Chapter 10

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*Bakugou POV*

I make my way back to the hospital, it has been a few days since I last talked to All Might. I visited Ei when ever I could, he was happy to see me, but he always said "not to waste the day with me" and to "go have fun with everyone else" I quickly told him "like hell I'll spend more time away from you then I already have, you have been injured worse then even the doctors thought, so no I won't spend my time anywhere else if you're not there with me."

He smiles at me "your the best boyfriend anyone could ask for" he says, "hell yeah I am, you asked for Bakugou Katsuki and got him! But, you are in a very close second place" (I still wanted him to have his ego, I mean... BAKUGOU here). "Well that makes me feel better" he then proceeds to giggle "hey what are you laughing at" he starts to actually laugh now "you, you big meany" "ow, I think you hurt my heart" I say sarcastically, he laughs harder.

We sat and talked for awhile, then I get to the question after a bit of silence "so Ei?" "Hm?" "When are you getting out" I ask him he thinks for a moment "my scratches are almost healed so a few days at most, maybe 2 or 3 days, you might have to ask the nurse" he says "alright, well I have to go, my old hag wants to see me, she says she wants to spend time with me today" I tell him standing up "hey Katsuki, when can I meet your mom, I was just wondering" I shrug "I can tell her that I'm going to do it in a few days and that I'm bringing someone special" he then smiles "that sounds great, don't forget to ask the nurse when I'll be out, and don't worry about telling me, I'll found out when she comes back in here" I nod and walks out of the room.

*Kirishima POV*

All I can do is sit and wait to get out or to do something, wait where is my phone? I had it at the time of the newest USJ attack, did I drop it somewhere in there? If I lost it my mom's going to kill me, crap. Maybe Katsuki might know, well I can't call and ask him cause I don't have my phone.

*Bakugou POV*

I'm kind of worried about Eijiro, he seems like he has been hiding something, but I don't want to pry. I ask the nurse when Ei will be out "Eijiro Kirishima? He should be out in 2 days, at least that is what the doctor says" I tell her thank you and leave, I walk back to the dorms, I then hears footsteps behind me, I turn to see Deku running up to me.

"Kacchan, wait up!" "What do you want nerd" I say but not in my normal tone, more of an actual question. "I wanted to ask you something" he says catching his breath "what is it, I don't have all day" he then nods "well, you have Kirishima-Kun as your boyfriend right" he asks "yeah, and" he flinches but continues "w-well, I like someone, but don't know how to tell them, I came to ask you for help" he says a little nervous "who is it." I was actually curious to see who he liked, I usually would ask that question or help him, but it seems as if Ei has grown on me.

"I well, i-it's Todoroki-Kun" he tells me, he seemed kind of shocked that I didn't respond with a laugh "just talk to him alone when you can, tell him you like him then give him a minute to process it, and time to answer" I tell him seriously "thank you Kacchan!" "Tch, whatever" he continues to walk next to me until we get to the dorms. "See you later Kacchan" "yeah sure" he then leaves to sit in the common room. I walk back to my room and pull out my phone, it is weird how Ei hasn't been texting me, I do have a message from my mom though.

Hag: hey kid, so did you want to meet up

Brat: I was thinking we could move it a few days back, and can I bring someone special

Hag: someone special? Sure we could meet up in a few days, may I ask why and who?

Brat: I'm dating someone and they want to meet you, and that is the most convenient time

Two Paths Villain!Kirishima x Bakugou (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now