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The games went on well into the night and started to get a little out of hand when Fuyuhiko pulled out a few bottles of whisky from the fridge. Pretty much everyone was drunk apart from Peko, Mikan and Nagito, who had smartly rejected the alchohol and had been going even more crazy. However when Jenga was being played, i got quite hilarious as Ibuki kept clumsily knocking down the tower as Gundham kept trying to drunkenly build it. Everytime the tower would get knocked down, Fuyuhiko would start crying for some reason and cling to Peko. She tried her best to comfort the baby gansta but ultimately failed due to him being so tipsy.

But things got really out of hand when an intoxicated game of truth or dare started. They used an empty whisky bottle to choose who would get the truths or dares and all sat around in a circle. Sonia was the first to spin the bottle and with his bad luck, landed straight on Kazuichi. She smirked slightly as she had already though of the perfect dare in advance. "Kazuichi. Truth or dare." She didn't seem quite as tipsy as the others, due to only having one drink. Kazuichi thought for a moment, trying to think straight (Which is pretty hard for him if ya get what i mean *wink wink*). He finally decided "Dare!" He slurred
She grinned and clasped her hands together
"I dare you to swap your clothes with Tanaka!" She said with an evil glint her eye, yet in a joyful tone. Even in his state, Kazuichi was in no hurry to change his clothes with G u n d h a m. Out of all the people she could of chose! Why Gundham?!
"Nuh uh! No wway!" He shook his head violently and Ibuki started to do the same, her crazy, multicoloured hair flapping all over the place. Gundham also looked off put and was furiously blushing.
"You can NOT back down from a dare Souda! It is the rules!" Sonia chuckled darkly, "Now get going you two!" She stood up and pushed them out of the room as everyone continued the game without them.

Kazuichi slowly peered up at Gundham. "I'm not fuuckin' doiin' that..." He grumbled, folding his arms.
Suddenly, Gundham grabbed him harshly by the wrist and dragged him into his bedroom where he locked the door. "W-What doo ya think yaa doin'?!" Kazuichi screeched as he tried to pull his arm away from Gundham's STRONG grip.
"We would never hear the end of the slander if we do not do this..." He muttered in responce and started to remove his scarf and coat. Kazuichi hesitated but begrudgingly obliged. He slowly unzipped his jumpsuit slightly, fiddling with the zip as he was still flat out drunk. He managed to remove it but when he looked over at Gundham, he froze. He had he shirt off and it was only then that wasted Kazuichi could see how heccin ripped Gundham was. He couldn't help but stare slightly at his broad chest and a few thoughts flew around his head.

"Ahem." He quickly snapped out of his trance and blushed. Gundham had caught him staring and had an unreadable expression on his face. "Will you stop gawking and hand me your garmets..." He ordered and put out a bandaged hand. Kazuichi slowly placed the jumpsuit in his hand whilst he shoved his clothes into his arms. He fell back slightly but managed to catch himself before he lost his balance.
"Now i will change in my cleansing tub room. There are things that i would not like your mortal self to see..." He walked into his onsuite bathroom and locked the door. Souda then noticed that Gundham didn't give him his trousers and grumbled in annoyance. He put on the rest of the clothing and walked over to the bath room door that had just slightly opened and Gundham had launched his trousers at the wall opposite the bathroom before swiftly locking it again. Kaz ain't doin' no peekin' on his watch.

Souda picked up the trousers and put them on as the bandages from around Gundham's arm got launched at the back of his head "Oof! Hey! Watch iit dickheead!" He slurred loudly as he attempted to wrap the bandages around his arm. As he struggled, two hands suddenly took over and wrapped the bandages over his arm neatly. He looked up to see Gundham wearing his beanie messily over his head and wearing his clothes.
"Now let us go back to our companions. They are waiting for us to reveal ourselves." He hastily walked out of the room, leaving Kazuichi alone in the bed room. For some reason, the sight of the breeder wearing his clothing made him feel all tingly and strange but oddly satisfied. On the plus side, Gundham clothes wear incredably snuggly and it made him uwu as he felt the warm fabric of the scarf wound around his neck. He then snapped back into reality and rushed out of the room.

He clumsily ran down the small stair case, tripping over his own feet twice somehow, and straight into the taller male who was waiting for him.
"It is about time you got here..." He grumbled as he pushed open the door to the dining hall, where all their friends were still sat in a circle on the floor. Sonia's eyes quickly lit up as she saw the two and she giggled
"You two look simply marvelous!" She clapped her hands happily and Ibuki started making random seal noises. They both sat down and the embarresing game continued throughout the night.

Big Time Gay, a random crack fic (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now