Chapter 7

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Awkwardness, I AM HERE :)

*Kirishima POV*

“Kiri, can we talk about something?”

I nod and he looks down for a moment, “Kiri, I… I-I like you, and well, like a lot” he looks up at me, I can tell we both are extremely red, about as red as my hair. He sighs so I say “Bakugou… I...” I put my hand on his “me too, I like you too” he intertwines his finger in between mine.

He puts his head up to mine as if to ask for permission, I close my eyes and put us close enough that if either one of us moved forward, our noses would touch. Then, he puts his lips on mine, I kiss back immediately to let him know it is fine. We sit like this for a moment then he pulls away, we look at each other for a moment, my heart is beating really fast but I don’t care. I deserted the villains, I don’t care anymore, I don’t care if they find me, I’m not alone anymore. I have someone. I have Bakugou.

I smile at him and he puts his forehead on mine “I like you Baku” “I like you too, Kiri.” We sit there for another few minutes like that until we hear a knock on the door. Baku gets up and walks to the door to answer it, I couldn’t exactly see who it was but I could hear their voice, was it Todoroki? I couldn’t make out what they were saying but I saw that Baku was getting a bit mad, so I get up and walk up to them “hey Todoroki, what’s up” I ask “not much, just telling Bakugou something important” he says then Baku yells “yeah but I already know that, half-n-half!”

I put my hand on his shoulder and he calms down a little “hey man, let’s just play some games” I tell Baku. “Oh yeah, speaking of games, Mina asked if you two wanted to come to her dorm for some games, like tabletop games, video games, and other forms of games” Todoroki says, I nod “I guess I’ll go, how bad can it be” Baku then looks at me then back at Todoroki “fine I’ll come to it or whatever.” Todoroki nods and walks off, Baku closes the door then looks at me, “so what kind of games do you think raccoon eyes has” he says “probably the same as us when it comes to video games, not sure about the other games, though.”


*Bakugou POV*

I am not sure what our relationship is now, but we will figure that out soon enough. What we call ourselves, boyfriends? Friends? I thought about this for a moment “should I ask him” I say quietly to myself “ask who, what?” I hear come from behind me, I forgot Kiri was still in my room, we were just talking and playing some video games for a while. “Kiri, what are we” I ask him “what do you mean” he responds, “what would you consider us” he thinks for a moment then sits down next to me “would you like to be boyfriends?” I look at him and smile “yeah, I would like that” he smiles back and says “we should get going now, it is almost 8. Mina must be starting in a few minutes, knowing her” I nod and we get up and start to walk her room.

Kiri knocks on the door and raccoon eyes opens it up and says “just in time, I’m about to start” then she looks at me “wow you even convinced Bakugou to join us, that is an achievement right there, well come on in” she says to us as she steps out of the way to let us in. There were a few people already here round face (Ururaka), glasses (Iida), Deku (Midoriya), icy hot (Todoroki), pikachu (Kaminari), and tape arms (Sero). Me and Kiri sat down next each other, he sat next to pikachu and I sat next to Deku, great.

Almost the whole class is here well besides headphones (Jiro) and the amphibian (Tsu). Raccoon eyes came up to all of us and said “okay, tonight we will start off with a tournament with the video games, we will then play a few board games, and finally a few normal sleep over games, cool, cool.” Some heads nodded and some look excited, some looked like they were mentally saying ‘okay.’

“Alright let’s start” she says “we will play a tournament of the game Injustice 2” we all agreed that it was a good choice. The tournament lasted not as long as we all thought. Here is how it went down, so Kirishima and icy hot were up first, Kirishima did like a bunch of combos while icy hot was trying to get away, it didn’t last long but was really cool. Next was pikachu and round face, pikachu was horrible is all I’m going to say, he had no idea what he was doing. Then there was me and tape arms, I took him down pretty easily, he choose a character he didn’t know how to use properly.

The game was coming to an end, the last people in was me, Kiri, Deku, and round face. I decided to go against Deku, for obvious reasons. I would say he lost badly but he put up a pretty good fight, but in the end he lost. Next was Kiri and round face, Kiri did a different tactic than before, he mostly dodged then hit, but he held up better than I would have. In the end it was only me and him, it took a while but he won, he put up a really goof fight, he dodged and countered the majority of the game but also used many combos I didn’t even know existed in this game. Kiri won 1st, I placed 2nd, and Deku and round face went against each other to see who would take 3rd, it was Deku. Then we went on to the next game.

Raccoon eyes grabbed two different monopolies for two different groups, since there were so many of us. Me, Kiri, raccoon eye, pikachu, tape arms, and glasses were at one then the rest were at the other. We played for about 2 hours, pikachu was the first one out, then it was tape arms, then Kiri, finally raccoon eyes. It was down to me and glasses, I had almost half of the board he had the other, we played until he landed on boardwalk with a hotel on it and he went bankrupted. I won that monopoly, the other round face won, they were done about five minutes before us. Then the last few games.

“Alright everyone, this night has gone well so far, next we will play my favorite game, the game of secrets, the game of madness. Truth or dare” raccoon eyes exclaimed. Everyone was quite excited, I was less than thrilled, I look over at Kiri he seems to be okay with it, so I sit down in the circle. Unfortunately, people were already sitting around Kirishima so I salon the opposite side of the circle from him. We were about to start “okay so Todoroki why don’t you go first” raccoon eyes said pointing to icy hot.

“Kaminari, truth or dare” he asks “truth” he responds “is it true that sensei watches the one brain cell you have bounce back and forth between you and Ashido” he says Deku giggles a little. “Uh true” he says and almost everyone starts to hold back their laughter. “Okay well, Bakugou, Truth or Dare” pikachu says to me “dare I ain’t a coward” he thinks for a moment, then a smiles “I dare you to say something nice to Midoriya.” I look at him kind of mad, Kirishima notices and moves his hands as to say ‘calm down’ I calm down “Deku, maybe I don’t always want to kill you” I say in the nicest tone I could muster. “I think that is the closest I will ever get to a compliment from Kacchan” he says, then looks at Kirishima “Kirishima, Truth or Dare” he says to him, “dare” he responds. Deku smiles and looks at icy hot, who is sitting next to him, he then says “I dare you to get in the closet with Kacchan for 10 minutes” he says almost too enthusiastically. We look at each other for a moment then I get up “well come on, we don’t have all night”

Two Paths Villain!Kirishima x Bakugou (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now