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As Kazuichi's conversation with Sonia progressed, Hinata and Kuzuryu had stopped running around the apartment and overheard a tit-bit of the conversation. Hajime paused outside of the closed door, causing the anger midget to slam into him. "Oof! Hey!-" He was about to yelled before Orange juice man hushed him. "Sshhhh... I hear some tea being split..." He whispered and pressed his ear up against the wall. Fuyu quickly hopped onto his shoulders and listened as well. Hajime pulled out a spare orange juice glass out of his pocket and used it to hear it clearer. He also handed one upwards so Kuzuryu could also hear the tea. They heard Kazuichi ask someone on the phone for relationship advice and started to get excited, looking eagerly towards each other. But just as they where about to hear who his secret love was, Gundham walked around the corner and caught the two red handed.

"What do you two fiends think you are doing?!" He snapped as he saw them, causing Fuyu to fall off Hajime's shoulders as he was so startled. He also dropped the glass he was holding, it shattering on the floorboards and as he put his hands out to protect his face from slamming into the floor, his hand landed slap bang on the pile of demonic little glass shards. Little bastards. He screeched as blood spilled from his hand, glass bits sticking out of it. "AGHHHHHHHHHHH! FUUUUUUUUCK!" He screamed at the top of his lungs in agony. Hajime quickly pulled the midget to his feet as Gundham tried to come to his senses to register what had just happened.
"I'll take him to A&E! I'll see you later Gundham!" Orange Juice quickly said as he rushed out of the dorm with Fuyuhiko, not even bothering to put some shoes on his injured friend.

Gundham just blinked and started at the now bloody patch of floor. The door then burst open. "The hell was that scre- AH SHIT!" Kazuichi had stepped on one of the shards that were still scattered on the floor and it had wedged into his foot. Tanaka quickly but hesitantly put his arm around Kazuichi's waist and placed the other's arm on his shoulders to sturdy The mechanic as he walked him back into his bedroom and sat him on the bed carefully.

"I would like to take off your foot-wear Sharped Toothed One." Gundham said as he knelt down infront of him.
"F-Fine...B-But back up a bit w-would ya...Ya look like ya g-gonna suck me off or somethin'..." Kazuichi stammered whilst shaking slightly from the pain. He did as requested and also removed his blood soaked sock, revealing a large peice of glass wedged in his foot.
"Hold on a moment." Gundham left the room in a slight hurry before returning shortly after with a towel, tweasers and some anti-pain spray shit. He knelt back down and used the tweaser to pull out the glass whilst trying not to cause his pink haired friend too much pain. Kazuichi let out little yelps of pain as it was removed and these increased to minor shouts as Gundham applied the anti-pain spray shit.
"O-Ow! That stings!" He hissed at him.
"Just hold still. I am trying to clean your wound fiend." He started to clean the blood off his foot with the moist towel, ignoring Souda's complaints and whining. He then started to remove the bandages from his arm reluctantly. Kaz had never seen under the tight bandages that covered Gundham's skin and managed to keep his eyes open to see what he was hiding under there. Beneath the fabric was various cuts and scars, this made Kazuichi's eyes widen.
"W-What the fuck happened to ya arm?!" He cried in shock and minor consern. Gundham just sighed and started to wrap the bandages tightly around his injured foot.
"They are from the many beasts i train. Your pain should be tolerable now. You are able to walk again Tamer of Automations." Kazuichi nodded slightly and stood up, Gundham doing the same and looking down at him. "How is it?" Souda shook his foot slightly as to waft away the pain.
"Yeah. It stings slightly but i can deal with it. Thank ya Gundham." He looked away slightly and rubbed his arm, feeling his face get slightly red. Gundham had turned away as well, and was covering his cheeks with his scarf.

"You are very welcome..." He slowly exited the room in silence. How odd. Kaz never knew how quiet the so called Overlord of Ice was. With such a villianous persona, he wouldn't of expected him to be such a shy indervidual. It was still very cute when he covered himself with his scarf. The pinkette started to day-dream for a while until he was pulled from his thoughts and the front door could be heard opening.

Big Time Gay, a random crack fic (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now