Saturday and Advice

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The next morning, Kazuichi woke up with a banging headache. He grumbled in pain as he clutched his head and massaged his temples to try and soothe the pain. He managed to sit himself up and put on his glasses that were placed on the bedside next to him. He looked at the other side of the room to see that Fuyuhiko was still in his bed, sound asleep. Lucky him. It would be impossible to get back to sleep now with the pulsating pain in Kazuichi's head. He hauled himself out of bed and went into the onsuite bathroom.

He opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out some ibuprofen before grabbing his cup and filling it with water. He quickly took the pills with his water and drank the rest in the glass. He sighed and left his shared bedroom, still in his pajamas but that didn't really matter. It was Saturday after all and everyone would most likely be staying indoors anyway. Plus, the football was on today and Souda loved a little bit of banter with the lads. He might even win a few hundred from some bets.

He trudged down the small flight of stairs and could smell Hinata's cooking drift into his nose. He walked into the kitchen, yawning slightly.
"Mornin' Hinata...Whatcha cooking?"
He asked, moving up his glasses slightly to rub his eyes.
"A full English. You know, to make up for the headaches we probably all have." He chuckled slightly, clearly doing better the Souda was. Kaz nodded lightly so his brain wouldn't explode.
"Say, where's Hamster-chan anyway? He's normally up by now." Souda pondered, looking around.
"Oh he's out dog walking. He's got that part time job remember." Hajime reminded the forgetful shark boi. Oh yeah. Kazuichi completely forget about Gundham's little job. No wonder he was out so early. "Jeez...I can't imagine going out at 6:30 in the morning, he's insane! Especially since it's still freezing outside!" He shivered just at the thought of going out. Even as it was nearing the end of January, it had still been a really cold month and it didn't seem like it was going to heat up anytime soon. Luckily, they turned the heating right up and the apartment room was lovely and cosy, even if the gas bill went up by a lot. It was worth it. Plus, if they were short on cash, they could just pawn off of Nagito seen as he was still rich from that lottery ticket.

Kazuichi then heard the door to the apartment open and Gundham stepped inside. He went over and kissed him on the cheek. "Welcome back baby!" God he wished. Hold on what...What do you mean you wish?! Oh well. All that mattered was that Gundham was back and that's one step closer to breakfast. He just hoped that Baby Face would wake up so he could eagerly devour the pretty good cooking that Hinata would have prepared for them. He started drooling at the thought of sweet, sweet Gundham ass- NO! Sweet, sweet breakfast. He honestly would of prefured pancakes but any breakfast is better than none.

After what felt like hours, Baby Gangsta finally showed himself and they all sat down at the now messily flex-tapped-to-the-floor table and began to monch on ther breakfast in pretty much silence as everyone enjoyed their meals. The other free then got onto a conversation so Kazuichi took this time to day dream. He started dreaming about good stuff like the footy game that started in a few hours and the new machine he could tinker with, before his mind wondered over to something...Thoughts...A certain question...Was he really straight?


Finally the football match came around and all 4 lads were sat on the sofa, still in their pajamas and cronchin on some snacks. Even Gundham had changed back into his after breakfast so he could feel more comfortable and just relax. Yet even as the game began, Kazuichi couldn't help but wonder about his question from earlier. Yet this was thrown aside for the time being as Fuyuhiko started yelling at the TV already , even though the match had only just started. It was always funny to see these two teams playing as Hajime supported one side and Fuyu supported the other. It was also hilarious how pissed the Mini Hot-head would get when the opposing team scored and Hajime looked so smug about it. Even someone like Gundham could get a chuckle out of Fuyuhiko's footy rage.

They continued to watch and at the end it ending 1:2 on Hajime's behalf and caused the Small child boi to try and punch the TV, which really didn't work seem as Gundham was a stronk boi and held the midget baby back. He started growling at Hajime like a feral beast and trying to attack him. Tanaka eventually let him go when he got bored and wondered back up to his room. Hinata had to run away from Fuyuhiko chasing him around the whole appartment and Kazuichi did the same as Gundham.

Souda sat on his unmade bed and started to think again. He needed some advice...But from who? He needed to tell someone trustworthy and who can keep a secret, at least for little while anyway, and maybe give him the advice that he so desperatly required. He picked up his phone and scrolled down his contacts "Akane? No...She's tell Nidai...Chiaki...She's no good with advice...Nagito...-.....Just no..." He groaned slightly until he stopped on his most trustworthy friend. Of course! Sonia could help!" He quickly dialed her and listened to the ringer for a few seconds before she picked up. "Hello? This is Sonia speaking." Came her normal formal greeting
"Hey Sonia..." He mumbled slightly, starting to panic slightly and regretting what he was doing
"Kazuichi? Are you ok? You sound quite skeptical to talk to me!"
"Well...I need some advice." Kazuichi muttered into speaker.
"Some advice? Why of course! I can try my best!" She could be heard smiling just from the way she spoke.
"Ok thanks Sonia," He smiled slightly and gained a little more confidence, "I need some relationship advice."
"Relationship advice? Kazuichi! Do you have what you would call, a crush?!" She asked in shocked delight
"U-Uh...Yeah...I think i do..."
"Oh this is marvelous! I can help you get her in anyway possible!" She squealed slightly. Kazuichi started sweating mildly.
"W-Well uhh...He's not a girl Sonia..." He admitted quietly. This seemed to make Sonia even more excited though as she practically yelled through the phone. "I knew it! I can give you all the infomation you need to win over your special love! Now i just need to know how this certain someone is!" She chirped happily. Welp. This is what Kazuichi was dreading but there's no going back now...

"...W-Well...I-It's Gundham..." He mumbled under his breath into the speaker and a shriek of joy came from the princess.
"Oh joyous, joyous day!" She cheered "I just knew you would start falling for him!" Kazuichi blushed slightly at this and told his friend to quieten down so she wouldn't alert her flat mates. She obliged and started to ramble about knowing the two would fall in love and start a family together. Kaz's face had gone ketchup red (he doesn't like tomatoes so he ain't saying he's as red as those demon plants) by know and he was quickly telling the princess to shut up as he started to get more flustered. After this, she got back on topic and spoke more humanly to Souda now. "So you say you would like some advice with how to confess your feelings? I can help with that!"
She seemed to be smiling again.
"Really ya can? Thank ya so much Sonia!" Kazuichi grinned, still a little crimson tint lingering on his cheeks.
"So i shall find out what Gundham enjoys most to help you out. But perhaps you can confess at the Valentine's dance and gathering as we are staying the night at the hotel?" She suggested. An idea immediatly sprung into Souda's mind and he grinned at it. "I know what to do now!
Thank ya with the bottom of my heart Sonia!" She gave him a plesent 'No problem' before she hung up.

Kazuichi had a plan, and he was gonna make it work out.

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