Shopping for Love

341 12 14

Fuyuhiko and Hajime had returned with Cards against Humanity as their new game later on and sat down to eat the meal the two had prepared.

But before they had arrived, Kaz had put on some music on the radio in the kitchen and started quietly singing to himself as they cooked and baked. But a little into the song, Gundham suddenly started to join in with singing! He surprisingly had a very good singing voice and Kazuichi listened to him contently before joining back in. The two sang as they made the food and chuckled with each other as the song ended
"Ya know Gundham? Ya a really good singer!" He complimented, his face absolutely beaming.
He blushed at this and covered his cheeks with his hands as he had taken off his scarf
"W-Why thank you...Kazuichi..." He said Kazuichi's name. HE SAID HIS NAME! OH MY GO- Okay calm down. You're the author, stop fangirling. God some people jeez-
His name being said caught him slightly off guard
"D-Did ya just?! Say my name?!" He was in utter shock. He had n e v e r heard the Gothic male say his name.
"Well yes i did...I thought i could refer to you as yourself as i class you as my friend now." He mumbled as he hid his face fully into his hands. He really didn't know how to react but their little interaction ended as their housemates walked through the door. "Hey bitches!" Fuyuhiko waved as he saw the two and Hajime set the small plastic bag onto the dining table. 
"I smell that you two have been busy huh?" Hajime chucked as his nose picked a wonderful smell of cookies in the oven. This made Kazuichi quickly snap back to reality and he picked up the two plates of freshly made food like a waiter and put them infront of Hinata and Kuzuryu's usual seats.
"There ya go guys! We made ya tea so we didn't have ta wait!" He grinned his shark teeth as the two sat down. Hajime nodded his thanks as Fuyuhiko immediatly tucked in.

Kazuichi walked back over to the other two plates of food and picked them up, taking them over to the chairs he and Gundham usually sat upon. He took off his apron and placed it on the counter before sitting down and looking back over at Gundham. He was taking out the cookies and placing them onto a plate whilst a small curse word escaped his lips as he burnt himself on the tray. He tried to hid this though and sat at his chair once he was done. The four of them enjoyed the meal and cookies whilst talking about the day they's had. Fuyuhiko was still complaining about his hand be he mainly seemed to still be in a good mood non the less.

After they had all finished, it was decided that they needed an early night. Sunday was pretty important as the valentine's day dance for the former Hope's Peak students was arriving quickly and they all needed smart outfits. Tomorrow, Kaz was going out with Sonia to go and get some fancy clothes and he couldn't look like death when he did.

He trudged into the bathroom in his room and stared at himself in the mirror. Seeing the large bags situated under his half lidded eyes made him realise just how tired he was. His groggy looking face also didn't help. He yawned and took some more pain killers with some water before  bumbling back into his bedroom.

He flopped onto his bed before removing his glasses and snuggling under the covers. They were lovely and warm, sheilding him from the cold that had made it's way past the heating system. He quickly drifted off almost immediatly and didn't even realise when Fuyuhiko entered the room.


Kaz slowly awoke when he heard voices inside of the room. He turned his head over to Fuyuhiko's side of the room and saw that Peko was there. They seemed to be having a nice conversation about what shop they were gonna go to to get their outfits.

He groaned slightly as he sat up and scratched his head before heaving himself out of bed and putting on his glasses.
"Oh good morning Kazuichi." Peko bowed a little with a wave before turning back to the small gangster. Souda waved back as he lumbered into the bathroom with some clothes.

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