Chapter 4

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*Third Person POV*

Kirishima and Bakugou dropped the topic of the argument ever since, for now at least. Bakugou still had questions, Kirishima had unknown answers. Kirishima spent more time with the League and less time with Bakugou for about a week until Bakugou asked him to meet him in his dorm to talk about something that wasn’t related to the argument, for the most part.

*Kirishima POV*

Bakugou asked to see me at his dorm, he said he wanted to talk about something, he did say that it didn’t have much to do with the topic of our argument, I can’t help but feel sick. Sick for lying to him, and sick for not trying to make it up to him.

After school I made it to his dorm after a minute or two of waiting at my own. I knocked on the door and heard movement inside then the door opened “come in” he said, I could hear the stress in his voice, probably from thinking about school amongst other things.

“So what is it” I ask siting next to him, he sighs then answers “I’m worried.” What?! Bakugou? Is this about how I’ve been acting? “About what?” “About you, you’ve been acting really weird and distant, almost everyone in our class is worried” have I been that obvious.

“Bakugou I… I’m sorry” I say quietly, he turns to meet my gaze and says “for what? You’ve done nothing wrong I’m just asking if everything is fine, I hate…” I didn’t quite hear the last of what he said because he mumbled it. “Bakugou, I wish I could tell you but” I look down “I don’t want you to hurt or worry… it just isn’t important anyways” he lifts my head up with his hand “you keep saying it isn’t important but it is weighing you down so much even the dumbass pikachu can notice” I can’t help but blush a little at his words and actions.

“Please, I can’t see you like this, getting it off your chest will help, I know from experience” I then look him in the eyes and just say “I don’t want you to go through the same pain” he looks away and says kind of quietly “sometimes I hate how stubborn you are.”

I start to get up only to be grabbed by the wrist “hold on” I just look at him, he looks pink “never mind” with that he lets go of my wrist and I leave him, I walk back to my room. What was he going to say? What ever it was, he looked embarrassed, that is probably why he didn’t say anything. I look at my clock, I need to leave soon. Maybe I should try to spend more time with Bakugou, after all he is worried about me. 

No, remember what they said ‘don’t get attached,’ but I think it is too late for that. I like this explosive boy, and I’m probably the only in our class you can tolerate his attitude, he has changed a lot though. 

Maybe he hasn’t to others, but I can’t imagine him with someone like me.

I sit up from were I was laying on my bed and realized “holy crap he might actually like me” I say thinking out loud. I was happy but also sad. He does get nervous around me sometimes, and he treats me different from everyone else, in a good way. He was probably about to tell me his feelings, oh crap. I can’t date him though, even if my thoughts were true I couldn’t. Plus the day was almost here to go for the plan, we had everything set up. I have to push my feelings aside and do what I was born into. A villain.

*Bakugou POV*

I heard Kirishima say something when he was in his room but the walls prevented me from hearing it. He sounded sad but happy at the same time, at least that is what I thought. He may be stubborn and sweet but he sure is loud, I could hear him get up and move around a bit, he seemed tone thinking out loud at times. Though he was thinking, he seemed to be contemplating over something, something important. I out my ear up to the wall to listen better, what I heard was “tell Baku... about him… keep silent… tell anyone” is all I could make out from the other side. Does he feel the same. Sure Katsuki, like anyone could like an asshole like you. 

What if he thought of me different if I told him. The thoughts kept me up for so long I didn’t even notice how late it was when I heard Kiri’s door open and close and footsteps soon fading, he is leaving again, to ‘go see his parents’ at least that is what he says. How reacts to my questions about where he goes tells me it has something to do with what is wrong with him.

Shouldn’t be doing this. I got my stuff and went after Kirishima, following him to what looks like an abandoned wear house. What the actual hell, he HAS been lying to me, but why. This must be important. I follow him as he walked up and into the building. I do the same and hide behind something so I could still hear what is going on but to not be seen.

BOOM CLIFFHANGER, I always thought I was bad at that but here we are. Will he see what Kiri has bee hiding for so long? Will he do something about it? Find out next time on ‘What Has My Life Come To :)’

                                - Noodle Chan

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