Startin To Feel It

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Kazuichi came out of his bedroom, stepping over those little bastards that hurt his poor foot. Bruh someone gotta clean those. Meh just get Hajime to do it. He poked his head around the corner to see Sonia and Chiaki. He had completely forgotten that his two female friends would be joining them today, even with calling Sonia only about 30 minutes earlier. "Hey there ladies!" He hopped out from the corner and gave a wave. They both turned to him and Sonia gave a gentle wave back. "Hello there Kazuichi. It is awfully quiet in here. Where has Fuyuhiko gone?" She enquirred, looking around to see if she could spot him
"I don't know to be honest. I finished my conversation with ya and i heard a scream, walked out of my room and got a fuckin' glass shard stuck in my foot!" He grumbled
"Oh Kazuichi! Is your foot ok now?!" Sonia rushed up to him and placed her hands on his arms
"Yeah it is. See?" He pointed to his wrapped foot with a grin on his face. "Gundham sorted it out for me." He blushed slightly just saying that and Chiaki noticed it
"Hey Kaz? Do you happen to like Gundham?" She asked, yawning afterwards

"W-What?! No way!" Souda stammered a little too fast, earning a look of doubt from the gamer. Sonia simply giggled at her friend's flustered face.
"So where is your crush Souda?" She fluttered her eyelashes innocently. Kaz stiffened slightly and flapped his hand at her.
"B-Be quiet Sonia! He might hear you!" He hissed, Sonia chuckled again
"Might hear what may i ask." A deep voice then came from behind. Kazuichi swiftly flung around and went red when he saw Gundham stood there, arms crossed "Even with the ten ears i possess, i could not hear what you are whispering about."

Kazuichi started to panic, he didn't know what to say and his face got even hotter. "I-It doesn't matter Gundham!" He put his hands up and Gundham looked at him with consern, tilting his head slightly in confusion.
"If you say so Sharped Toothed one. But i shall be residing in the sitting area when you wish to set up the game console." He walked back around the corner, for some reason his hamsters were all staring into Kazuichi's soul, making him feel pretty uncomfortable. He sighed and looked at the two girls.
"Come on...Let's go and set up the Swotch (no copyright)." He trudged into the sitting area and the two girls followed.

As the four of them set up the Nantendo console and sat on the sofa, they were just about to start a game of anger, aka Mario Kart-, when the front door could be heard opening and Fuyuhiko and Hajime walked in
"About time ya guys got here." Souda looked over at them. "We're about to start a mini tournament." He waved them over. Hajime sat beside Chiaki on the floor and Fuyuhiko sat on the armchair. "Sorry guys. I can't play. My hand needs teh fuckin' heal before i play any games." Fuyu sighed slightly, holding up his bandaged hand for them all to see. Chiaki nodded in slight disappointment but smiled
"It's ok Kuzuryu. Maybe next time." She smiled and turned to the race that had just started, immediatly heading into the lead.

During the intense yelling match in the game of Mario Kart, Kaz got curious and asked a question to no one in particular. "Say...What even happened early? I heard a scream and then came out my room to see you two running off and me getting a fucking shard of shitty glass in my foot." Kuzuryu and Hinata fell silent as they didn't know what to say. They couldn't say they were listening to his private chat or he'd probably maul them. This was when Gundham turned to the shorter boi beside him. "Well i know what they were doing."
Fuyuhiko froze and went slightly pale as he knew they were busted.
"Huh? Ya do? What were they doin?" Kaz asked, looking up at Gundham with wonder in his eyes.
"Well..." He glared at the two culprits. "They were listening in to one of, i suspect, your private conversations."

"They were what?" This time it was Kaz's turn to glare at them "Ya motherfuckers!" He growled, bearing his sharp canines. Sonia quickly but gently placed a hand on his shoulder
"Souda! Do hold yourself back! Do not hurt our friends!" She tried to persuade him but he didn't let up.
"How much did ya twats hear?!" He was red with anger but also heavy embarrasment. They hadn't heard about his secret crush had they?! No...He's not his crush...Just a friend...That he can't stop thinking about...Who's handsome and cute and- SHUT UP! Maybe he does like him b-but not in that way!
"Sadly we didn't get teh hear Kaz's secret gay love." Hajime elbowed him as Souda went completely red with rage and pure embarrasment. Yet Gundham then said something,
"If you would not have been listening in, you would have never wounded your apendage. And it also harmed my...Friend...'s foot." He crossed his arms and it seemed like he was forcing himself to say the word 'friends'. Kazuichi's eyes lit up slightly at this and he tried to hide it with his beanie. No one should be allowed to see him feel big gay. Fuyuhiko just groaned.
"Get on with playin would yeh? We got friends over, no time for drama." He grumbled, fiddling with the bandages on his hand. They all nodded and started screaming at each other because of the continous games of Mario Kart.


Sonia and Chiaki left the appartment a few hours later and Hajime and Fuyuhiko went out to the shopping center to go and find a new board game for game night next month, leaving the gay boi with his hot ass crush.

Kaz and Gundham were both chilling on the sofa. Gundham was silently reading his book and Souda was playing on the PD4 (Once again, copyright). Neither of them had really said a word to each other but Tanaka kept looking up from his book to see what the other was doing.
"Are you having fun on the console My companion?" He said after a while of watching. My companion. That's a new one.
"Yeah. It's really good!" He grinned, showing off his pointy canines. He then stopped when he saw Gundham staring at him "Uhhhh Hamster-Chan? Ya alright there?" He asked, waving his hand infront of his eyes. Gundham hastily shook his head and blinked
"No, no. I was just simply pondering about your exquisite set of beast-like teeth. They are of none i have ever seen on a mortal such as yourself before. Are they natural?" A feature of his being called exquisite made Kaz fluster a bit but he regained his voice and responded.
"O-Oh yeah! They're natural alright! Got born with this set of nashers!" He flashed a grin at him, making Gundham wipe a tiny bit of cliché anime blood from his nose before Kaz could see
"Well that is extraordinary My Companian. I would wish to learn more about them at a given time," He then suddenly smiled. It was a warm, genuine smile that made Kaz's heart flutter with pride, "But for now i will prepare our final meal of the day for us."
"I can help!" Souda immediatly replied eagerly
"Very well then. Wash your palms and i shall await for you in the cooking room." Gundham went into the kitchen and Kaz quickly paused his game and did as he was instructed.

He came into the kitchen and was greeted by Gundham who handed him an apron and hair bobble. "Please wear this and tie up your hair Pink-Haired one. I do not wish for your locks to assult the food." He walked off to go and get the stuff to prepare. Souda put on his apron and tied his hair back, just leaving his braid loose.

He walked up to Gundham and peaked over his shoulder to read the recipe. "What would ya like me ta do?" He asked, standing behind Gundham on his tip-toes.
"Would you please gather the required cooking supplies." He ordered but in a calm tone. Kaz nodded and skipped happily around the kitchen, gathering ingrediants and cutlery, handing them all to the taller male. "Now will you set the table for me?" He turned to look at the Pinkette
"Of course i will!" Souda answered, his eyes shining in delight that he was helping out his new proclaimed best friend. He got out the knives and forks and laid them onto the table. He pulled out some glasses, placing them near the sets of silverware
"All done Hamster-Chan!" He chuckled as Gundham simply nodded.
"Then please do come and help me with this meal. And then we shall make cookies for our companions." He gave a soft smile as the two began working together to make a wonderful tea for their flatmates.

Big Time Gay, a random crack fic (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now