding some flowers for Peko.

"I'm here ass hat. Now let's just go before i start panicking-" He brushed past them all and left the house, Hajime following behind. Kazuichi took a deep breath and looked up towards the breeder. "Ya ready ta go Gundham?"

"Indeed i am. Let us go." With that he began to walk out and head down to the limo down the street, Kazuichi following closely behind and being careful as to not trip again.

They both got into the long white vehicle and was met with Nagito, Hajime and Fuyuhiko. "So are we going to pick up the girls now Nagito?" Hajime asked, looking next to him to face the other

"Yup! And then we'll be heading straight over to the venue. Oh and Chiaki is going to meet us with a special guest at her house!" Nagito smiled and leaned on Hajime, "And i'm sure you'll be happy about the guest!"

Kaz started to brainstorm on who this 'special guest' could possibly be. His mind glossed over all of the people that he remembered from Hopes Peak, mainly his two lower classman. He knew that Kiibo, The former Ultimate Robot, would be there as he kept up with the living machine quite regularly. He had messaged Kaz to say that he was coming to the dance and someone had actually asked to go with him. Kazuichi also wondered about that.

Whilst caught up in his own thoughts, the limo had already made a stop at the girl's shared apartment. He was pulled back into reality once he heard one of the car door's opening and Sonia stepped in wearing a beautiful dress, her long flowing hair hanging behind her.

"Good evening everyone!" She greeted the others in a sing song, clearly excited voice. She took a seat beside Hajime and smiled, turning to them all. "You all look simply stunning!" She clapped her hands together and squeaked slightly as Peko got on.

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