Chapter 8

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Well we can all assume what is about to happen, right?

*Kirishima POV*

“Well come on, we don’t have all night” Bakugou says, I get up and follow him to the closet. We haven’t told anybody about our relationship yet, so they still assume we are just friends that like each other. He closes the door and we sit next to each other, I hold his hand and whisper as quietly as I can, knowing that everyone is probably listening “if we don’t tell them, they are going to keep trying to pair us up, you know that right?” He sighs and quietly says “I know but I don’t feel ready yet, and I know you don’t feel ready yet either” he was right, I wasn’t ready to tell everyone yet.

He turns his whole body to face me as I do the same “look we can get through this without them finding out okay” he asks and I nod, I gently put my hand on his cheek, he leans into my touch. He then leans forward and places his lips on mine, I kiss him back instantly. Soon enough I was pushed to the floor with him on top of me, he pulls back “we can get through anything, okay?” We hear a timer go off and he quickly gets off me, we then see the door open, by that time we were sitting against the wall both on the opposite wall from each other. We get up and sat back down where we were before and continued the game.

The whole thing ended and we each went back to our rooms, I went back to my own room and realized I had forgotten I spent last night in Bakugou’s room, and that my pillows and blankets were still in there. I walked out and knocked on Bakugou’s door, luckily his room is right next to mine. He opens the door “huh, what do you need” he asks kind of tired “I left my stuff in here, can I get them” he nods and walks back to his bed, I grab my stuff, close his door, and walk back to my room. I set up my bed and go to sleep.


*Bakugou POV*

We were about to get ready for training, we were at the USJ today. After the USJ attack from the League of Villains they installed new security. We were put in pairs that best suited our quirks and team skills, we mostly got to choose, though. I, of course, choose Kirishima, I didn’t really care who everyone else was with. We began training, we went to different areas that were hard for it to use our quirks in, or areas that made it hard to work in a proper team, they said it would help us get used to using our quirks in areas were it was hard on us.

About an hour into training we heard a large explosion, everyone else much have known it wasn’t me because they all looked at where it had come from. There was Shigaraki and the League of Villains, they had completely destroyed the door to the USJ. Soon there were villains here and there, these guys weren’t like the last ones though, like when they last attacked. These guys were pretty strong, they took awhile to take down, and with All Might in his condition now, we might not have a chance if they brought a Nomu like before.

After a while me and Kirishima left the zone we were, we were about to go against the leader of the villains. He ran towards us, he moved fast but not fast enough he missed a grab on me. I through the largest explosion I could get out, when the smoke cleared I didn’t know what to do. He had Kirishima’s neck in his hand, almost all but his middle finger was on his neck “if you move, he is dead, got it” I stood there not knowing what to do. “Toga, Dabi, Kurogiri let’s go, we got what we came for” I hear him yell to them, what he came for. He planned to take Kirishima, this whole time. Small explosions came from my hands, I couldn’t hold back “don’t move”he said as his grip around Kiri’s neck was getting tigher, making it harder for him to breath, so much to were he couldn’t use his quirk.

I couldn’t do anything to help him, I said we would do things together. I feel just as useless as I did back in Kamino. A warp gate opened, but before I could try to run at it, it was closed. I felt like I was dying right then and there. What are they going to do to him, what are they going to do with, what am I going to do, I promised him we would do things together and I screwed it up. I felt like I was going to cry, but no tears came out, only empty breaths.

Everyone gathered around me and asked what happened, but Deku and All Might were trying to calm everyone down. I finally got up from where I was and walked with All Might, he took me to a separate room. He asked me what happened, I didn’t know what to say, so I took a deep breath and started to speak “we were trying to take down as many villains as we could from where we were, we tried moving to a different area better suited for us to fight. They ended up catching me while we both were off guard, that is it” or at least that is all I could get out. I felt helpless, cold, and alone, what was I supposed to do, I need to help him, I have to help him.

*Kirishima POV*

They take me back to our old meet up spot, it was the abandoned wear house, it was the further from the school then the rest. They must have moved real bases, they must have thought I told everyone, because everything that was there was now gone. All I want is to leave. I hate that I did what I did, I hate that I was forced into this life, I hate that I accepted that, and I hate how I didn’t tell anyone even if revealed that I was part of it at one point. I was brought to one of the prison room with a chair in the middle of the room, that sat me in it and tied me to it with rope. They just left after that, leaving me alone with nothing but the chair I was sitting on. I tried to use my quirk to cut the ropes, but it didn’t work, I forgot that these rooms canceled out quirks, especially emitter quirks.

What seemed like a few hours later Shigaraki came inside the room and closed the door. He walked up to me and crouched down to my level, because I was sitting. He looked at me for a moment then began to talk “what did you tell them, did you tell them about everything or not” I didn’t say anything, he seemed to get impatient with me and stood up. He walked out and Toga came in a few minutes later. She walked up to me “hey Eijiro, so you betrayed us huh” she asked “don’t call me that Toga, I’m not your friend” I say quite harsh “aw, you’re cute when you’re mad, you know what will make you look cuter?” I already expected her to do something bad “if you had a few cuts on you” she pulls out her knife, I knew this would happen as soon as she walked in. She held the knife up to my throat “I would start here, Tomura said he doesn’t care if you live, but I want to make it painful first” she then laughs.

She left the room soon after, I had cuts all up and down my legs and arms. It was painful, but not as painful as if I were to see the face on Bakugou when he saw me being taken, he may not show his emotions well, but he is sensitive when it comes down to it, and there is a death possibility in this situation. I didn’t know what happened after that, I must have blacked out. I just wish to see everyone again, to see Bakugou again.

*Bakugou POV*

All Might is talking with other pros, I told them just about everything, I said I might know where they took him but it was only a wild guess. That wear house, he went to it a while ago, I never got to see what was in there but he stopped going after a while. Maybe that was a special place to him and the villains moved into it and he stopped going because of that. . .?

The pros invited me to come in and talk with them about what I saw, what I know, and where I think he might be. We talked and they decided that I should go with them but not fight, since I still didn’t have my provisional hero license, yet. We left as soon as we could, I led them to the area I remembered it being in, now I just had to remember the rest of the way to get there.

*Kirishima POV*

I wake up to the sound of the door opening, there I see Dabi “I think it is time to end this” he says as Toga and Shigaraki both walk in as well “oo oooo, can I do him first, can I can I?” She says enthusiastically, he nods and she walks up to me pulling out a sharp knife, not like the dull one she usually used. “Cheer up Eijiro, it will be over in a bit” she says as she puts the knife only cheek and slides it down, the warm red liquid started to rush out of my body and down my cheek. Then she cut me a bit more on my shoulders and down my left arm, she then looked at the other two and said “okay your turn.”

I was very nervous, and I had a good reason to be. Dabi then pulls out a small handgun, not too much bigger then Toga knife. He walked up to me and put it on my head “I did like you you know, you were always too nice for your own good Kirishima, bye now” he puts his finger on the trigger and…

Well, this is serious, I think I’m going to do next chapter about my hero academia memes that I have for some reason. Also I've noticed that my chapters are getting longer and longer.

                                 - Noodle Chan

Two Paths Villain!Kirishima x Bakugou (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now