Chapter 4

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I made a quick dinner and decided to have an early night. Predominantly because I just wanted to get the dream over and done with. And as I had predicted, the second my head hit the pillow, I found myself standing in a horrible room. The exact same as the last time. I looked around and as I did, a small rotting school desk appeared in front of me.

"Did you make your decision?" A voice echoed throughout the room. I shut my eyes for a moment, and when I opened them again, the woman from the previous night was standing behind the desk.

"I won't give up my powers. There's nothing you can do to save me, but maybe I can use my powers to save myself or to help my friends save me. And at least by having my powers, I know I can always keep my friends safe." I told her.

"Wrong answer child," She snarled. "Then I guess you're okay with letting your boss die as well?" She asked suggestively. I froze.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered. A taunting snicker escaped her mouth.

"I know about the danger in the third bedroom of that house." I gasped at my belated realization. I knew now why I knew that house from my dream. I knew the dangers that lurked there. 

"I don't believe you. There's no way you could know about that!" My shouting voice responded. 

"Are you willing to take the risk?" My eyes reached the ground below me as I shook my head.

"Then give me your powers."

"How will giving you my powers change anything? I may be able to use them to save Naru!"

"I am far more likely to be able to save that precious boss of yours as I am far more skilled and can enhance those powers to protect him." My mind kept turning her words over in my head. Is this what Naru meant? Only the living can save the living. Does that mean that my decision really could decide his fate? Am I willing to risk it? I wish he were here. He'd know what to do. He always knows what to do.

"Fine." My words stuttered. I knew I was unwilling to risk his life. I had made my mind up. She smiled darkly. Without hesitation, her arm reached towards me but was interrupted by a loud call.

"No! Mai!" I craned my head around and relief washed over me as Naru's tall, proud form stood before me. 

"Naru!" I called, rushing towards him. I clung to his upper arm and he gently guided me behind him.

"Did she take any of your energy?" He asked, not removing his cold stare from her once.

"No, I don't think so."

"Hello Kazuya," She snickered. Naru remained silent. "Well, I don't appreciate the silence after all these years." Never had I ever heard Naru sound so threatening as when he said:

"Leave now and do not ever come back here." Her smile widened and she vanished into a puff of smoke. I don't know how my wish came true, but I could barely contain my gratitude towards him. That being said, now I may have condemned Naru to death.

"Are you alright?" His cold voice asked. I silently nodded.

"How did you get in here?" I queried, looking up at his profile.

"It doesn't matter, so long as you didn't give her any of your energy."

"I didn't." Naru nodded once then began walking away. Why was he being so cold? Normally when I'm in my dreams he acts so nice. Right now he's acting like the real Naru. I am in a dream, right? Then my jaw dropped as I thought of something.

"Wait! Naru!" I called, running after him. I didn't think he would, but after a moment he stopped and turned to face me. "It's you, isn't it!? Not a figment of my imagination, the real you! You're the real Naru!" He raised an eyebrow then his face broke out into a smile. Not the fake smile, but the smile he always gives me in my dreams. "But how? How are you here? How do you do it?"

"You are aware I can conjure poltergeists?" He asked in response. I nodded. "Well, that's only one aspect of my psychic abilities. There are many other aspects I maintain. One, for example, is connecting with the consciousness of others, so long as their minds accept me."

"So does that mean that it has always been the real you that I see in my dreams?"

"Yes Mai. Unless you've started dreaming about me because I'm just that good looking as well."

"So do I actually get the premonitions, or do you just tell me what you already know?"

"You are the one who gets the premonitions, I just come so that I can explain them to you.

"Oh," I stated simply.

"Last night, something happened before I was able to enter your mind. I was being pushed out and there's no way a dummy like you could have done that." I rolled my eyes at his remark. "When you came into work today, you weren't acting like yourself and I knew it had to do with whatever happened last night. Earlier, when you told me you thought you shouldn't come on the case, I knew someone was trying to scare you." He told me. "I came tonight to prevent you from making the mistake of giving her your powers. I was beginning to think I wouldn't be able to get through in time, but to my disbelief, you broke through her defenses and let me through."

I sighed. Even if giving her my powers would have been the wrong choice, she was right about one thing. Whether I liked it or not, there was a dark secret hidden in the room of that house, and anyone of us could be killed because of it.
"Mai, listen to me. That woman just wanted your psychic abilities and would have said anything to get them." I wish I could tell him what she was bribing me with. I wish I could tell him my past. I looked into his eyes and knew they had seen many years of sadness. I knew that even if I couldn't tell him, he understood.

"Thank you, Naru!" I exclaimed, jumping across to hug him. Immediately he froze. Then slowly, after several moments had passed, his arms reached around my back and on my head. 

"Listen," He whispered in my ear, "You can't tell anyone I come here, okay?" I was desperate to ask why but also just wanted to stay in his arms a little longer.

"Okay," My response came.

"I need to go." He said pulling away.

"But Naru!" I protested. His eyes lit up and the corner of his mouth ever so slightly lifted.

"I expect you to be at SPR early tomorrow, ready to leave by 1:30 latest." I giggled as he turned around and walked away. Thank you, Naru.

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