Chapter 9

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He put his finger on the trigger and...

*Kirishima POV*

There was a bang, but it didn't sound like the gun, it sounded like the walls being torn down by pure strength. They all turn around and Shigaraki and Dabi leave out of the room, Toga runs up and unties me, well my hands were still tied together. She makes me get up and flings me over her shoulder, she then proceeds to run out of the room with me. I would use my quirk but I feel to weak from blood loss. I then hear voices, my vision starts to blur, I'm losing more blood from her putting me over her shoulder in such a harsh way. I completely black out, not knowing what I was hearing or seeing, it was all just a blur.

*Bakugou POV*

I see the psychopath, Toga Himiko, herself, she was hold Kiri over her shoulder. During that moment I felt like running up to her and killing her then and there, taking Kiri in my arms, but I knew I couldn't; one, heroes can't kill anyone; two, I might seriously get Kiri hurt; three, I don't have my provisional license. I stepped so other heroes could take over the situation, besides I probably can't handle this situation like the pros could, they could get it done while still keeping him safe.

All Might brought me outside to avoid any casualties in their plan. The plan was to get them one at a time, first the warp guy, then hands guy, flamethrower, and finally the one who had Kiri, the psycho. I didn't get to see what was happening since I was brought out, all I could see was the closed doors to the abandoned building, and I couldn't think straight at that moment. (Bakugou, you never think straight when it comes to anything, ha ha get it...okay, let us continue.)

*Time skip brought to by my dead soul :>*

The noise stopped. I see some of the pros walk out with that psychopath, the hands douche, flame dude, and that warpy bastard (I tried to think of accurate names that Bakugou WOULD say). They were handcuffed and being escorted to the police cars. More pros walk out with Kirishima in their arms, before I even had time to think, I was running over to him, the pros tried to stop me but I resisted and got to him.

Soon enough he was being carried by the paramedics into the ambulance vehicle, I begged them to let me on. All Might said they should, so they did. I rode in the back next to my Kirishima, I could barely hold back my tears as they came rushing out like a waterfall. I held his hand the whole way there, it felt like an eternity until we got there, they let Kiri out and bring him to the emergency room. They told me to wait outside, I was too mad and upset to argue, so I complied with only a little hesitation.

After what yet again felt like forever, but was only a few hours at most, they decided to let me in "you may enter, but be careful, he has many cuts and bruises that need to heal." I nod letting them know I understand, I walk in and see him still unconscious laying in the hospital bed. I pull up a stool and sit next to him, I didn't want to leave, I couldn't.

*Kirishima POV*

I wake up in a dimly lit room, unlike the one I thought that I was previously in. I feel a light grip on my right hand, I look over to see Bakugou sitting next to me asleep holding my hand softly. I don't feel as in pain as I was before, it still hurt just not as much. Then it hit me, I was at the hospital, I'm an idiot. So were the voices the pros coming to help me, but how did they find me. I get so lost in thought I barely felt the squeezing coming from my hand, "can you not move so much, you idiot, you're going to hurt yourself more" I hear the familiar voice. I look at Baku who is looking back at me "good morning? Or afternoon? Oh who care, good to see you sleepy head" I tell him, he lifts his head off of the bed. "Well first off, I should be one to call you a sleepy head, two, it is" he pauses to pull out his phone "2:53 in the morning, and three, don't move too much you moron, you'll hurt yourself even more than you already have." "Awe come on, you love me" I say "which is exactly why I said that" he replies "does the rest of the class know?" He nods "they said they are coming by tomorrow, er, later today, damn I'm tired" he says rubbing his eyes.

"The hell?! I'll kill those sons of bitches?!" he says as I told him what happened "calm down, Baku" "like hell I will, those dickheads nearly killed you!" After calming him down, he finally stopped his yelling. "I thought you were going to wake up the other patients with your yelling Baku" I tell him jokingly "Katsuki, call me Katsuki" he responds looking away, I can only assume to hide his blush. "Wha- really? Do you think you are on first name terms?" He nods and I smile "Eijiro, you call me Eijiro then."

Well, we are now on first name terms, and everyone in our class, and I mean EVERYONE was questioning us about our relationship towards each other. We still didn't comply to most of their questions, like "are you two dating?" or "why are you talking to each other in such a manner, are you that close?" Surprisingly even Todoroki was asking questions, although Mina and Midoriya looked as if they knew what was going on. Midoriya and Mina just looked at us basically telling us 'tell them' with their glares and arms crossed. Katsuki eventually fled them out of the room, but Midoriya, Mina, Sero, and Todoroki refused to leave and said that they needed answers.

"So you two ARE dating" Mina says, I nod, Katsuki scoffs, "and this has been going on for how long?" Todoroki asks. "About four days now" (I legit took a few minutes and looked at my other chapters to try to get it accurate) Mina looks at Katsuki then myself then tries to hold her inner fangirl in "Kiri, why didn't you two say anything?" Me and Kat look at each other for a moment then he answers "cause we needed time to figure out some stuff" that is when Mina broke and walk over to the corner and started to fangirl as quietly as she could, which was still quite loud. "Well, Kacchan, we also came to say that All Might did want to talk to you about something, in private" Midoriya says "yeah, okay, when did he say?" Kat asks "Later today at about 17:00 (5:00 pm)" "okay, thanks I guess Deku" Katsuki says then ushers them out after a moment.

We continue to talk fora moment, then he brings up a question I should have expected "when will you be released?" "I think when my cuts are mostly healed, so in about... 3 or four days...?" I ask/say. "Okay, because I'm going plan a date for when you get out, is that fine with you?" I nod "yeah sounds great" he gets up and kisses me on the cheek "well I'm going to talk to All Might about something." "Okay, bye Katsuki" "bye Eijiro" and with that he quietly closes the door behind him.

*Bakugou POV*

"All Might, you wanted to see me" he looks up from what he was working on "ah, Young Bakugou, yes, please sit down." I sit down in the seat in front of him "so I have come to ask you a few questions about the attack and the kidnapping of Young Kirishima, do you mind if I ask" I shake my head "go on."

(A for All Might and B for Bakugou... okay I just realized something, so imma make this joke... this is and A B conversation so C your way out)

A "So what happened during the attack from where you were?" He asks holding a pen in one hand about to write on a small notepad.

B "Not much, there were some weak villains coming at us, we tried to move out of the area to make it easier, that is when we ran into hands- uh Shigaraki"

A "Why do you think they tried to get Kirishima?"

B "My best guess is that they were either trying to get me but ended up with the wrong person, or they were trying to use him as bait or some fucked up shit like that"

A "What did you do during that time, and what did the villain do?"

B "I couldn't do anything, I felt useless, just as much as back in Kamino. The villain threatened to kill him right on the spot if I even moved at all."

A "that is it, I know this was hard on you, you may go and enjoy the rest of your day" he says with a smile.

I get up and start to walk towards the door "oh and Bakugou my boy" he says "hm?" "Remember to say hi to young Kirishima for me" I had a feeling that that is not what he was going to say, but I dropped it quickly and walked out saying "okay." I could feel his contagious smile even after I was out the door, 'now I can see why he chose Deku of all people, his positivity.'

1,640 words

Lol this is a bit of a boring and short chapter but I had writers block so I didn't know what else to do. I think I might put this story on hold after chapter 10.
- Noodle chan

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